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Posts posted by ThePurpleArcher

  1. BTW, since I missed the telecast today, I hope at least one of you bought two of each item from  'View Your Deal' to send to me one,  so I can enjoy over-priced crap from today's show, too ! 😄

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  2. 1 hour ago, Lifesabeach said:

    Per Missy “there is not a lot of representation outside of Fox News for conservatives.”  Heads up people.  Look into Sinclair Broadcast Group.  A conservative company that is buying tv stations all across the country.  They tried to buy Tribune and thankfully failed.  They have a conservative slant to their editorial style.  If you ever hear  “Sinclair cares”  during your local news broadcast, beware.  And their “Terror Alert Desk” segments, take with a giant grain of salt.  Rabble rousing.  They have insidiously amped up their rhetoric at the ABC station I watch out of Portland  but that is my hometown and I still like to see what is going on there.  But it is becoming almost unwatchable.  And I pay $50 a month for cable to watch this because Dish only carries Seattle stations.  May have to cut the cord but I hate to give up AM Northwest, I love the hostess, Helen.


    About two years ago, Sinclair bought out my favorite local news channel, which is an NBC affiliate. It was the station my family always turned to for news since I was a child - they always had the best anchors, weather team, sportscasters, field reporters, investigative reporters, etc.  So as far back as I can remember (late 60s / ealry 70s) our news was always tuned to them for local news. Honestly, I never could tell if they were pro-liberal or pro-conservative, as they just delivered the news. In our market, they were always rated #1 - for decades. 

    I switched over to their competitor (the CBS affiliate) and have stuck with them since. Apparently, thousands of viewers have because this station - which was a distant #2 in the ratings forever and ever - have taken the #1 spot since last summer. 

    So in answer to MM, yes - there are stations out there aside from FOX appealing to conservative viewers. And I used my remote to change the channel and get away from it. 

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  3. I just watched today's episode. 

    I learned:

    1.  Way too much about the mechanisms of an oven door. Way too much! Stuff not even worth repeating at a cocktail party. 

    Did everyone else misunderstand Milan when she said 'You don't want to burn your shin!" (How many thought she said 'shi*' like I did, and finally had to close caption it to see what she was saying ? 

    2. Once again, if someone says they don't have a cart title to hand over you during the transaction of the car sale, DON"T BUY IT! Especially when the seller looks like the defendant. 

    3. People have really odd taste in the choices of their apartment colors. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, rcc said:

    I had to look up Merle and she and Sunny sure do resemble each other.

    She's an established Broadway actress and television actress. Her mannerisms, voice, speech are so similar to Sunny's ! 

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  5. My telecast of today's show lasted less than ten minutes, before Massachusetts governor cut in to give us an update on the state (I live in RI, but I guess he figured we all don't need to buy anymore of Oprah's crap today).

    In those ten minutes, I couldn't help wondering:

    "Who in their right mind told Sunny to wear her wedding dress today ?" 

    She looked absolutely ridiculous to be wearing frilly white lace on a Monday morning in May. 

    • LOL 8
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  6. The LeafLady was a real prize. How has she gotten so far in life ? There seemed to be something really 'off' with her. 

    About five years ago, I hired a painter in his early thirties who had just started out on his own a few months earlier. He had done a house across the street from me, and I really liked his work. He gave me a great price and I hired him immediately. When he was finishing up, I had dug out my receipt from the last painter I had (in 2008) and it was $1,000 more than what this new painter was charging me.  This new guy also did little extra odd jobs 

     I didn't want to insult him and let him know he underpriced the job, but yet I felt he knew it himself, and never said a word. I also didn't want to get away with 'free labor' (like the plaintiff in the case with the leaf lady).  So on the last day, when he was finished, I gave him a check for the balance, and an envelope with $1,000 cash in it. When he opened it and asked what it was for, I told him it was a tip for the excellent work he did. I never saw a handsome, well-built guy bawl before, but that's exactly what he did that afternoon - he was so touched by the fact I cared enough about his financial welfare (he admitted he realized he undercharged, but would never say anything to the customer).  Imagine if he didn't show up to finish unless I paid him more ???

    Today, we are best friends. Whenever I need something done - he's right at my house within a day with a very fair price (and sometimes doesn't charge me if the job is too small). He told me after the paint job that he considers my house as 'our house' and he will take care of the upkeep.  I, in turn, help him with marketing his business online (which I designed for him), which has brought him so many repeat customers. A win-win for all, and no courts involved. 


    • Love 14
  7. On 5/17/2020 at 3:37 PM, TheView said:

    Maybe Casey Rose Wilson can play Michelle and Gina Torres can play Sunny 

    The only actress I can see playing Sunny is Merle Dandridge of the series 'Greenleaf' on OWN. The two of them could be twins! Same mannerisms, too.

    From the same series, Deborah Joy Winans would make an excellent Sherrie. Lynne Whitfield could be an interesting choice for Star

    • Love 2
  8. 22 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:
    • Suzi is one smart cookie with some good financial advice.
    • Suzi is a very needy person.
    • Suzi will soak up more camera time than she deserves.
    • More camera time than we want to watch.
    • Suzi is one smart cookie with some good financial advice.



    I've always wanted to see Suzi O on as a regular panelist, too. They need someone like her - especially this past season with the fluctuating stock market and now the tanked economy. Suzy could offer so much. 


    Yes, she's needy and craves attention - especially camera attention. Yet, we've put up with Rosie in the past, and we now have Meghan doing the same - I'll be happy to watch Suzi. 

    • Love 5
  9. Joanne Worley ? I have a feeling Rosie was being humorous. I have a feeling she doesn't want this to see the light of day, either - it won't be too kind to her, since many of the behind the scenes crew members don't remember her 'too fondly' in the book (IIRC).  Though I would love to see how they deal with the tension between her and Goldberg. 

    • Love 2
  10. Thank Heavens we get another chance at 'View Your Deal' on Monday ! How in the world did they expect us to survive over the weekend without knowing where we can find  bed linens for half off the retail price of $1,500 or an ice cream maker for half off its regular price of $300?  Then there's the beautiful $800 summer handbag that has a $400 matching beach tote, and a $300 one-size fits all bathing suit to match the $100 beach blanket ! And let's not forget that $1200 juicer to complete our summer stay-cation! 

    Thankfully, half their viewers passed up on making that mortgage and car payment this weekend just to buy more stuff, and the other half will put themselves in a lifetime of debt and bad credit by putting this crap on their credit cards.

    • LOL 11
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  11. Something inside me tells me this will not go anywhere. I think this is just media hype to see the new paperback version of the book - another year from now, it will be forgotten. 

    Why do I say this? For a few reasons...

    When the hardcover book came out last Spring, it was 'talk' for about a week, and that was it. The book wasn't that good - barely entertaining, and very poorly written. 

    In short: there's a whole lot of 'nothing' between the covers. That's why it didn't sell that well in its  hardcover release. (He promises more 'juicy updates' in his new paperback - like what ? Not much has happened in the past year which hasn't been reported on by the tabloids.)

    Second,  I doubt ABC will let a mini-series happen about their show. Not while it's still airing. I'm sure their legal team will make it impossible to move forward. 


    Just my thinking....

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  12. 1 hour ago, HerkyJerky said:

    OMG, how can I forget her?  I've been watching The View for the last 20 years with my mother as a mother/son bonding thing and she was the ONLY person I could not stand to watch (and that even includes Megan, so that's saying a lot!)

    She had to be the worst choice, ever. I think they were under the impression they had found a replacement for Joy Behar - and they failed miserably. Once Joy returned they realized Collins was just a spare tire they no longer needed - and dumped her without even saying 'see ya'. 

    • Love 2
  13. To end the show with Adam Glassman and his wooden personality trying to convince viewers to buy the over-priced Oprah crap is such a waste of time.

    I'd rather they get with the current times (over 30M Americans out of work right now) and replace 'View Your Deal' with 'View Your Finances' - have Suze Orman or another financial expert on, and guide viewers on how to navigate their finances in these turbulent times.  Take questions from viewers about their personal finances, and try to help them budget or smartly invest.  

    We don't need over-priced  sarongs and tote bags to visit our backyards this summer. We need common financial sense.

    • Love 19
  14. I can't imagine anyone else but Alex Bornstein playing Rosie O'Donnell. She used to play her on MADTV in the 90s, and she nailed her. Much better choice than the obvious McCarthy. 

    As for Walters, I'm thinking Holland Taylor can pull it off. I'm not sold on Lange. Another possibility is Christine Baranski

    Cush Jumbo ('The Good Fight') would be great for Sherri Shepherd. Jumbo will rock the 'Weezy Jefferson' wigs that Shepherd did every day on the show. 

    Or, save Jumbo for Raven and let Viola Davis have fun playing Sherrie. She can rock those wigs, too. 

    As for Whoopi, the only one I can see (in drag) is Chris Rock. I mean he can do her justice. Give him the Emmy NOW - just for my suggestion! 

    As for Debbie - Kate McKinnon, no doubt.

    Rachel Brosnahan for Hasslebeck

    For Meredith - someone mentioned Sarah Paulson, and I think she would be fantastic. 

    Meghan McCain - I can't see anyone but Rebel Wilson.  Ok, maybe Honey Boo Boo (Alana Thompson).  

    I think Joy is the toughest one, but I think Christine Lahti could do her justice. 

    Bill Geddie would be wonderfully played by Zach Grenier ('The Good Wife'; 'The Good Fight').

    Then there are the one-shot deals: Candace Cameron, Michelle Collins (remember her?), Jedediah, Nicolle Wallace, Rosie Perez, etc.  Will they be included, or just mentioned in passing ? 

    • Love 3
  15. 54 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Taya, green-haired moron/bimbo(as JM called her) likes to find her true love on Tinder. She meets this utter piece of shit, Erick, and decides he's the man for her. Maybe it was the semi-dyed cornrows? Sure, they can hang out in her bedroom, while she flashes her "life savings" of 2700$ that she keeps in a jar by the door - who is it for? (oops. Got carried away) in front of him, hoping that when he sees how flush she is he might stick around. Then she had an urgent desire for food, so goes out and leaves Erick, who she has known for 3 weeks - and who has been arrested and convicted for burglary and credit card fraud. Not his fault, of course. He just innocently found a credit card lying on the ground, so of course he does what all of us would do, took it and racked up 3 or 4K on it.  He just threw in "gun charges" to the nitwitted Tara to give him cred, I guess. Anyway, she knew the neighbourhood he comes from so should expect him to be a slimy crook.

    Taya cannot testify without adding an "and everything" or "and stuff" to the end of every sentence. I agree with JM. She sounds like a 12-year-old, or even a 6-year-old, but so what? We see women more than twice her age buying the love of losers and con artists.

    Then we get the grinning Erick who cannot speak two words without basically, like, basically, like like credit card fraud, like basically, like back child support, basically. But I get it. Taya was entranced by his "tweakin'", "trippin' out", "you know what I mean?" "lingo". But hey, it's "my lingo!" He thinks he's cute. JM is not captivated by this low down petty thief, scumbag and liar.

    So. was Erick like, basically, like, selling weed to, like, Taya the Desperate Idiot? I think so, and this was even after he stole her money and told her. "Babes, I want to make babies with you". Excuse me while I gag. Erick doesn't provide for the baby or babies he whipped up with other stupid bimbos. I shouldn't be so hard on poor pathetic Taya. Looking at her Mommy sitting there, cracking up during the whole case as though her utter failure as a parent - SSM no doubt - and her daughter's tragic mental issues and feelings of worthlessness are just the funniest damned things she's ever heard.



    WOW - this played out like a skit on SNL:  Back to the 1970's when Jane Curtin played the mother to 'Lisa the Nerd' who was played by Gilda Radner (I've included a photo below).   And who's bright idea was it to dress the 20-year-old nerd in her great-grandmother's mourning dress? It clashed with her teal hair. 

    Maybe I'm in the minority, but I found Erick Mitchell damn sexy - guess I'm attracted to the courtroom 'Bad Boys' ?  I wouldn't have him in my house, or count out $2700 in front of him - but I'd like to spend 'quality time' with him (at Harvey's house). LOL!  And if the two of them keep having sex (as he testified to in court) he will indeed be having babies with her, so she best put more money in the cookie jar. 


    • LOL 4
  16. 2 hours ago, buttersister said:

    That would have been epic. She would have denied it and Rahm would have spilled all the tea in the world.

    Best thing I've read all day.

    Here's how it would have played out, verbatim:


    "I'm going to jump in here, with all due respect, let me correct you, Mr. Emanuel.  My father was a true American patriot and real war hero, and purposely lost to give a young black man a chance to be the first Black President because that's how nice my father was, always putting America first !  By the way Mr. Emanuel, make no mistake:  I have a permit to carry a gun while pregnant during these crisises, and I will use it if I have to during these crisises while pregnant, because I am pregnant and my husband Ben is the father and I can't go buy a carseat.  And don't tell me how fat I am because I don't really give a *BLEEP* and don't read your Tweets anyway."

    Emanuel would've been still with a Disney Prince death stare, and they would take a moment to realize his video/audio feed had frozen.   Whoopi would've saved the day with "Righhhhhhhhht.  We have to go to a commercial, but Rahm is sticking around with us we hope, unless Meghan scared him off with her craziness,  so we'll be right back!" 

    • LOL 14
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  17. 2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I know of a woman who  has her own small businesses (she is a dog groomer and does some sort of fitness thing). Sole proprietor.  She was complaining about not getting her unemployment fast enough. This was less than one month after she was ordered to close. I thought to myself if  you are destitute after one month how successful were you?

    Exactly. I don't know anyone who owns a small business who is paying their debts and is able to take home $7,000 / mo. - especially in a service industry such as hair salons and dog grooming where the number of clients you can possibly see in one day is limited. I just don't see it happening. 

    One of my best friends has owned her own hair salon for the past 30 years - since she turned 25 - and she's capped at 6 clients per day. Physically, at her age, you can't do more. She is making enough to keep the lights on and make a little bit of a living. 

    I myself owned a small gift boutique and never ever took home $7K a month. No one I know who owned a retail store took home $7K a month. 

    I'm telling you - there's something that doesn't sit right with this woman. 

    • Love 8
  18. 15 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

      The way it is processed is that you are the sole employee of the company which you own.   SO - whatever you profited last year, is your salary.  THe loan amount you qualify for is 2.5 times the monthly salary.   $18,000 means she considers $7,000  + to be her monthly salary.  75% of the loan is spent paying herself, and 25% pays rent/utilities.  

    She is a small business owner, and the 18K loan seems about right to tide her over for 2 months. If she had actual employees, the loan would have been bigger. 

    That is IF she showed a profit last year. As I've said before, the majority of small businesses (and a great deal of big businesses) do not show a profit ever - mainly for tax reasons.

    If she is really showing a profit, and a salary of $7K / month owning a small hair salon (not a chain or franchise) then she is either doing something wrong, or really defrauding the government.  If she is showing a take-home salary of $7K a month, then being closed for a few months is not hurting her at all. 

    • Love 4
  19. So since last week, during the middle of May sweeps (April 23-May 22) we are getting all reruns of Judge Judy, instead of first-run new episodes. What does this tell me ?

    That production was shut down in March (when they would be filming these new cases) due to the pandemic.  'The People's Court' is airing new cases (though stretched out to do two cases in an hour instead of three) , and there is notice at times that these were filmed pre-COVID 19 (so December / January / February). Looks like 'Judge Judy' isn't so lucky. Let's hope things are back on track by September, otherwise this would be her last season. 

    • Love 2
  20. 2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

    On another note, does sunnys hair look weird today?  She should go to her original color and stop the extensions.  

    I've been saying this since last week. Her natural, dark, frizzy hair is overtaking her head (you can see in her forehead and the side of her head) and these extensions look like rodent tails now. They are obviously not giving her the 'look'  she is hoping for these days. She looks terrible. It's time she asked her daughter and son to yank those out of her head, and go natural. I'm sure she's just as attractive with her real head of hair as she is with those fake blonde extensions which are now hanging on for dear life. 

    As for the rest of the show - I'm glad Sara joined the Shiva. Her discussion about how she's one of the sufferers of depression and anxiety, and overcoming her struggles to get through some days really managed to lighten the mood up. 

    Did anyone else notice after Meghan's long-winded tangent about how she agreed with Rand Paul, the only response she got was a disinterested Whoopi who looked perplexed and answered 'Riiiiight' and then cut away to Sarah about something else ? Meghan talked non-stop for two minutes (never caught her breath) like those annoying telemarketers who read their script to you as soon as you answer "Hello?"  And no one cared about what she said. 

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  21. 22 minutes ago, suomi said:

    Her stylists pay her, she doesn't pay them. They are not employees, they are tenants.

    This is EXACTLY what I've been saying since Monday. She doesn't qualify for the program, because she has zero employees. She is a lessors - not an employer. 

    It would be the same as the person who owns the property she rents her storefront from. as well as the other store-fronts. Those are his tenants - not his employees. He can't collect money from Payroll Protection if they are not paying their rents. 

    • Love 8
  22. 13 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I kind of agree with her there. Criticizing her for wearing a fav shirt a few times while in quarantine?  Screw ‘em.  Who cares what people are wearing?

    I don't blame her for wearing what she wants to be comfortable, but I am blaming her for the rude way she starts a show to millions of viewers choosing to spend an hour with them. We're here to enjoy our time with Whoopi - not be scolded as soon as the show starts.

    It's like inviting a group of friends over for dinner, and upon opening the door to them you warn:  'Don't be criticizing how filthy my house is - I really don't care 'cause I live the way I do'.  Not exactly a warm, welcoming gesture to your guests who are willing to beak bread with you. 

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