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Posts posted by chediavolo

  1. On 8/17/2023 at 6:03 AM, ChattyCathyLA said:

    And, another thought … why was Aiden crying and taking the blame for his son’s accident?  It was his ex-wife’s weekend to care for the boys!  If anyone is to blame, it’s HER … not him!  She knows Wyatt is a problem, yet she couldn’t  predict what he was gonna do after their fight?  And, she’s been living with this kid for 14 years?  Aiden trusted his kid’s MOTHER  to look after her own child and SHE F’d up!  She’s irresponsible!  WOW, for her to lecture Carrie on not to write about her kids and to “not hurt” Aiden, and then not properly look after her own son?  Talk about “lip service”.    She’s a real piece of work!  I think I’m figuring out now why they’re divorced … 


    And … Wyatt needs to go to therapy … NOW!  Maybe he can go to that nice place where David Duchovny went? 😁🤣

    Because he’s a pussy besides being immature . Just like he won’t go back intoCarrie‘s old apartment.  give me a break. both of these assholes should’ve thought about this apartment in relation to him living in Virginia or wherever the hell he lives and her not wanting to leave New York City. and his son sounds like a spoiled little bastard and correct the mother should’ve kept a better eye on him

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  2. Why are they trying to romantically involve Raylan and Caroline? There is zero chemistry between them. She is not too street smart, she looks 20 years older than him . And between the wardrobe that accentuates her belly & the horrible wig, not attractive. And again.. no chemistry.  

  3. On 8/15/2023 at 10:28 PM, Jordan61 said:

    To make matters worse, Vivian Olyphant is actually 20 years old.

    dear God, she really needs vocal lessons.  Hope she’s gone for good. It was so implausible that Raylan  would have such an idiotic child. 

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  4. On 7/19/2023 at 4:29 PM, NeenerNeener said:

    I'm still kind of blown away by the fact she's actually Olyphant's kid.

    Is that how she got the job because she’s. Terrible. So far I can’t stand this show. It’s nothing like the original, but I’ll give it a few more although I’ve heard it doesn’t get any better. If it weren’t for Timothy Olyphant I would have bailed. 
    on another note, is anyone getting severely frustrated with this website and all the technical glitches? 

  5. 13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Ahhh, so she's due very soon.

    All I heard from the 2 seconds I watched was Leo making dick jokes. As always.

    Leo? STFU.

    Representation is supposed to be good, right?

    I had such hopes for Dimitri. There's zero plausibility to him wanting Leo and risking millions but sure...his pop culture references are just so irritat...um, irresistible! Yes! Irresistible!


    I’m really not liking the sexual innuendos on the show, especially the ones coming out of Leo’s mouth. It’s not funny. It’s just low class.

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  6. On 8/9/2023 at 6:15 PM, Harvey said:

    S3EP3: Wow, I loved the scene where Sheila owned her nastiness in front of Danny. "This is who I have always been. I just didn't let you see it". That was so empowering. I started just skipping the scenes with Breem. I literally do NOT care about his wife or family drama. But at least in this episode most of the focus was on Sheila and not the secondary characters, which is where the show shines.

    If I saw correctly, the Italian guy fed Sheila a simple salted tomato. While that is flavorful, it is not THAT good 😄. The scene where she told Greta about meeting him was so cute  though🥰

    Yeah! And no universe is a sliced tomato better than surf & turf. 

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  7. As an aside I hope this website gets fixed soon because it is frustrating. Trying to maneuver around , it’s slow. It blanksout and starts again not to mention that it’s so hard to find everything the way it’s set up.

    • Like 3
  8. A new comedy series on Netflix. It’s really good . Set in Australia. A recently fired lawyer & her  new job. I like her. Quite a few of the people around her are incredibly nasty and unfortunately, she bears the brunt of it but I really like the show so far.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

    The tummy tuck lady came out very well. She had a great attitude  and I'm glad for her success. The "pig nose" lady looked a lot better too, but she shouldn't be touching her nose all the time because I think Dr. Nassif said in a previous show it can take many months for the nose to settle down. And of course, there is always a freak show moment like the gal with the huge boobs. I knew as soon as I saw her the docs were not going to do anything to those ginormous boobs except to warn her to leave them alone. And that guy that was with her looked nothing like Freddy Mercury!

    These 2 need therapy. WTF. Freakshow  for sure  


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  10. 15 hours ago, boes said:

    Is Show trying to make Eric even more unlikeable?  If so, they're doing a bang up job of it.

    His insistence that the baby carry his last name proves once again that Eric looks at this child as nothing more than a trophy for himself.  It's bad enough to hear Roman and Kate and Marlena enable that bullshit, but they also talk about Sloan "giving" Eric a child.  What the actual fuck??

    I wish Sloan would leave Salem in her rear view mirror for parts unknown, leaving Eric with the sadz because she took "his" baby away from him.

    Then I want Holly, the kid who wasn't enough for him, to give him a good, swift kick in the nuts.

    Awww, poor Eric.

    So, not a spoiler, but anyone wanna bet that Eve has a previously unknown child, fathered by Harris back in the day, whose existence will come out sooner rather than later?

    Anyone give a rats ass?

    I was also WTF at Eric, wanting Sloane to take his last name! What year are we in?! I have been married for decades & ever since I was a teenager, I knew I wasn’t going to take a man’s name if I ever got married and I didn’t. I have my own name.  Can we repress women a little more? Ugh  🤢

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  11. Very very slow still pop up ads still, I posted a reply on one of the forums and it did not appear. In the middle of scrolling, the page will go blank and have to reload. what happened here.

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  12. 19 hours ago, mojito said:

    Upgrading to Grand in Atlanta

    Sixty-ish nurse-looking for home for her and her mother. She walked down the stairs like a toddler: first foot on the lower step, second foot on the same lower step. Does not look agile. So she purchases a two-story for her and her mother🤷‍♀️

    Modern or Vintage in MI

    Cute couple. When hubby states he's okay with a higher price tag if he doesn't need a hammer to move in, wife responds,  'You truly are a character. I don't even know why I'm looking for a home with character when I have you." I liked the home they chose; they're in a phase in life where it's not necessary to have a large back yard and they might as well focus on interior living. 

    I thought the same thing she could barely get up the stairs now can you imagine in a couple years plus she has a mother that’s , what, 20 years older than her and they buy a two-story home? Idiotic. The third house the ranch was beautiful was the best.

    9 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

    That place was awful but one bathroom for five, while inconvenient, is not catastrophic.  I grew into a fully functioning adult in that exact situation.  You all make accommodations and it teachss a lot of life lessons like sharing and consideration for others.

    Same thing with me, we grew up with one bathroom. But everybody’s crazy spoiled these days. Look at how each kid has to have their own bedroom! Are you kidding me? Bunch of entitled brats. 

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  13. On 7/1/2023 at 11:27 AM, aghst said:

    Ethan must be another adult actor playing a teen?  Unless teen actors have big back tattoos these days?

    Yeah it is pathetic of Paxton to drop out of ASU to go back to high school.

    Is Sherman Oaks really that diverse or does it look like United Colors of Benetton as this show depicts?


    Tattoos are a symbol of nothing anymore. They have been turned into a fad instead of a symbol of a certain lifestyle & rebellion. It sucks that it has been normalized. 
    legal age for a tattoo in California is 18, is he 18? 
    As someone nowhere near as young as these actors, is rampant sex, large tattoos & such diversity in school common now? This show is making me wonder. 

  14. Just watched night of the iguana. Good movie. Just could not stop staring at Ava Gardner.  my God her looks faded fast. Only 42 . She looked like the definition of white trash.. looked and sounded really rough. But then once I found out that she was an aficionado of bull fighting I couldn’t stand her anymore so that probably sways my opinion.

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  15. On 7/27/2023 at 12:40 PM, clubsauce said:

    Why does Aiden look like Bryan Cranston? Why was he wearing a coat that made him look like he just left the military a century ago? Was he wearing dentures? 

    Was going to say the same thing what the fuck was he wearing ? and Carrie sat at a table in a restaurant for a half an hour or more and didn’t throw any money on the table just walked out. Bitch move. 

    • Like 5
  16. On 7/25/2023 at 5:12 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    Do you like Wonder Years?  Young Sheldon?  Did you maybe see that other show I mentioned above (The Kids Are Alright)?

    Then you might like this.  That said, I have only watched 10 minutes of it so far.

    So far the show isn’t living up to any of those shows  that you mentioned. But I will stick with it and give it a couple more tries. I just didn’t find it funny That having a hard time investing in the characters, but will keep trying

  17. 10 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

    Two new ones on tonight were nice. Likable guy in the Texas episode, glad he didn’t spend too much more than he was comfortable spending. At the end, what a beautiful cat he has!

    Wisconsin episode also nice, mom and son were pleasant. Don’t blame her for wanting a house on the lake. Glad she was happy with the house they got, near the lake. What a huge primary bedroom!

    Had to turn off the first rerun. $950,000 budget, and complaining that 3400 sqft was too small. SMH!



    So nice to see someone with a decent budget for once, and who has turned his life around from whatever caused him to be homeless. I personally would’ve picked the second house, but kudos to him for trying to spend less money. And the cat was gorgeous.!

    34 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

    No snark about Mr. Urinal?

    That was strange, but I was assuming maybe it had something to do with how tall he was. I really don’t know I’m not an expert on men using urinals. Everybody has their strange quirks, but he was a cat lover, so he gets a pass in my book.😄

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