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Everything posted by vanillagum

  1. why did she get cut again? did she just kick the wrong way? was she just meh compared to rookie candidates?
  2. lol that clip is 80% spinning and strutting
  3. that tiktok is one of the least funny things i've ever seen in my life LMFAO this is a DCC? she looks and acts 12
  4. finally some shine for briana. she is stunning
  5. I have no idea about Amy, hard to find info. Also with Melissa, seems like she was at the tail end of college basically and didn't go to grad school immediately after. But this is the wrong thread for this so sorry lol 😕 I'm really surprised they would acknowledge Bridget with that insta post after she tweeted that lmao omg legit the ONLY one with power
  6. I thought Amy had recently graduated and or Melissa was on the cusp of graduating? I remember Melissa talking about finals and I guess assumed that was her senior year
  7. Oh, right. But we saw how big a thing that was Didn't she get sh*t on for not having the time to try out for show group and then also leave in the middle of her second season for school reasons? lmao
  8. Did they hate her or something? Because you know, most times I can see the soft tummies they refer to when they're talking about girls who need to 'tone up' or whatever—but in Brittany's case, there wasn't an inch to pinch. I'm permanently scratching my head over that one. Am I missing something?
  9. Lol, I'm not offended. I just cringe when I see people pursuing more risky things getting pressure to 'get serious' and 'settle down,' things along those lines. I just think people should do whatever they want to do while they can. If they want to escape 9-5 life, more power to them. And if acting is what she wants to do, this is the time to try, not when she's like 40 with kids
  10. Yeah, I'd rather be a relatively older DCC who went to college with her peer group (NOT that that's the only way to do it) than a baby DCC who had to leave the squad, get accustomed to the real world again, and play catch up in college down the line. You'd also prob get more dance/pom experience in college that would help you a LOT. They expect you to go go school/work at the same time, but that's not really realistic, as we've seen plenty. Does anyone know of any DCC who legit go/went to college the same time they were/are on the squad? I know Victoria supposedly does, but like...lol I giggle every time I see 18-yo Gina Marie setting up her apartment (in the same complex as Chandi, zomg!!) only to get the boot like five minutes later. I just get the feeling these are girls who are rarely told no. I also just feel like it'd be a more fulfilling experience when you're at least a little older. You'd probably feel WAY less out of your depth, like GM. And with more experience in life and dance you'd be more powerful and confident on the field and getting choreo would be easier.
  11. I love this response. I'm only 24 but the older I get, the more disdain I have for the 'solid life' we're all supposed to settle into as soon as we're done with college. Corporate, 9-5 life effing sucks. If you're brave enough and have enough resources to pursue something that doesn't make you want to kill yourself or require you sitting on your ass all day, by all means. Good for you. I don't think she has IT, but I'm not gonna sh*t on her for trying. How sad is it that we're supposed to just get an office job, pop out babies, and be content with nothing more? Tragic.
  12. power to them for having the privilege of having no real responsibilities and parents who are able to bankroll their jobless new life in a city they may not even need to be in for more than two weeks? lol i mean there's not really anything impressive there. personally since these are women dancing for people watching a football game, i think 'mature' women fit the bill more. seeing baby-faced and tiny women under, like, 22 shaking it for middle aged men is less cute to me
  13. Well, if she has a sponsor son in Uganda named Aaron!!! ??? literally
  14. I forgot they had an actual test. They never mention it. What kind of test is it lol
  15. But why would that give Kelli such vitriol toward her
  16. I don’t get what happened with Ashley. One second Kelli is complimenting her and saying “her former Mav teammates who are now DCCs love her and that’s a good sign,” only for her to be the first cut for kicks almost immediately and get a really harsh goodbye. Ashley’s sitting there for two seconds trying to process the cut and Kelli snaps, “We don’t need to drag this out!”
  17. hate to continually sh*t on these videos but the darian one is really weirdly low energy and slow? and yes i know the music doesn't match so that's why it's a little off but it still doesn't look that great she made the team right?
  18. i thought the same lol. weird choice. but clearly it worked for her
  19. Oh my GOD, I cannot believe Alora Rose is shilling that garbage or that Marissa bought some. This is so tacky and embarrassing
  20. Lol maybe they're too smart to submit to the DCC demands ooh i literally just added this. YES. it's a cute little dream when you don't have to work 40 hours a week. when you do, not so much poor kristen in season 13 working and driving like 100 miles a day. she didn't have a chance honestly it pisses me off how they expect you to have a job or work full time or whatever, because this is just a little part-time job!, but it's basically impossible to be as good as you need to be when you do, to keep up. all the girls quitting their jobs during TC...it's so messed up. it's not right just off the top of my head...shelbi, kyndall, kat from season 10/11, courtney, malena....SMH and these are big time adult jobs!
  21. I think it'd be a good change but they're clearly trying to get girls who look 14, so All the super young girls from recent seasons stood out in a bad way—Brianna, Victoria, Gina (adorable and gorgeous but hot freaking mess) Marie, etc. I've always thought it was really weird to have girls audition out of high school honestly. You're, like, 2, and you look it. Go to college. But all the TCCs from this year are so...young and young-looking. It's honestly kind of shocking The pic of Jada in the uniform has been stuck in my head ever since I've seen it. I cannot believe they're putting bodies like that in uniform. She's like model skinny and tall, almost gawky. The uniform is supposed to be sexy and womanly...just so freaking weird, these choices I was scrolling back to the beginning of this thread and was glad to see other people pointing out how young these TCC look. I thought I was loco for a minute
  22. is it just me or are the girls they pick for the squad getting less womanly and tinier and tinier, more teenlike, each year between dani there and jada (if i remember her name correctly), who had not a curve to speak of in the uniform from the pic that was posted, and then also marissa, the most egregious of all armani is really tiny too and i know they've always been petite and small, of course, but it's leaning a lot more ...teenaged looking? this is the pic of jada? i'm referring to. like...wow
  23. I love Jacie and i am THE stickler for diversity as a half-black girl who’s always hoping for more than like 2 black girls on the squad, but I always thought this was just because she was so good at TC. It seems like unless you struggle you get basically no screen time, white or not I, too, wish we could see more TCCs tho
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