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Posts posted by ThePurpleArcher

  1. 4 hours ago, patty1h said:

    Today's case with the woman accusing her friend of stealing her husbands Adderal and an Iphone was all kinds of messy and I got annoyed with the double-talking plaintiff not being clear and half-assing a lot of her answers:  Is her sister involved or not, how does she know it's her husbands pills in the sock, why did she not mention various facts in the police report. 

    Her first mistake was taking the one-armed druggo into her house.  By the midway of the case, the whole case started smelling fishy - was all of this drama a way to get a new phone or to cover some shenanigans with prescription drugs?  I just wanted JM to throw the two of them out and let them play their druggy games back wherever they came from.

    I think the plaintiff needed a dose of Adderall to keep her going. She was so disoriented and dull - putting me to sleep. I couldn't figure out who all the 'he' and 'she' was she kept referring to in her testimony. She would talk about anything that entered her head, with no rhyme nor reason.

    And maybe - just maybe - someone can remind Harvey his new look is appropriate for his profile on  Grinder and Scruff, but not so much for The People's Court ? Just maybe someone can remind him...

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  2. Watched this morning's show on my DVR today, and all I can ask is : "What the hell is happening to this show ?" 

    It doesn't help that Whoopi greets the home viewers by letting them know she doesn't give a damn about the criticism she's getting for wearing the same flannel red plaid work shirt every day. WOW! That's a nice, warm "welcome to the show" to kick things off with in the first thirty seconds. Then she lets everyone know she's not sure what day it is, and they're having trouble with audio and video on each of their ends. OK ...who wouldn't want to stick around for an hour with all this pleasantry in the first five minutes?

    Whoopi is joined by Joy and Anna  on-screen and it looks like they're all sitting shiva.  Sunny shows up to sit shiva with them, albeit a few minutes late - and angry. Each of them looks so depressed and despondent - maybe they're mourning the death of this show. This is day 2 of this 'new depressing View' and we have more days of shiva ahead, because I don't see them perking up anytime soon. 

    • LOL 3
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  3. 12 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    I guess I need a better accountant.  I am a sole proprietor of my own business and I always show a profit and have to pay taxes.  

    Seriously, you shouldn't.  Find an accountant who can help you - especially for this year. Every small business owner should be taking a huge loss for 2020 (and they should have in 2008 - 2012).

    • Love 3
  4. 17 hours ago, OnTime said:

    Also, are these really her "employees" if they pay her for space? Shouldn't she know that???

    No, they are not. They are individual self-employed people who share her salon and pay rent to her as 'a landlord'.  Each of them qualify for their own help from the government. 

    The more I think of this, the more I believe she knew exactly what she was doing and Sunny caught her by surprise. So on television, she's feigning ignorance because she didn't have an answer prepared. 

    • Love 7
  5. 9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Actually -  she would be covered as a sole proprietor, she can use the money to pay herself, as her own employee.   WHatever profit she made in 2019, divided by 12, then multiplied by 2.5, is HER salary, that is covered by the loan.  As long as she didn't list other people as employees, only herself, it's not fraud. 


    I'd like to know if she showed a profit in 2019, as a small business owner - most savvy small business owners don't. It depends how good your CPA is (and I learned that within my first few years of business). 

    By showing a profit, you end up owing more in state and federal taxes each year. Yes, in reality your  business is profitable - however, when doing taxes your accountant finds everything you can legally claim to show it 'didn't turn a profit' to the government . That is why many smart small business owners always show a 'rolling loss' every year in business - a small enough loss to keep the business going, but one which keeps your tax liabilities down.  It's a loophole most owners know how to take (I should point out - many big business owners, too). 

    There's something about her, though, that just doesn't sit right with me. I don't think she's savvy - I think she's shady. 

    • Love 8
  6. 41 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    I took my dog to the groomers last month and honestly, it's a very low risk interaction.  My groomers had a sign on the door that said only one patron in the lobby at a time so when I walked in, no one else was there, the woman who took my dog had gloves and a mask on and when I went to pick him up a few hours later, it was the same.  So way less human interaction then you'd have at a grocery store.  I'm guessing other dog groomers are assuming similar policies and not doing walk-ins right now, so you're only briefly interacting with one or two people tops.  

    I have three little shi-tzus. My regular groomer has been open / closed sporadically for the past 6 months due to illness, flood, and now the pandemic (she's been closed since mid-March). This forced me to find another groomer for my little guys and I found one right in my neighborhood which opened last fall. The new groomer got raves by people in the neighborhood on her Facebook page, so I figured I give her a try with one of them about a month ago. (She's usually open 6 days a week, but now cut it back to three: Thurs-Sat, appointment only).

    She came out to the parking lot to meet me with a mask and gloves, and carried him into the salon (the only requirement, as a new client, was I needed to bring in all his up-to-date records from the vet, which I had no problem with doing).  When I picked him up a few hours later, she carried him out (and previously asked for a check, since she didn't want to handle cash or credit cards). What a beautiful job she did - so the next two Fridays I made appointments for my other two dogs. She gave better haircuts than the previous groomer ! She got herself a new client from the pandemic.

    I have to say its not clear in my state (RI) about dog groomers - some are open limited hours like the one I found (all with the similar procedure) and some have remained closed (like my previous groomer). There has been no 'set rules' regarding them. 

    • Love 7
  7. Overall, I was underwhelmed with the whole series. Wonderful actors were tossed around as caricatures instead of characters, while the script was tired and cliched. As usual, Murphy promised a hell of a lot and delivered very little. The only thing which saved this was the handsome male actors and the fact that they weren't afraid to strip for the cameras. 

    • Love 3
  8. 2 hours ago, rcc said:

    To me she is compensated for the lack of payment from the rental chairs. The other stylists don't owe her money because they weren't using her chair or salon.

    If that's the case, that's a different loan altogether - one which covers 'loss of business income'  which is also available. Yet it sounded to me like she applied for the Payroll Protection Program, and now that she has it - she realizes (legally)  she doesn't have a payroll. Again, if she did that intentionally - that's fraud. It will be hard to prove she didn't do it intentionally (using "I didn't know what I was applying for" or "I didn't read the small print"  are not valid excuses).  

    Going on the show today was probably the very worst mistake she could have ever made at this time. I think she inadvertently dug her grave. She can thank Sunny for handing her the shovel. 

    • LOL 2
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  9. WOW! This one-hour Monday show felt like a five-hour week's worth of shows. As someone already pointed out - it felt so depressing. Some astute takeaways from today's show....

    1. I don't know what was wrong with them today (maybe they had quite a pre-show argument before they went on air), but I felt like I was attending a funeral with them for the hour. Right to the last minute, when Whoopi closed the show with a dour 'take a little time to enjoy The View and wash your hands'. I was waiting for one of them to ask us viewers:  "Anyone want to follow us to the cemetery for the burial ?" 

    2. Meghan obviously had a crappy Mother's Day and wanted the world to know - so she couldn't take any joy in what the others did. She didn't mention that she Skyped with her mother, Zoomed with her mother, or even called her Mother. Didn't mention she sent her any gifts - not even the garbage they've been hawking each day on View Your Deal'.  I can only guess one thing:  Maybe they're not speaking to one another ? Wouldn't doubt it - Meghan has become unbearable the past six weeks. 

    3. I really found it very hard to believe the salon owner when she acknowledged she received $18K from the government, but didn't know what to do with it.  There are a few types of loans being offered right now, and you apply for the one(s) you are qualified for - plain and simple.  It sounds like this one was for payroll help to keep her staff paid. She's now saying on TV she's not sure how to use it since she doesn't pay staff, but takes rent from them (which means each of them are considered self-employed, and pay rent for the space they use in her salon - they should have applied for loans to pay their landlord rent! ). If this is true, and she applied for a loan for employee wages - she's committed fraud against the government - and that's a federal felony since it involves $18K. I do hope someone from the government looks into this more closely, and finds out if fraud was committed by her.

    4. Andrew Glassman has the personality and appeal of wet cement. You can tell the last thing he wants to do is sell this Oprah crap on 'The View'. His job for Oprah is to find products to highlight in her magazine (and I've met him more than once at the NY Gift Show over the years - he's dull in person, too), his job is not to sell the products. Please put him out of his misery and have someone else film these segments who can fake enthusiasm and excitement  'selling' this crap - Sarah Haines would be perfect.

    5. Speaking of Oprah's crap - if you're one of the 30M Americans out of work, be happy you can potentially do 'zoom interviews' wearing Oprah's favorite slimming tee shirt, with Oprah's favorite hair products, styled with Oprah's favorite curling iron. And next to you, have Oprah's favorite purse strategically placed to impress your interviewer. Don't worry that you have no money to pay rent or your car loan, since this garbage will cost you a few weeks' unemployment benefits ...you'll look like a million dollars applying for that Walmart job on-line (since they're the only ones hiring right now).

    • Love 8
  10. As this season comes to a close in the next few weeks, we shoud start a 'Judge Judy' drinking game...

    Take a shot every time JJ interrupts a litigant who's talking with "Just a second..."

    Take two shots every time she threatens the plaintiff with,  "One more time and I'm going to throw you outta here and dismiss your case..."

    Take three shots every time the plaintiff repeats the offense and JJ doesn't make good on her threat. 

    Take a shot every time JJ says "Show me the receipts" and the litigant actually starts to approach JJ with receipts in hand. I believe JJ does this purposely to set up litigant and make then look like fools. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Especially when they ask her to explain exactly how she "crochets" her weave into the sleeves of that thing. I don't think JM was doing her any favours by gushing over her genius.

    I agree - she gave her very false hope. 

    I am not a customer of her product, but as a former small retail businessman I can assure you tow things: That has a very short shelf life, and it will be easily knocked-off in a minute. 

    • Love 5
  12. What I find ironic is that they have these businesses trying to survive with 'View Your Deal' at 50% off. I've been reading on business websites that retailers are already marking their stock down to 70-80% off to get rid of the inventory no one is buying. ( I can attest to that from the number of emails I get each day advertising 75% off on average - just to clear their stockrooms).

    If these small businesses going on VYD these days want to survive  in this horrible economy, they're going to have to bite the bullet and mark their stuff down more. A candle made out of melted crayons will sell quicker at 75% off than 50% off these days. 

    • Love 3
  13. 4 hours ago, VartanFan said:

    I agree with all of this.  I believe the showoff plaintiff should have gotten - AT MOST - half back.  I did not love the verdict and do not love the streeeetching of cases to get a higher episode count.

    I'd like to see her go on 'Shark Tank' looking for money to invest in her business. The sharks will eat her alive and knock that cocky attitude right out of her. Especially when they start questioning her numbers, and the cost of manufacturing - and she inadvertently explains she lost a lot of fabric with one supplier. 

    • Love 3
  14. 10 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Reminded me of has-been boxer who beat up his wife but howled that he would never harm his beloved car, only in reverse. Gold Chain Samson, who admits here in front of everyone that his wife tore it off his neck and he had to slink out and pay to get it fixed so he could feel like a real man again. He was "elated"! Yeah, a douche who submissively scampers out of the store when ordered to by sketchy jewelry guy. Maybe a bigger chain and a few more tats can ramp up his testosterone a little more.

    Kind of tells us all what a wimp he is inside that masculine body. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, SRTouch said:

    Oh my, in a runt here - seems everyday I begin with comment about long cases which should have been edited down  to take half as long - today is another 2 case day

    • sleep cap/wrap fail: P came up which stylish head wrap to wear to protect that fancy 'do people spend hours sitting in a salon getting - she thinks it's a marketable idea, and takes her design to D to get a prototype made before going to full production - MM gushes over this 'revolutionary' idea, but I pick up remote and start skipping ahead - D makes prototype/sample, P loves it, invest a couple grand buying fabric and orders more - then things blow up - seems D and her guys take a few shortcuts and don't follow the design as they cut the pattern - pretty simple case - I hate seamtress/sewing cases, so am just looking at this as a custom manufacturing job - P gave D design specs, and a sample made by her regular seamstress (regular seamstress wasn't set up/able to go to mass production) - D failed to follow specs - D breached and, since they cut fabric incorrectly it can't be reused - D gets nothing for botched manufacture and on hook for any unusable/ruined materials -  both sides after lotto money, with P asking more than twice what materials cost and D wanting money for labor to produce the screwed up product and cuz P bad mouthed them when they screw up........ 
    • jewelry swapped at repair shop: P says he took his fancy gold chain to be repair when a link broke, and crooked jewelry repair shop swapped out his expensive gold chain for a cheaper one - looking for $1500....... D says P accepted the repaired chain and left with it, then later on made up this story of a swaperoo. ........ yawn...... sounds kind of boring - if P really didn't bother to verify he was picking up 'his' chain and only complained the next day, he'll have to have some convincing proof (or D will really have to seem shade as heck) - MM has 25 minutes to spend, but I have a button that let's me zip right through this stuff - yep, P can't prove his case, case dismissed (did so much zipping, first time I heard D say anything was hallterview)

    SLEEPCAP:  I was totally turned off by the plaintiff. She was such a show-off in front of the camera. As someone just starting a business, she needs a good dose of humility if she intends to stay in business, otherwise she will be turning off many customers. AS for the defendant, they lose the case for following directions ???? That's a nice message to send out there. "You did it wrong on the prototype so why didn't you just keep doing it wrong?"  That's like telling them, "You went through the first red light without causing an accident, so why didn't you just keep driving through all the red lights?"


    CHAIN SWAP: Is there one good damn reason why she wouldn't let that sexy guy take his shirt off ? He offered to strip at least five times - and she says no ? WTF?  Meanwhile, in LA - Harvey was drooling on camera. I was, too. I wanted to see every inch of him and his tattoos. BTW, the defendant was guilty as hell. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

    If she was honest with herself she would realize her worries about the media attacking her for her weight are actually her own worries about  her weight.

    BINGO! That's exactly what I was thinking while watching the show. 

    • Love 12
  17. 11 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

    I think HL is equally likely to call on the ditzy young women in the peanut gallery, perhaps even more so. He also often asks the more mature people.

    If there was such a regular cornucopia of young males in tight shirts in the background, I  certainly would have noticed it. Or perhaps we get the "no-cute-boys" edit in my viewing area. 

    I remember when Levin used to hold court in Times Square - outside the Palace Theater/ NY Vistor's Center around 9  in the morning during the spring and summer. Across the street was a well-known male strip club above the HoJo's with beautiful guys in their 20s-30s, and they stayed at the hotel next door to the Palace (worst kept secret in Times Square! LOL).  Anyhow, about fifteen minutes before taping, Levin's assistant would be on the sidewalk making phone calls on his cell phone and within a few minutes say to Levin 'They're coming now'.  Levin would grin from ear to ear.

    Sure enough  - within minutes - about seven or eight of the strippers would exit the hotel and join the small crowd of 'tourists' . Harvey would get all giddy like a school girl. I never joined the crowd. When the cameras weren't rolling, he would only pay attention to these guys and they knew to flirt with him and make him turn red.   (I found out later that they would receive 'gift cards' for their participation, though no one else in the crowd did).

    Those spectators off to the side like myself, and the tourists who gathered in front of Harvey, would be offered  tickets to that day's taping of the show. The male dancers would leave before the tickets were handed out - they had no interest.  The show used to tape a few blocks away on 5th Avenue, on the top floor of an old bank building. I never went because there were better things for me to do while visiting NYC on a nice summer day. 

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  18. Back to the Mitsubishi case on Monday. Can we talk for a minute about how sexy the defendant was - the one who had sold him the car ? WOW! Handsome guy and a sexy body - and a great personality, too. He knew the mom and son were a bit 'off' - and was trying to cooperate. My kind of sexy guy! 

    • Love 1
  19. On 4/27/2020 at 3:37 PM, patty1h said:

    The virus has affected the setup of the show - Harvey is not standing on the street surrounded by a group of fans who he can banter with during the commercial breaks.  Instead, he's on camera in his home(?) as he comments on the cases. 

    Poor Harvey - he can't stand on the street corner in West Hollywood and pay the handsome studs to stand around him and flirt with him on camera. (It was so obvious he would pick the under-30 muscle hunks in tight tees to talk to in the crowd.)


    Now he's in his home, looking like a hang dog who wants to escape his dog house. 

    • LOL 2
  20. I was waiting for Judge Judy to address the defendant in the Raggedy Ann wig (complete with nose rings) about her appearance, as she used to in the good ol' days. Something like :

    "Did you think you were coming to a costume party ? Take those things out of your nose, and get rid of that hideous wig. I never saw anything so ridiculous in my life..." 

    • LOL 3
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  21. At first, I, too, thought the show was a re-rum from the week before with it's opening. Glad I stuck with it. 

    It seems the show doesn't know what to do with itself, or its talented cast. It keeps running in circles chasing its tail - and this started last season. I'm disappointed since I love this show - but it doesn't seem to know who its audience is any longer. 

    One thing I know for sure - it's so much better without the character of 'Maya Reidel'.  She brought nothing to the show after season 1.    

    • Love 2
  22. Sunny has been looking pretty bad the past two days. Her natural hair is growing out under her extensions as you can see it getting darker and frizzier along her forehead and left side of her head - then you have the blond extensions attached. I'm surprised she lets herself go on TV like this, when she's so meticulous of her on-air looks. 

    I like that they do have the better backgrounds this week.

    • Love 1
  23. On 5/4/2020 at 4:28 PM, tinkerbell said:

    It's not "old news", since not everyone watches all episodes of a show the day Netflix releases it.  It was only released May 1.   Maybe he wasn't available last week to be on The View.  McDermott isn't the star of the show anyway. 

    Sorry, I totally disagree. Publicity started on this show the week of April 20, when other cast members started doing interviews including Patti Lupone and Darren Criss. It lasted through April 30. 

    It's not usual at all for celebrities to promote a project after it's been released to the public. They always do it prior to release, to drum up interest / business, which is why the hosts say they saw 'the preview of the TV show or movie' before they interview the guest or they got an advance copy of a book or CD, before it's actual release date. 'Hollywood' has been streaming since May 1, it's gotten mostly negative reviews from the major publications, and viewers are disappointed as well (just read the various chat forums and viewers' reviews). It's not only old news, but bad news for Ryan Murphy. (And there is no 'star' of the show, since it's an ensemble piece. McDermott is one of the highly touted in the ensemble).

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