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Everything posted by jason88cubs

  1. About to get divorced but wanna try to work it out one last time? Just contact Charles Ingalls and he'll have you laughing so hard you'll forget why you wanna get rid of them!!!
  2. Was watching White Lightning and thought man this Dude Watson looks familiar Turns out it's matt Clarke who appeared in 3 episodes of LHOP 2 as Boulton--Plague and Child of Pain(I couldnt find him in this episode though) and as Seth Berwick in Mortal Mission
  3. So they used it multiple times? I just recall reading it was in a episode besides this
  4. When the James brothers came to town and his out in that house...wasn't that used in a previous episode? I swear I saw that somewhere but can't recall
  5. I know it's a show and all that and continuity wasn't important back then, but I always get a kick that the first episode of season 2 was the Ingalls being dirt poor, owing a huge tab at Oelson's then 2 episodes later Walnut Grove is getting a bank and Charles is trying to get a loan Great episodes though but just kinda funny in a way
  6. I find "The Angry Heart" hard to watch. When he pushed the grandpa down, just really tough to watch. Good episode but very dark
  7. Decided to check out Monster of Walnut Grove last night. Charles allowed Laura and Mary to walk, without a lantern that I saw, in the dark to The Oelson's mercantile to soap the windows for Halloween. I just can't imagine in real life them allowing that. If I recall it was a pretty long walk. I can't seem them allowing that in real life
  8. I know there was a few episodes where Laura snuck out in the dark.like that had to be super dangerous back then, All you had was a lantern, I mean that could not have given you that much light to walk in the pitch black could it have? Plus the risk of wild animals. I feel like if a kid did that and got caught their would be MAJOR repercussions. You never saw ANYONE go out at night at all pretty much
  9. That's one good thing this show did. They really made you feel like it was severely cold even if it was really 80 on set
  10. which somehow resulted in NO CONCERN for the animals or the fact that they would likely starve to death due to running out of food because their were trapped for probably at least 2 or more weeks I mean their was a lot of concern in the episode where they go caught in the blizzard where they shacked up and Charles almost killed the horse but in this episode? Nah lets just laugh and gather the presents
  11. I do recall them not having a lot of rain in episodes at least rain you saw. Probably hard to get that set up filming wise
  12. I was looking at old schedules to see what LHOP was going up against, man I can't even imagine living during that time having to choose between shows. Not knowing in the future I could watch any episode I missed due to this wonderful thing called DVD'S. I saw the show went up against WKRP for 2 years. I would have lost my mind trying to pick between the two. Well actully if i was a teenage boy I'm sure WKRP would have been the choice then the last half hour would have been LHOP
  13. I remember seeing "The legacy" the first time and being so confused by the opening scene. I had no idea what was going on lol
  14. I thought sometimes the Oelson's had to much merchandise in their store. Walnut Grove seemed like a poor town so some of the stuff they had seemed really unnecessary.
  15. I think the Oleson's paid or gave credit to people who brought in meat, thats what I imagine
  16. I bet they really enjoyed spring and summer back then, later sunset, could be out doing picnics, playing games
  17. ahh ok thanks! even though they had a lock, I doubt they used it very much
  18. Myabe I missed it but before this episode did they even have a lock on their door? I cant recall a episode befopre where they mentioned a lock
  19. I feel like the Ingalls should have been more worried about all the tools in the barn that could have been stolen not the stuff in the house
  20. I know Doc Baker was gonna take a look at Ma's leg but then someone came up and said their was a emergency but you think Doc Baker coudl have taken 5 seconds to just look. Not blaming him at all but I have a feeling in real life, he wasn't leaving till that leg got looked at
  21. I always found it interesting the Oelson's had to go through the store, from the living room, to get to their bedrooms
  22. Imagine being like Charles, anytime a situation happens, you play dramatic music than you go and involve yourself in the situation to try to solve it
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