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Everything posted by jason88cubs

  1. Back then it was very taboo for men to be seen crying, they just didnt do it in front of others or at all but Charles had no problem lol
  2. Greta observations. I always found it weird that Caroline wasnt their for the premier of season 9. I guess Charles took em all to Missouri then came back to say goodbye?
  3. no Nels and Harriet did not go to wedding. Nels gave Charles a gift and said he hoped Mary would remember him
  4. even in some episodes the wind was insane. they must have used high power fans, like the tornado episode
  5. In the Bunny episode, why didnt Doc Baker recommend they take Nellie to a doctor? One in a bigger town. I figured he would've
  6. Quick mention of The Waltons, I always felt their show was more gritty. Especially the first 3-4 seasons. Olivia(Mom) was very strict in the earlier seasons but they lighted her up. Kids walking around barefoot because they couldn't afford shoes, John always being a sweaty dirty mess from working in the mill They really got down and dirty but it changed. Idk if the network made them lighten it up or they got a little lazy
  7. I always thought they dressed to light for the cold harsh winters they got
  8. The fire on The Waltons was really intense. They got really close to the flames
  9. I'm surprised the Oelson's were as well off as they were. WIth how the town of Walnut Grove was financially I'm surprised they didnt move somehwere where they could have people paying for stuff and not always using credit But come to think of it , tehre was a few episodes where you would see money being exchanged, it just seemed like Ingalls was using credit alot. I never recall Garvey or Mr Edwards doing credit unless I missed it? BUt I felt bad for the Oelson's. They were friends with people and I'm sure declining credit to people wasn't easy
  10. At least with the Waltons, John wasn't going around sticking his nose in everyone's business and getting his ribs broken constantly
  11. I'd just like to picture Charles playing his fiddle all night, the one time a yera he played it while Mr Edwards got drunk while singing ol Man Tucker
  12. I wonder if they stayed up till midnight on New Years eve back then?
  13. I've always felt the movie pilot is just amazing. Thats always a must watch for me
  14. I can't imagine them eating in bed. With the bugs and rats and mice that were around you think eating in bed would be a big NO NO. I mean even today alot of people dont eat in bed. Can't image the Ingalls doing that
  15. I'm surprised we didnt get a random episode with a sherrif who was then never heard from again
  16. 2 inches of rain today. Crops are ruined, cant pay the mercantile, looks like I'll have to travel 50 miles for work At least I got my good friend Chris the Handyman to look in on my wife make sure she's ok
  17. I always wanted a real scary drama episode. Like one of a starnger going around stealing stuff robbing people. Episodes that went that way ended up being comedy or sympathy
  18. Charles to Caroline "Looks like I'll be gone for a month doing work" Caroline "OH no!!!" (in her head thinking, looks like Chris the Handyman will have to try my..."apple fritters")
  19. (Charles anytime he entered a new town) "What child can I adopt
  20. It's crazy to think back then if you had a medical emergency , it could take you hours to find teh Doctor. If he wasn't at his office he could be anywhere! But I wonder if the Doc would have like a chalkboard on his door and would put where he was going in case someone had to reach him? They didn't do that on the show but I would imagine in real times they would do that?
  21. didnt the actor who played Doc Baker say something about lack of royalties?
  22. Charles after hearing anything bad happening and he wasnt there "Why couldn't I have been there? I could have played the hero!"
  23. Its almost like in the later seasons they just threw crazy ideas at the wall and saw what stuck but i still cant help but watch
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