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Joseph Finn

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Everything posted by Joseph Finn

  1. Tara is correct and there are 14 Doctors, including John Hurt as the War Doctor (he's just not generally included in the numbering).
  2. Hey, I watched that Piersall movie recently! Great Karl Malden performance in it, but HOO BOY Perkins playing baseball is rough.
  3. 1. Peter Atencio also recently directed the Jean Claude Van Damme pilot for Amazon, which is a lot of fun and he's exactly the right guy for the detail that weird show needs. 2. Seconding the love for Premier League On NBC, the one thing in sports they do right, even if I follow Newcastle and they're terrible and relegated to Champions and everything is horrible.
  4. Aw, I was sad to see Peter Tomarken and his wife died in a small plane crash in 2006 (they were on their way to pick up a cancer patient to transport them for treatment).
  5. But...Sisko is the best captain.
  6. Oh hey Dave, I noticed Letter 44 at my local library a few weeks ago and blazed through the three (so far) trades of it. I'm enjoying the hell out of that weird, weird story.
  7. I had kind of forgotten the original Totino's sketch from last year, which I think helped in that I had zero idea where the hell last night's was going. (And this and the Santa Claus sketch with Gosling this season prove my case that Bayer should be the go-to when they need to film these really out there videos; she's great as the straight man and as the weirdo.) And teebax, take consolation in this; I found Sturdy Barbie weirdly hot. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like Jost and Che on Weekend Update now. They've hit a really strong back and forth. Also, the Scottie Pippen joke was gold.
  8. A thought for Joe Reid about Confessions of a Cigarette Smoking Man...what I find interesting about that episode and the mythology is that it's entirely possible that none of it is reliable at all. Every bit of it could be a complete lie.
  9. Not gonna deny, I got a terrible hitch in my throat when she opened the box and saw the screwdriver and I realized what that meant for her timeline. "And as long as I'm crossing fandoms -- did anyone else notice the computer on the cruise ship announce they were traveling at "Warp Factor 12"? Warp factor? Is that a nod to the Trekkers? " They've acknowledged that Star Trek exists in the Doctor Who verse before, so I kind of assume that as humans leave the planet they keep using Warp Factor as a shorthand.
  10. As I tweeted yesterday, it was a fun coincidence that the Canon came up as I was walking into my local library; I live in Oak Park, where Percy Julian ended up and there is a very nice bust of him right out front.
  11. "Which is why Kass's comment that she is not a jewler was beautiful. It subtly pointed ot Joe and should remind folks that Joe had made a fake idol gathering stuff from camp." Oh wow, that's an excellent point!
  12. Oh, how happy I am that creepy weirdo Varner is gone. And Kas faking out Kelley like that was kind of brilliant, because I think she's making a fake idol within two or three episodes.
  13. We have the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend bus shelter ads here in Chicago and I can back up Jeff on the hilariously bad cleavage lines on those ads. (As seen here: http://tinyurl.com/oshzcgm) It's even more striking if you look at an actual picture of Rachel Bloom: https://cwtvsource.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/14-crazy-ex-w529-h529-2x.jpg
  14. So we're all ready for the TV movie of The Dome in 2017? Please? I feel like I'm going to miss Tara's recaps and rants about far more than the show ever deserved. Thank you, Tara, for taking the bullet on this.
  15. Actionmage, you're a psychic; I present the variant cover for the SHIELD comic book (by the fantastic Skottie Young); http://41.media.tumblr.com/7c4088d3e664082682a67fb0551fd506/tumblr_ne6kwlxZ7j1t1zv7no1_1280.jpg
  16. God damn it, I'm going to miss Tara's attempts to summarize Domer. What a fabulous level of WTFery.
  17. Welp, 5 seconds in and I'm done with Gotham unless someone tells me it's vastly improved. Of all the things that went wrong last season, the horrid writing for Barbara was the worst part and knowing she's back, I'm out. Let me know in December if I made the wrong choice.
  18. You know, besides the humor I actually like learning about fun corners of history in this. I live in Oak Park, IL, where there is a ton of stuff named after Percy Julian, but until the Drunk History on him I never knew his full, fascinating story. (And my god, Chris Romano's story about his father, the Boston arsonist, is just great.)
  19. Omar After Dark, coming to HBO in 2016.
  20. And Sarah, I remember not especially liking that episode of X-Files at the time but your defense of it has me planning to go back and check it out again (also, how much I love Jesse Martin on Flash).
  21. I tried "Why?" because so many people speak highly of Burress, and I just couldn't as well. But then, I'm not Wait...I got a Cloud Car for Christmas. But then, I'm also the weird kid who had the Death Star compacter set and loved it. It had foam "garbage" cubes!
  22. Good call, swimmyfish. And sorry, Sarah, I'm still a 7th season of Buffy apologist.
  23. In those GI:Joe clips, pretty much every piece of dialogue, combined with those funky beats, sound like setup dialogue from a porno. It's magnificent.
  24. After that fantastic recap, I'm not convinced that Tara hasn't just stopped watching Under The Dome and is making all of this up. Because dear god, if this is something that CBS is actually airing I'd be tempted to just bag it all and go get a milkshake or something.
  25. Well hell, Mark, now you're making me want to see Bugsy Malone again.
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