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Everything posted by passatoepresente

  1. And what about Dean? He owes nothing to the world? He broke the first seal, without that event nothing would have happened and Ruby would have had no reason to fool Sam (and supernatural would be over)
  2. How many and what bad things did he do while drinking demon blood? I remember him killing an innocent nurse, and that was really bad, but I don't remember other bad things
  3. So we saw 2 images of Sam burning and cut/bleeding (they've been using Always the same images), we know he was tortured but not details of it, we know that his saul was wrecked and that's more of what we know about Dean? I think I miss some details, I've Always heard the same words and seen the same images. Sam had it worse but this doesn't belittle Dean's pain, I don't understand why you all are so worried about this.
  4. Can you tell me what really happened to Sam while he was in the cage and when this is said? I really don't remember but I remember what happened to Dean because he told it to Sam: for the first 30 years every day he was ripped apart and then healed so that Alastair could start again the day after. The last 10 years Dean became the torturer. I don't know anything so specific about Sam. The qualities of Dean as torturer are then recalled several times over the seasons
  5. Dean was the first to minimize it: in swang song he said to Sam "Compared to yours, my hell will look like Graceland". Dean was tortured for 30 years, Sam I think for more than 120. I don't remember Sam talking a lot about his experience, I know more about Dean's one
  6. He didn't call as when he came into the bunker he said to Cas "I've got your message"
  7. I hope that after this episode Dean will be useful again. At least Sam, Cas and Eileen tried to do something but we needed to see Jensen singing and that's it. It was the most useless episode of the year if not for the fanservice but it's the last season and we need something more. Dean was so worried about his brother that he even didn't make a phone call while driving back home to know how Sam was. That's being said, I liked the song they sang, Jensen is a good singer and I loved the duet
  8. Sam called Dean but Dean didn't answer the phone
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