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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. On 10/7/2016 at 7:05 PM, Last Time Lord said:

    That would be MECH X-4.



    Though, oddly, the link I posted mentioned Disney XD, but the trailer says it's on regular Disney Channel.

    So... am I the only one up for this?  New Thread and all?

  2. 57 minutes ago, emcmac87 said:

    I also really wish they had done an episode involving Oliver's mom. 

    That's still the biggest unanswered question... how she went from the biggest bad at the end of Mighty Med... to captured... offscreen...

    I didn't mind the villains for EF... the little bit we got... but I would have loved a season of the EF chasing Oliver's mom...

    • Love 2
  3. Finally saw the finale... The Attack.

    It continued the trend of playing... and ending with the biggest prank of all on poor Chase.  Side note... apparently Billy Unger... William Brent... call him what you want... directed the episode.

    Where was this all SEASON LONG!?  Loved the episode but a weak ending.  You listening Disney... can we get movie out of it for a proper resolution!?  I doubt it but who know?


    I remember it was floating around earlier in the season Leo would appear?  Wonder what happened?  Makes me think maybe what if the shorter season has some "lost episodes"?


    And no Donald!?

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  4. Loved that Colleen Wing tease with Clair!

    For me the highlight... and what I think I enjoyed the most were the various female characters introduced in the series.  And yes, even Candace... poor, poor Candace.  I knew it was coming... but to wait that long to get there... I thought for sec she might just make it.

    The weak link for me was Diamondback.  I found him very corny pre-power suit and even cornier, which I didn't think was possible... with the power suit.  I enjoyed the series but for me, Diamondback was the one blemish.

    Totally shipping Mariah/Shades...

    • Love 2
  5. I think it's probably more of a tie between LR and MM.  One thing I feel MM did pretty well was continuity... maybe that's not the correct term... but what I mean is... things, gadgets, gizmos, events weren't forgotten.  MM did better working in creating a universe and world building.  Now that you mention it... MM did a lot more in two season that LR in four...

    • Love 1
  6. Finally caught "They Grow Up So Fast".  Feels like ages...minus the opening...since we've seen the uniforms and even though it was just the beginning of the episode, I'll take it.  And it was a step up from the drones episode.

    It was nice seeing Tasha and thought it was weird they totally downplayed Chase and the baby, I mean they really went strong with Bree on that side...and don't let Chase acknowledge his sister.

    Not really much else I can add but switch the characters and name of the show, if could be any teen sitcom.  And multi cam sitcoms, which LR, MM, and EF fall under have certain structure/rules, which I think lends itself to the criticism that the show could have been more.  I really tend to think the format is what limited it.

    I think it's interesting no Mighty Med marathon at all in addition to the Lab Rats marathon leading to the finale.  You'd think they'd honor both series.

    So, going by my XD Power Rankings, I'm at...from best to worst (I still like them all though):  Aaron Stone > Skyrunners > Lab Rats > Mighty Med> Lab Rats: Elite Force.  I know, I know, Skyrunners was a movie, but I loved it...

  7. Love it when these shows bring the super to the normal...meaning I loved Robbie's brother, Gabe.  Loved that he wasn't omg super powers cool...

    And we all know at some point this season Senator's supposedly dead cocoon brother will hatch...and be at the most inopportune time for our heroes...

    Love everyone but Coulson and Daisy...

  8. 23 hours ago, Last Time Lord said:

    Kind of an "eh" episode this week. Neither plot really clicked with me, though I suspect the stuff about Oliver and Skylar dating could possibly throw off team dynamics was intended to be laying the groundwork for future plots.

    It's kind of what I was talking about by the show not living up to its potential. Almost nothing in this episode would have been out of place in any other Disney sit-com. Even at its most basic, Lab Rats and Mighty Med had some element  that was unique to it. That's not the case here. The heroic aspects are severely downplayed, to the point where it's like, why did the spin-off even happen in the first place?

    Just caught "Game of Drones".  Perry still hasn't bugged since Season Two LR but like with Sheep Shifting...in this series she just feels out of place.

    I totally agree with your last paragraph...totally downplay the hero stuff...IIRC, are they the "last" heroes...between Roman/Ryker and the MM destruction...these heroes have a lot of down time...IDK, they kinda went "serious" carrying over the MM Destruction and you don't just abandon that for filler...

    • Love 1
  9. Kind of wish we just got a straight up Season 3 of Mighty Med... given this series is so far more influenced by it... the "main" story aspects are MM related.

    LR had a decent ending, minus setting up EF, nothing left to be resolve.  

    MM ended with so much unanswered, and I'm starting to think some of those unresolved plot points will remain unresolved... so much happened offscreen.

    • Love 1
  10. Well, I'll be down for it... wanna start a new thread?  Or wait and see if its worth discussing?

    ETA:  I've done a quick search and found DC and XD mentioned...  

    Pretty quick turn around for something new after EF's ending...I think it took about a year and a half(?) between AS ending and LR premiering...  so for me... good to not have a long wait between content...

  11. And it better not end on a cliffhanger like Aaron Stone...

    The biggest hint was the long awkward break from what... April to July...the second hint something was amiss, the sixteen episode season...and then the Saturday night dumping grounds...

    I wonder what the next super hero-ey-ish show will be...

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