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Posts posted by ThePurpleArcher

  1. 4 hours ago, Tammee said:

    Yikes I'm about to admit to something and frankly its left me shaken lol.  On Friday's show, i was actually in agreement with a lot of what MM was saying.  the *horror* ! Hehehe! oh well Im sure it wont last.  Like sands through the hourglass.....wrong show?  

    I can't say I agree with what MM says only because I don't pay enough attention to what she says. I hear her talking way too fast in that montone high pitched voice and the only repeated words I pick up on is "pundit" ,  "Arizona" and "pregnant" - so I'm assuming the pundit  state of Arizona is pregnant ? 😂

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  2. 3 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    As I understand it, the SWAT-ing at the end of s3 left Dianne in a coma, and all of 4.1 (except the last couple minutes) were her dream/vision/whatever. So in her “reality” Kurt had died, but not in real life. 

    Thanks - that makes sense. Very confusing to say the least. I wonder if they will ever re-visit this in the future, and shed more light on this. 

  3. On 4/14/2020 at 11:32 PM, txhorns79 said:

    At the end of Season 3, Diane got into a conflict over strategy with her women's group and thought she had bested them.  If I remember right, one of the women got revenge on Diane by SWAT-ing her. 

    Here is where I am totally confused ! S3 ended with Diane and Curt being 'SWAT-ed'. What was the result ? It flashed back to Diane ending up on the floor of her bedroom, with the paramedics waking her. What was the result of the SWAT invasion ? Did Curt get hurt (or killed) ? What happened to Diane with the SWAT ?  I lost the connection of what they were trying to tie together between S3 and S4.

    Any help anyone can give would be appreciated! 

  4. I wonder if Friday is a 'live show' which is why Monday is a repeat ? That way they can stick to their four day work week. 

    I'm surprised Dylan McDermott will be on this Friday - his show "Hollywood" began streaming last week on Netflix. He should have been on April 30 or May 1, when it dropped.

    Now it's old news; why promote it ? 

    • Love 2
  5. Overall, I found this week to be another dud week. They've gotten much better with the tech aspects of broadcasting from home, but there's still something off with the show. I just find the show 'unpleasant' each day for the past few weeks.

    It doesn't help that Joy is irritable and not relaxed, while Megan is angry and defensive every morning.  Whoopi and Sunny seem to be biding their time, making the season run out.  Really not too enjoyable. 

    • Love 5
  6. 22 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    I think this series is based on Scotty Bowers' memoir.

    Jim Parsons is brilliant. Is his character Roy Cohn?

    I believe it is inspired by Bowers' memoir. I remember reading something about it a year ago (maybe it was in reference to this Murphy project when it was announced ?) and borrowed the book from my library.The book was 'ok', but really lacked any kind of excitement (I think it was written rather poorly, to be honest). Shortly after I read the book, Bowers passed away. 

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  7. For those of you not familiar with Jeremy Pope, he was quite the sensation on Broadway last season (2018-19) and was even nominated for 2 Tony Awards:

    1. Best Actor in a Play (Choir Boy)

    2. Best Featured Actor in a Musical (Ain't Too Proud')

    He did win an Outstanding Debut Performance Award from Theater World, for 'Choir Boy'. 

    This role is sure to win him an Emmy nomination.

    As for Lupone, I've been a big fan of hers on Broadway since 'Evita'. I can't help notice in this series she is playing up to the Academy to score an Emmy for her role (yes, she's over-acting in the role). It also looks like she's auditioning for the movie role of Norma Desmond in ALW's 'Sunset Boulevard' (which she was fired from in the London production back in 1993). 

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  8. Keep in mind, Joy was supposed to be in Italy right now - something she had first told us back in December when she planned her trip. I think she was really looking forward to a nice two-week vacation after a long winter (like so many Americans were looking forward to an April vacation with their families) and now she is stuck at home. I think that's why she's coming across as so unhappy and irritable. 

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  9. And if I recall correctly, the lady who pulled the 17 year old's ear, reported that the only thing missing from her 'house robbery' was the evidence she wanted to bring in.  She taught us a new word for the Judge Judy dictionary:

    Coinkadennal. She asked twice if it was "coinkadennal"   that it was the only thing missing from her house being robbed ?                              

    • LOL 3
  10. 1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one a recent rerun-

    First (New)-

    Teen Witnesses Father's Arrest-Plaintiff is ex of defendant, during a custody exchange the defendant called police about an 'alleged' assault on her.   Plaintiff is suing for a false arrest,  and a false restraining order.     This was during a custody tug-of-war, defendant ignores the child's father's rights, tried to take their teen son, then has the father arrested.  All of this happened in front of the teen son.    Defendant's 'assault' sounds like classic 'flopping' the way the soccer players do. 

    Plaintiff's witness is his current wife, who has three children, and plaintiff has two children with the defendant.   Plaintiff's teen son was the witness to this arrest.    Plaintiff wife/witness paid the bail.    Defendant came to plaintiff's home to get teen son, and it wasn't her weekend for visitation with the son.   Defendant wanted to take son to dinner, and claims she arranged this via text with son, and ex-husband.    Defendant didn't keep the text messages.    Defendant didn't have permission from plaintiff to come to his house.   Teen son (16 then) lives full time with plaintiff, and is angry with his mother, the defendant.  Son is now 16, and opted to live with his father full time.  

    The two litigants were arguing over the son going with the defendant, and defendant grabbed son, and tried to force him to go with her.       That's when son left the scene, defendant called the police, and claimed the plaintiff pushed her, and she fell.    Defendant claims a friend saw the assault, and called the police (witness did not come to court).    There are no photos of the 'injuries' (defendant claims they were in her car, that was burglarized), and the medical report shows no injuries, or other issues.   Defendant didn't go to the doctor for three days.  

    Defendant's story is son wanted to go with her, plaintiff pulled up at his house in the car, and defendant claims plaintiff was yelling at her.    Plaintiff said no to son going with mother on this occasion.       Then defendant claims plaintiff assaulted her, and shoved her to the ground.   Plaintiff said that defendant not only wanted to take son to dinner, but then take him home to San Diego where she lives.    

    Bail was $1641, case was dismissed, and defendant's request for a restraining order was dismissed also.    


    In a case which should have taken 12 minutes, tops, JJ decided to stretch this out for a full 30 minute episode to keep reminding the defendant she 'caused the situation'. It got old by the tenth time she told her, and we had another three more times to go. What a dull case.

    31 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

    That actually may be true, but it seems unlikely to apply in this scenario.

    It could be true, but no - Judge Judy wasn't buying it. Neither was I - I doubt it had anything to do with her arrest or the case. Yet she looked so disgusted when JJ dismissed that defense. 

    • Love 3
  11. 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Don't Lay Your Hands on a Minor-Plaintiff suing former co-worker (17 years old) and his ex-girlfriend (15 years old) for false arrest, lost wages, and claims the defendant burglarized her house.     Plaintiff claims girlfriend was complaining about the male defendant's actions, and put her hands on him.    Defendant male says plaintiff's fingernails hurt him, police were called by defendant's father, and plaintiff was arrested, fired, and banned from the restaurant.   Sounds like a good arrest to me.   The video clearly shows the assault.

    There are three police reports submitted.   Defendant claims there is other video footage, but someone broke into her home last week, and the only thing stolen was the video footage.     

    Plaintiff claims the defendant man assaulted her the day before, but has no proof.  

    Plaintiff case dismissed.    

    The best part of the case was when the plaintiff tried to claim the city of Atlanta was racist, and she had lawsuits against them currently for being racist. And this is why the police report was wrong  -  because the department is against her. 


    • Love 4
  12. The last shot of Will turning off the lights in his apartment is a tired cliche by now. 

    It was original when 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' ended on that note (Mary turning the lights off in the office, and closing the door) and became a classic over the past 43 years (her show ended in March, 1977).  It still brings tears to my eyes - even in repeats.  Yet so many long-running shows have ended that way, it has lost it's sentiment.

    • Love 10
  13. On 4/21/2020 at 7:37 PM, Blissfool said:

    Just don't do the Zoom in your bathroom with your hubby showering in the see-through shower stall behind you....Did you all see that video! OMG...Hilarious. And embarrassing for that couple.

    LOL! I missed that. Does anyone have a link ??? Sounds hilarious! 

  14. Let me get this straight...

    Even though this is legally arbitration, the producers and JM want to give the impression they're in small claims court, and want the litigants to respect the procedures as a 'small claims court'. Got it...

    SO the "locktition" witness stands up next to the litigant, doesn't give his name, and isn't sworn in ? Literally just stands up and walks over when summoned, and answered questions ? (At least he was eye-candy). 

    And if the plaintiff is allergic to any kind of 'glue' in her scalp or near her scalp, etc. isn't it her responsibility to tell the stylist before they get started ????  It's like ordering dinner at a restaurant, eating the whole dinner, and then you find realize their was peanut sauce in the dinner - and you're allergic to peanut sauce. After you ate the dinner and paid. So you sue the restaurant - because you never told the server of your food allergy.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

    I thought it was kind of rude today when the ladies complimented the Las Vegas mayor for looking good for her age and then Joy just says, "so what?"

    Geez, Joy! The ladies all agreed that the mayor was wrong and criticized her for it. Then they added a compliment, that I, myself, was thinking. Is that so wrong?

    Can you imagine if it were a panel of men discussing the Mayor's controversial response,  and then the men commented on how 'good she looks for her age' ???? 

    Those men would be looking for a new job tonight, once viewers pressured the network to cancel their show. The women of 'The View' would have been the first group to rake the men over the coals for daring to talk about her age and her looks.

    • Love 16
  16. 1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

    Ever since this corona thing became so huge, Joy has seemed genuinely angry.  And today I guess she decided not to do her hair.   I love her, but something's been 'off' with her since this all began.  

    I don't see it as much 'anger' as I do 'scared'. You can tell she's really scared these days, and it's understandable. She's in the prime age category of the danger zone, living in NYC, and who knows if she has any underlying health issues which makes her more susceptible (which she never shared with the public) ? You can tell in her voice and her demeanor these days that she's very panicked.

    At first I thought that is why she keeps ending with 'Okay?' and starting with 'Hullo?' but I recall she's been doing this forever. For someone as educated as she is, it really cheapens her message.   

    • Love 5
  17. I'm honestly shocked that Meghan doesn't have any framed photos of her father in view - like on the fireplace mantle behind her, under the American flag. Or even hanging on the all for the world to see ? I'm really shocked by this. 

    • Love 11
  18. Nice to see Ana back today, but c'mon. Whose bright idea was it to dress her in teal / light blue and have a teal / light blue background behind her ? They couldn't pick something else in other colors as her background ? Really ?  Who did she piss off in the graphics department at the show ? 

    She was completely washed out in the frame - all I could see was her face at times, and it looked like it was floating on the screen.  I was getting eye-strain.  I almost was ready to buy those 'VYD' glasses that couple was hawking today before the commercial. 

    Speaking of which, I wonder how much it is costing these small business owners to promote their business before the commercial break? It's certainly not free (that's advertising dollars there with millions of people watching).  Either they are being charged, or the show takes in all the $$$$  in purchases for the twenty four hour period - and the business owner gets the free airtime with viewers. 

    Back to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress...

    • Love 1
  19. 23 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    not gonna lie...I now want me some of that Jeni's ice cream. I had never heard of that company. Of course, Whoopi sends it to friends. 

    Can't wait til its a View Your Deal so I can get it cheaper!

    I checked their site - seems  that Whole Foods is the market which carries it. I'll be making a trio to my WF soon to pick some up - may have to spend my $1200 stimulus check to afford it. 

    • LOL 3
  20. On 4/20/2020 at 12:12 AM, Medicine Crow said:

    We all know what "Day of Hot Topics" means ... they're still scrambling for a guest, any guest!!!  LOL.

    Yay! That means they will book Jason Biggs again this week ! I can't wait for that !  And if we're really lucky, they'll squeeze in another 'View Your Deal' this week while unemployment numbers rise. 

    • LOL 7
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  21. On 4/18/2020 at 11:10 AM, AngelaHunter said:

    I went to buy a new stove recently for the first time in 21 years. Did I want this feature, or that, or stainless, convection, LED lights or WiFi (or maybe the wifi was for my new washer? I said NO then too) or something and blah blah. "NO!" I yelled. "I want a white stove that will cook food. Period!" Salesguy looked at me as if I were being outrageously perverse. Big advantage is that the cost of non-trendy white keeps going down.

    OMG! In late February, I went to buy a new refrigerator, dishwasher and stove for my kitchen (mind you, I don't cook but I figured I need a functioning stove / oven these days, and my dishwasher and fridge are not up to energy efficiency), my last purchase of these items were in 2001. I skipped the 'bbig box' stores and went to a local family-owned appliance store that's been around for 75 years.

    I'm single male in my mid-50s, and told the salesman (early 40s?) that I don't cook so I need the minimal in a stove, and minimal in refrigerator and dishwasher - just energy efficient.  No bells and whistles.  He understood (said he was in the same situation as me) and showed me the simplest, most basic models  - and even explained these are the models that last forever. The more bells and whistles, the higher the price, and the more repairs over time. (He wasl also kind enough to tell me to come back after Mother's Day, because they start their 'annual sale' the week before Memorial Day and the prices are slashed. 

    My problem is I want all white, and he told me those would be more money - they have to be ordered, because they're no longer popular. The popular colors are stainless steel and black - that's what is in now. No one is asking for white (like they did for decades) and now they need to special order from the manufacturer (and it can't be guaranteed) and it's an extra $100-150 for each appliance. I'm opting for stainless steel (though I think it makes the space look smaller - white makes it all look bigger). 

    I just hope I see a decrease in my electric bill - supposedly the fridge and dishwasher are what's keeping my bill on the higher side (according to an 'energy inspection' I had done from my utility company). 

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  22. 19 hours ago, Tammee said:

    What happ with the esteemed doctors Oz and Phil?  I havent seen any news. thanks

    You can Google what was said, although there was plenty of detailed coverage on PRIMETIMER's homepage for the past week. 

    Speaking of which, I noticed Dr. Ashton has not been on over the past few weeks, either. In March, it seemed like she was a weekly guest. 

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  23. On 4/17/2020 at 12:41 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

    The View has the worst of the worst as guests on this show.  Bob Saget, Lindsay Graham, Newt Gingrinch, Jason Biggs, Kim Kardashian--fuck it all-why do we watch this mess? If I see one more fucking millionaire skyping from their mansions talk about how hard it is, I am going to lose it.

    I wonder if it's hard to book guests these days. I mean, the topic of every conversation will be COVID 19, no doubt. I'm wondering if different celebs are afraid to voice their opinions and concerns, since no matter what they say they will be ridiculed all over social media ?

    And by the looks of what transpired over the past week at FOX, I don't think they will be welcoming Dr. OZ or Dr. Phil back anytime soon.  I doubt they'll even bring them up in Hot Topics going forward - which they should, since they had both of them on their show very recently. I think they owe it to their viewers. 

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