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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Just caught "Follow the Leader".  It was fun.


    Perry wise, I think she stopped bugging me during Season 3.  Enjoyed Skylar and Perry's friendship. 


    Loved they've kept Chases's competitive/jealous streak, and loved Kaz and Oliver's game working into the final mission solution.


    Personally, I would have loved seeing Skylar as/become mission leader.



    With Perry popping up...can we somehow get Jordan and Gus worked in somehow?

  2. 2. Raven said, with alot of emphasis, that, Beyonce and JayZ work together, "Huntie!" I think she meant to say,




    Not to defend Raven, it's the last thing any of us want to do...but the bolded is slang.


    And I just realized I replied to a post from March 13th...

    • Love 2
  3. Just caught "Need For Speed".


    Fun episode, enjoyed both stories.  Moment of the episode for me...the Dramatic Exit with the smoke bombs/cannons.


    Would prefer Douglas over Donald as the mentor figure.


    AND OF COURSE...finally seeing the uniforms...even if only at the end of the episode.

  4. The item was announced, whereupon Jane made her way over to the man named Ibrahim, straddled his lap with her legs in her short red dress, grabbed his head with her hands and arms, and gave him a long kiss and a sexy hug. 



    Maybe she should head over to NY and give Sonja with a sexy J some competition...

  5.   Not really, what was done and even put together and updated. Frank Castle was a war vet and respected cop. However, his experience in the field made him a little derange and when his family was killed due to two waring gangs. He lost it and became a one man war against crime: judge, jury and executioner. They tried to make it like Castle brought it on himself in the movies, but really it was an accident and even more, there was talk even in the original origin that the DA was aware of the gang war and didn't warn anyone about it. Hence why Frank had little respect for the DA or lawyers as he knew there were dirty ones or ones that bent the law to have it their way. However, he would expose them and let the public "punish" them as he saw it as a more fitting punishment than a single kill even if they were majorly corrupt. Unlike say well known mob leaders or gangs, where he saw no redemption in them, but he left their families alone if they weren't involved. Like a wife or children who don't know what daddy or mommy are really into. Verses the entire family being born men or killers. 


    Thank you for the reply, appreciate your insight Readster.

  6. Caught up to this episode...


    ...So...my love for MARVEL and all, comic wise I'm not too familiar with the Punisher's origin, more specifically the specifics, I get the gist you know...but does it involve so many machinations, and plots, and coverups, and twists, and turns?


    I'm enjoying the season, and still have the next/finale episode to go, but they certainly tried to cram quite a bit in this season didn't they?

  7. I was getting sort of annoyed with the reruns but today's first case with the totally cray-cray nightmare tenant who got thrown out of court was worth rewatching. That one is going into permanent storage, just in case I am ever tempted to rent out any of my property. Don't miss the hallterview with the nut case as she explains why her business card identifies her as a "Humanitarian". I am not sure if just "Human" would be considered false advertising in her case.


    With the original airing and the recent airing, I think both times I missed the humanitarian stuff...did they ever go into what those accomplishments/awards/endeavors ever were?  


    If they are valid--any of my fellow PTV sleuths try to look this up...but I'd like to see the look on anyones faces she may have worked with if they saw her...and heard what she allegedly (we all know she peed in those buckets) on TPC...lol.


    Always agreed with MM...the way she was acting on the show proved she did all that outrageous stuff.

    • Love 1
  8. Slowly making it through the series and loving Elektra so far...


    ...seeing Matt and Elektra spar in the gym/ring...all I could think...this is what the 2003 DD film thought they were giving with the playful sparring...


    Really liking and shipping Matt and Karen...those two goofy kids on and their goofy date...

  9. Much like what I said about the Bionic Academy last year (academy themes being overused for young heroes in other media), the only other thing that popped in my head right now is "scared of what's/who's different" with Kaz's power reveal...again, it' s jus an overused trope.


    Side note, I keep thinking if there was a way for Adam and/or Leo to be involved or incorporated somehow, but then I keep thinking, from a power perspective...Oliver and Kaz can basically do whatever Adam and Leo could do to some degree...but then again, I'm sure they'll be guests here and there...I like where things have gone so far, but I think they definitely overpowered the MM crew...

  10. The Superhero Code

    One thing I like about this show is it seems to be doing more of the continuing story arcs that Mighty Med did during the second season than Lab Rats' more stand alone nature (save for the big plot episodes). This episode alone having several callbacks to Oliver having trouble mastering his powers and Chase helping Skylar get hers back.

    Totally agreed with the bolded.  As much as I loved LR, the above was one thing MM excelled at.  


    Finally caught "The Superhero Code".  It was nice finally seeing one of the eleven siblings.


    The only thing I can really add...can we finally see the team in those snazzy uniforms we see them in in the opening?  I've been waiting for some uniform action, but as far as I remember...so far we haven't gotten any... 

  11. IDK, maybe it's just me, but I think they mixed up the Episode 2/Episode 3 Runway/Lip Sync...the Rollergirl Runway would have gone perfectly with I Will Survive...


    Side note...am I the only one seeing Magnolia Crawford in Robbie...

    • Love 1
  12. "Power Play" was a great, fun episode.  Enjoyed both plots, and it was a nice filler break from the main story presented so far.  


    Glad Skylar has powers...FINALLY!...kinda sad it wasn't in MM proper though.  And between all the characters there are so many abilities, I know something will probably get shafted story/convenience wise...  


    The show has so far done a great job balancing the zany and fun, with the main themes and such.  


    And just reposting from the previous thread:

    March 23rd, The Superhero Code
    March 30th, Need for Speed


    And updated:

    April 6th - Follow the Leader
    April 13th - The List


    ETA: Totally shipping Kaz and Bree.

    • Love 1
  13. Caught "Holding Out for a Hero".  


    I'm really liking Kaz so far, I think he's the shining character at the moment.  Chase is second...and then everyone else is kinda there.


    Wasn't a big fan of the Bree/Skyler b-story, wasn't that interesting but a nice sisterly take on the usual Adam style stuff.  IDK, I think the little bit of this story just got lost between the a-story.


    Again, haven't been disappointed with the series yet...minus Oliver's Mom.  

  14. Took a while to see the episode...and this is my second season (well, maybe two and a half if you count the bits and pieces of Season six I caught...)


    Acid Betty:  All I can think of is this is what Vivacious thought she was giving...err,no.


    Bob:  Team BOB for the win!!!


    Chi Chi:  Didn't see her videos, and I think my opinion was formed by the responses here--1st to go and such...but LOVED HER!  Don't see her making it, but a few episodes with her...like her small chat with Naysha and I think we got a good little "evolving" and learning queen sub-story going.


    Cynthia:  If Season 1's Tammie...with an I, E,  and Nina (binge watched last week, never saw it before) had a child.


    Dax:  As a comic nerd, I want to love Dax.  Loved her entrance, and variations of Storm all we'll get...I felt, and maybe it was the wig, that even the HelloKitty was a bit Storm...and this coming from a Storm fan...


    Kim Chi:  She had me with the donut...total SWEETIE and NERD!


    Laila:  Loved the Rupocalypse outfit (again, binge watched the series...I only really saw Seasons 6 & 7).


    Naomi:  IDK, I think I'll need to see more of her, but liking what I've seen, especially after Derrick;s treatment of Naomi...


    Naysha:  I pick the bad ones...since Season 7...I loved Tempest last year...and boom gone.  I liked Naysha...boom she's gone...the crying...it broke my heart...




    Derrick:  I see a meltdown(s) of Phi-Phi and Laganga portions at some point...


    Thorgy:  Eccentric and goofy to the max...lock in for Miss Congeniality at least...

  15. Frequent lurker here, and finally caught up with Season 3 after a few day binge watch session...


              -Loving ZombieWard...I guess I'll say it...I'm one of the few who liked the Ward character since season one....


              -Really loved YoYo...so, if she does pop up later in the season...can we please not kill, most of the other newbies I liked this season ended up dead...I'm done with that.


              -Mack/YoYo...no need for more romance...the romance elements are what drags the show down, no need for another one.

  16. So, constant lurker in this section, first time poster, although I've liked quite a few posts.


    I'm really enjoying Season Three so far...which means I'm caught up to this episode, still have a couple more to get to.


    Rosalind is my favorite new addition and totally stoked she's not evil...as far as we I can tell.  


    I think the only developments I haven't been feeling are/is the Lash stuff. 

  17. Just caught "The Rise of Five".  Really good episode, not much I can really add without repeating the awesome stuff Last Time Lord mentioned...but...


    ...the ending of Lab Rats to Elite Force...okay transition...but the ending of Mighty Med to Elite Force, you have Oliver's Mom become the big bad...to only remedy the situation offscreen?

     That's the only negative I can't let slide...


    I like Kaz and Chase--probably my favorites of LR and MM...but if this episode is anything to go by I take it they'll be the ones butting heads.  A refreshing take with them butting heads over missions...over the Adam/Chase "drama"...


    Season's/Serie's off to a good start!


    Side note, loved the opening.

    • Love 1
  18. LOL - Thanks everyone for explaining why Joy was bleeped.

    It's a little disconcerting to be the only guy here - and the blowjob joke goes right over my head.



    No way, FK! We need some dudes in the mix! Stay with us!


    I'm here but I typically like all your guy's posts...and I mostly lurk here.  


    I usually check in here first if the show sounds watch worthy and seeing so much time dedicated to Fuller House has me just skip the show...

    • Love 7
  19. Yes, but a spin-off, Lab Rats: Elite Force, starts next month.


    First episode:

    March 2nd, "The Rise of Five"

    March 9th, Holding Out for a Hero

    March 16th, Power Play

    March 23rd, The Superhero Code

    March 30th, Need for Speed




    I'm kinda thinking we should make a new thread for Elite Force. Speaking of the new show, I'm certain they'll find a way for Leo and Adam to be in at least a few episodes. If nothing else, they'll be a threat so big that has Chase and Bree call Adam. I'm also kinda hoping that Daniel will also show up, he had too much potential for him to be dropped only after a few episodes.

    I'd be down for a new thread as well.

    • Love 1
  20. I loved last season, I'm loving this season, and as much as I love the Netflix series, and while flawed I still enjoy Agents of SHIELD, this is my favorite slice of MCU tv.


    Favorite piece of the episode was that action movie cool slow-mo walk...the music made it.


    I'm also team Peggy/Sousa since last season.

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