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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. I keep waiting for Madani's mentor to turn out to be shady/with the baddie's but hasn't happened yet, probably won't happen.  So, kudos to that.

    Loved the reunion with Lieberman and his daughter.

    Can't wait for Rawlins to get his... but it has to be Frank, which to my dissatisfaction means Russo will probably be behind it.

    Show really picked up these past couple episodes.

  2. Yeah, each episode gets better and better.  And again, Karen so much better here then DD.  Can we keep her here?

    I'm still not liking Wilson's descent into madness.  It is the one story line, while relevant to issues of today, I'm just not enjoying that storyline.

    Madani is still a snooze to me.  I'm trying to think if Madani noticed Russo's answer about Stein and he might have been in on it... maybe I'm looking too much into her reaction.

    • Love 2
  3. On Today's Special episode of The Punisher:

    When he's not punishing crime, Frank's setting straight at-risk youths.


    I actually enjoy the scenes of Frank with Lieberman's family the most... but then I remember, hey, I'm watching The Punisher.  Conflicting feelings on this show.  They planted the seed with Lieberman's wife, I betting on Frank maybe crossing a line with her.

    Madani is still a snooze for me.  I loved Sam and his banter.  #ShouldaBeenMadani  

  4. Bennett was doomed from the beginning.  You knew it was happening.  Guaranteed with "Retiring".

    I don't like the story with the youngster becoming unhinged, and now he's making bombs.  I actually think the story from the Father's perspective would be stronger.   That's just me, though.

  5. I keep thinking I should recognize the name Billy Russo, so I had to look it up... and of course, they hire the most gorgeous for that character.

    I'm loving the show so far.  I've loved all the Marvel Netflix shows in the order they've come out, but I think this one is taking the top spot.

    The only blemish so far for the series... Madani.  Puts me to sleep when she's not with her partner.

    • Love 1
  6. Can we just ship off Karen into The Punisher.  She just meshes so well with Frank.

    The sex scene, didn't mind it, it just felt so tacked on, out of place.

    Loved Karen and Madani, and Frank/Lieberman in the van.

    Are Russo/Rawling going to be revealed as coconspirators?

  7.           Plaintiff in the dog bite case.  

              I thought it during the original airing and still think it with today's rerun, regarding his episode.  I think he was embarrassed he had an episode and had to have a reason to have his episode.  But he wants MM and us to buy that a dog bite led to an infection, led to an episodee, led to a car accident, and led to a potential bonanza in TPC.  Oh Sir, you have a lot more problems than that episode.

              So yeah, I totally think it wasn't the plaintiff going after defendant (his neighbor was it), but defendant was just a victim of circumstance as plaintiff crafted his story and I think he was attempting to craft a story to have an excuse for his episode and he's not crazy.  But trying to peddle his story made him come off as a total macadamia.  Okay, so today I was stuck at home because of some of my health issues, and I let my imagination run a little wild with today's episode.   

              Maybe this is why I'm not a litigant, but why do so many come in with evidence they say will prove their case only for it to not say that in the least, and occasionally contradict their case?  When the litigants and their practices, their conversating, when it all starts to make sense, then I'll know something is wrong with me.  

    • Love 4
  8. On 12/17/2017 at 8:44 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    Hey, I can't remember everything from today.

    Hope your procedure goes smoothly!

    Thank you, appreciate it.  I really do.  

    It's the first a few small procedures, still have a few to go.

    I'll save those well wishes, because you never know If I'll ever have to share them back.  

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

    I didn't see it that way. She wants to make this film, hires def and then says, "I'm not feeling well. YOU do it all, however you like" and then sues him because he didn't do it the way she would have done it, if she had felt like doing it. She gave him complete control then gets all huffy because he couldn't read exactly what was in her head. Who could? Maybe he produced crap, but I bet if he had created something saleable, she wouldn't have squawked and sued no matter how far off it was from her "vision." Sounds like she wanted someone else to do all the work so she could get some money for the results. This is what 1300$ gets you. Live with it.

    Looks like part of my post went poof, but I totally agree with you.  I was just going off the Hallterview where all of a sudden she adds it wasn't her vision, in addition to her laundry list of grievances she mentioned during the case.  

    While they were just small projects to add to portfolios, and nobody went to court, I can understand the vision aspect--although nobody was even given sole control of the project, etc. 

    What I was trying to say though, again, a long post was poofed I guess, because I love film and I love scriptwriting, so I loved the few cases we had for those this season, that to strategize for a case with no case--she gave him complete control and most what she was claiming--posting on social media, was contradicted by her own contact.  

    In short, since I don't remember everything from yesterday, I would have led with the visions clashed/it wasn't the original vision that was briefly mentioned in the hallterview, over the laundry list of stuff she presented in the actual case, that was quickly disproved by the contract, or the messaging between the two.

    • Love 1
  10. Drug PSA, second time around:

    -Don't remember catching the Hallterview the first time around, but I think this case was one of those ones that the root of the case is revealed in the Hallterview.  Plaintiff mentioned the vision wasn't hers anymore.  She still wouldn't have won, but if she led with that, she may have been a bit more sympathetic instead of wanting to gyp the defendant out of money.

    -It's one of those case that to me, needs an update and I wish TPC did updates--or without Levin on the street giving a quick blurb.  Plaintiff's case was dismissed but she did get the film, and after mentioning scenes with certain angles/shots she didn't like, and her witness mentioning it looked, don't recall specifically what he said, but it was basically film student/amateur, but I'd like to know after being awarded the film, is she going around with this version, is this version part of her reel and portfolio, or did she fix, reshoot, reedit, what she claimed were directing issues, etc.

  11. For a sec, I was thinking Lieberman's wife knew he wasn't dead.  They way she was glancing at the photo afterwards, but the way she was with Frank, or Pete as it is, squashed that idea.

    Ben Barnes.  I haven't seen him in ages.  Still so, so pretty... and with Wolf down this episode, I take it that means Russo will be the series baddie.  

  12. I think this is my favorite first episode for one of the Marvel Netflix series.

    So many side characters to bet on crossing paths with Frank, outside of the obvious ones.

    I knew it was going where it ended, but I dreaded getting there with the flashback with the wife. 

    I'm sure Donny will be back.

  13. I was wondering if Lauren and Andy would evolve into Fenris or if the Strucker deal was going to be an in name situation.  While Lauren and Andy can still grow into that direction, making Fenris relatives was interesting route to go.  I was surprised and pleased with this development.

    One episode appearance and I think Otto became my favorite character, If only it wasn't a cliched "Bad Dad turns out to be good in the end" type of deal.

    Esme and Kick, two references I almost had to look up.  

    • Love 1
  14. One of my favorite things of the comics was the Hounds, so glad to see an interpretation of those.  

    Why didn't Campbell just mind freak the DOJ official to support them.  As mentioned she's just one piece of the machine, will everyone who opposes Turner/Campbell have a health malady, unfortunate accident, etc... wouldn't that start looking suspicious.

    Loved the Trask and Trask Industries shoutout.  I loved the mention of it shut down in 2006... maybe a nod to X-Men: The Last Stand, which was released in 06, and featured a Trask?

    Was loving Wes... mostly for his abilities... until he was strictly Lauren's love interest and show decided to steer their story into the CW.  With the few hints of the hounds in past episodes, I thought Wes would be spying on the group.  I wanted the show to go there, but no... just a criminal.  I thought it was interesting everyone all of a sudden had an opinion of Wes and his past, especially with Eclipse and his ex and the cartels, and his rank in the underground, and it seems like many of the mutants pasts, I think one of the teens in the training session last episode mentioned having to steal... again, trying not to ramble, but I didn't get why all of a sudden Wes was being singled out.  

  15. The Good: Lockjaw... and Anson Mount even though he had the "smelled something bad" face the entire season.

    The Bad: Everything else...

    But I did enjoy it...

    In the end, for the season,  I didn't like the cramming of the Royal Family fleeing to Earth and the rebellion on Attila.  

    If I had my way, this season would have been the strictly Maximus and the rebellion.

    • Love 1
  16. I loved Caitlin and loathed Reed in the beginning but my like for both is switching slowly over time.  

    I did enjoy the Father/Son bonding as they plan and break into a building, and then monopoly.

    I'm still catching up and I just need to know if there's a Strucker reveal at all...

  17. Caught up with "Versus Velocity and Veracity" and "Versus the Arctic".  For a split second, I thought Veracity would be revealed as sabotaging Mech-X4.  Between the phone call to her Dad's, and Traeger waiting for the gang, and some issues with the shields, I thought it was pointing to Veracity as a traitor.    

  18. Slowly getting through the latest batch of episodes with "Versus the Tech Army" and "Versus Traeger".

    For "Tech Army" the only gripe I have is, the convention going to heck, and the Father's worried about bonding with Ryan.  Doesn't notice the sentient technology or the convention goers trying to flee the area.

    For "Versus Traeger" I love the subplot idea of the individuals of Leo's experiments becoming allergic to technology. 

  19. Maximus is somehow funding scientist from the moon.  What's crazier, that, or somehow Black Bolt knew the entire time?  And did nothing?

    With so much sheer stupidity in the show, I'm sorry, I can't help but still like it.

    If this show gave me anything, at least it gave me Lockjaw. 

    And Max is till Dr. Evil to me.

  20. It's not going to end well for Dreamer, whether by Clarice or Jace's hand.  I can see her becoming a hound...

    I think my one thought still remains, which I don't recall if I posted it here, or on another forum I frequent.  I like the family on the run, and the mutant underground/resistance, but I don't feel the show blended them together well.

    Caitlin and the kids continue being the shining light for me on this show.

    Oh Sage, what a waste?  I hope there's bigger things for her.

  21. Still catching up with this.  

    Show kills the two interesting characters.

    Going by Agents of Shield, characters I like end up dead, so I'm not holding any hope for Bronaja.

    I was actually hoping Louise and Dave would end up going to the moon... that might actually be interesting. 

  22. It was an improvement.

    Highlight of the episode for me... the conclusion to How Karnak Got His Groove Back...Oh and Lockjaw, always here for Lockjaw and don't mind Crystal and her boytoy, although Crystal should be someone who ability wise, could do so much to catch the attention of the others...but you know, it was interesting having her fall for a human...

    Everything else, too much wandering around aimlessly...

  23. At least Caitlin's brother was somewhat redeemed by episode's end.  Liked the cousin as well.  Caitlin's been so bad ass and they regressed her a bit here.  Why?

    Can't wait to see how the Dreamer/Clarice/Johnny thing blows up.  

    Part of me was hoping Reed would betray the underground, but I knew it wouldn't happen.  It's the only thing to make me care about his storyline.

    Roderick Campbell, now that's a name/reference I almost didn't catch.

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