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Everything posted by jason88cubs

  1. I woke up last night to the original movie playing. Such a fantastic movie
  2. Though I make fun of this show, I honestly believe watching this made me a better person. Just nicer, more helpful all that
  3. For some reason I randomly thought of "the ANgrey Heart " episode today and the scene where Charles was holding the kid saying "i dont wanna hurt you son" and all that. I don't know why but it made me chuckle a bit
  4. It's been awhile since I watched LHOP I saw it on tv the other day though. "Family Quarrell " had to stick around for michael's laughing
  5. the house was very cramped when every got older .Idk how they handled it. Especially in winter time. Everyone cramped up all day
  6. My coworker has been watching She said there's some good stuff and some really bad stuff olol
  7. Think how Caroline would have felt if she had saw Charles with that one lady in "Someone, please love me"
  8. I have way too much time on my hands, but gosh this is fun (Early morning) (Charles rises to scrambled eggs, tomatoes and bacon on the table. Charles smiles takes a whiff)"mmmmmmmmm fresh home made breakfast. can a man gt any luckier" (Laura walks in) ugh eggs again!!cant we ever have pancakes! the olesons have pancakes 4x a week. and all we get is eggs (Charles slaps Laura) Charles: now you listen hear child, dont you ever disrespect your ma like that again. you eat your eggs or let your sister Carrie eat them (Carrie smiles) "gooogaga bbaaa daaa reeeeee teee" CharleS: see she appreciates your ma's cooking" (Laura runs out of the house crying_ Caroline: LAURA! (chases after her, but Charles stands up grabs Caroline by the arm) Charles: let her go dear. shes gotta learn it the hard way Mary: i dont mind eggs. their good for you! ill eta them every day! Charles: ok brown noser shut up and eat your eggs (charles walks to work and runs into the doc) doc: charles ! how you doing charles: good doc just about to go to work as usual. sun up to sun down just to scrape the barrell. doc: well listen charles you still owe me 5 dollars for taking out marys tonsills charles: listen here doc i aint got the money! sorry we arent all rich like the olesons! doc charles i never said that charles : i know what you meant! know look im running late. trying to get me fired now you country doctor! (charles rips off his shirt and starts running, the doc gives a shocked look) (charles gets to the mill) hanson: charles. you late again. that is 5 days in a row you late charles: i know mr hanson and im sorry. the doc stopped me hanson: yes he told me he looking for you. why you no pay your bill? charles: becaus e not all of us are rich like you , you low paying dirty rotten sob(charles takes hammer and slams it against the building) hanson: charles i let you go. im sorry, you a good worker but your attitude" charleS: "huh like youll last 1 week without me!" (charles spends all day walking then comes up with a plan) (charles talking to himself) charles: yea thats what ill do. ill break in the olseons and steal the money hehehe (11:00pm) charles sneaks into olesons mercantile(shirt off), and takes all their money, he runs home and surpises caroline who has been looking for him(the next day charles tells caroline they have to go) As they pack to leave, Nels ,Hanson, the doc all show up. Charles gets nervous. Hanson tells charles he saw him sneaking out with the money nels apologizes to charles that he is rich and charles is poor nels says" keep 50% of what you got charles" teh doc says ," dont worry charles ill never charge you again" charles cries and says "what a group of friends." laura runs home and says "mom we can have eggs everyday its ok" charles takes out handful of money and says "half-pint well be eating pancakes from now on" everyone laugh and charles smiles and winks at camera
  9. just a little fan fiction i wrote once Title"you must keep believing" Scene 1 The episode starts as Charles rides into Walnut Grove to stop by and ask Doc Baker to dinner. The Doc says hes about to perform major surgery, he secretly tells Charles hes nervous and this would be safer with a major doctor but THERES NO TIME!! Charles looks at the doc and says "Let me be responsible" The doc says "Charles you have no training!" Charles says "Doc all i need is confidence. That i have" Charles takes off his shirt and sanitizes his chest and performs the surgery He botches it and the patient dies. Charles goes out in the waiting room and gets choked up and says " I I uh I lost her!!" and breaks down crying. The doc stands up and says to no one in particular "How could I let this happen!?" Caroline, who appeared goes up to Charles and says" You must keep believing Charles!!" Charles gets up looks at the doc and says "We would still like you to come' over for some chicken and dumpling and some of Caroline's famous apple fritters tonight . See Ya around 6!" Scene 2 The next morning at Hansens Mill, Hansen is stressed because they are behind on a major order Charles comes up to Hansen and say s"i think we can get this done, why dont we just increase the speed!" Hansen says "Nahhh that will not work! Machine will break! No we will just have to work longer day!" Charles gets frustrated and says "oh Come on Hansen I have plenty of experience with stuff like this. I can get it working just right. Just think, companies from all over the state of Minnesota will be coming to us. "Quickest mill in the state" will be our slogan Yea!" Hansen says "Yea wellllllll, hmmm you say you can do this?" Charles says "just watch" Charles takes his shirt off and gets to working on it Charles increases the speed and at first it works great, Hansen is smiling but then the machine starts smoking and breaks Hansen" Oh no no no!" Charles gets a frown and starts crying, "I thought I had it, The dream almost happened!" caroling who was at Olseons Merch walks up to Charles and said "YOU must keep believing Charles!" Charles wipes his tears, looks at a stunned Hansen and said "Well looks like we wont eb working late, se ya tomorrow!" Scene 3 The next day at Olseons Mercantile, Nels is handling some very expensive plates Charles walks in all sweaty and dirty, smelling awful and Nels is cheerful as can be Charles says "Well Nels looks like you have your hands full" Nels says "Yea trying to get all this put away. Theres a lot though, been at it for 3 hours!" Charles whistles and says "tell ya what, let me help and I'll pay my bill right now!" Nels laughs and says "Id like to but each of these is $15.00!" Charles looks at Nels and says "Ive held babies, Ive delivered babies, i think I can handle $15.00 plates" Nels says "You are right, Im sorry for offending you" Charles takes his shirt off which makes Nels ask "why" Charles" Nels, My chest will intimidate these plates in to not falling" everything goes great for 5 minutes until Charles breaks 10 plates Nels screams "Thats 150 dollars!!!" Charles falls crying holding the broken plates to his chest, Caroline walks in to sell the eggs and says "Charles You must keep believing!!!: Charles says your right honey, ;looks at Olsen and says " Just charge that to our account Nels!" Scene 4-Final Scene At church the rev is giving a sermon, then stops , gets a serious look and says "I have had reports of a certain member of this community who keeps causing trouble" (charles looks around, little smirk, nods at a farmer and whispers to Caroline "Its Chris the handyman) The reverend look at Charles and say "THIS PERSOn is a egotistical , rude, selfish person, and I am ashamed that I welcomed this person into my life Charles is holding back laughter "WOW HES REALLY GIVING IT TO HIM!" The rev comes down and stands in front of Charles and says "Frankly Walnut Grove was better without you" Charles gets a shocked look The whole town stands up and says "Charles we dont want you hear" Charles starts crying, takes off his shirt and says "We dont want to leave" Caroline says "WE arent leaving charles its you , you see im now dating Chris the handyman, Chris comes up and kisses her . the daughters start saying "daddy Chris! Charles is grabbed by Edwards and Garvey and thrown out of town. Charleis crying and caroline gives him one look and says "Stop believing Charles" The episode ends with Charles going to a new town and walking up to someone who needs help and says "Here let me help you with that"
  10. I do like how in BARN BURNER when the judge asks for the Reverend to recommend a fair and honest juror forman , Charles gets picked right away and Charles has a shocked look but you know inside he was all "Heck yea!!! Let's go baby!! I have the power to pick jurors! What now Harriet! Oh I can't wait to tell Caroline. Heee Haww!"
  11. Then we have a episode of Charles trying to set the Wilders up as thiefs so he can be the hero again
  12. my coworker is starting to watch LHOP, streamming it from season 1 on She showed me a picture of her living room and I saw a scene from "THE PLAGUE" and sai d"Oh I see LHOP is on and it's THE PLAGUE" lol
  13. I know times were different but I always felt bad that Laura couldn;t see Mary get married
  14. yes I was. I love that scene where Harriet just keeps rambling and rambling to the tax guy while Nels is looking at her like "shutup!!!"
  15. I feel like Sunday nights are a great ngiht to kick back and watch some LHOP to end the weekend
  16. Random question, but did Nels and Harriet sleep upstairs by their children or did they have a room on the lower level? I know we would see them in the bedroom but can't recall the location
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