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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. YoYo the finale MVP... my opinion.

    I love Mac, but I almost wished he committed to staying in the Framework... it's the perfect, tragic ending for the character.

    Totally shipping Robbie/Daisy... Quake Rider...

    Was totally waiting for Talbot to be an LMD, didn't think the show would do shoot the real Talbot... who knows, maybe that can be a twist next season.

    • Love 4
  2. On 5/2/2017 at 6:12 PM, kieyra said:

    Rewatching for the first time in a long while. This season is so fucking fantastic. An embarrassment of riches. 

    It truly is.

    For me, the biggest plus of Season 6 that is lost (again, for me) Season 7 onwards: The Casting was perfect for Season 6. Everyone was memorable from the upper echelon of Bianca Del Rio down to "I'm only here for exposure" Magnolia Crawford and "Bacon" Kelly Mantle. I can pick something to remember for each queen of Season 6 and there are some from Seasons 7-8 I have to be reminded they were on.

    • Love 2
  3. Are we just supposed to forget Nene and Phaedra were friends/allies in Nene's last season while Nene's tweeting up a storm over Phaedra?  She may be right... but girl, weren't you two on the same team on your last season as a main cast member?

    • Love 3
  4. I thought the show wouldn't go there. I thought it was too obvious. If one character would decide to stay in the Framework, of course it would be Mack, but I didn't think it would actually happen. Somehow, by season's end, Mack will be restored, or... dead... and that's what worries me... this show loves killing the character's I love. And Yo-Yo... I can't deal, if the show isn't killing off my fave character's, it makes their lives miserable...

    I just can't wait to see how Fitz knowing what he's done is handled... that has so much devastating potential. Knowing your actions in the Framework caused...kllled in the real world... how will Fitz recover from this...

    I was glad Radcliffe didn't cave to Fitz and went out somewhat noble... well, for him anyway.

    No good bye to Ward... absence was noticeable. 

    • Love 2
  5. Caught up with "Let's End This! Part One and  Part Two" Pretty satisfying finale.

    Still have some unanswered questions, but I'm sure they'll get answered next season.

    I did see it fly around that this is the season 1 finale.

    Line of the night, Spyder's "Phony Stark."

    I was so happy when it seemed the Mom knew everything... I thought that would be an interesting dynamic to develop in the future, but of course, convenient circumstances are convenient and she doesn't remember. At least she was integral to the Season compared some adult figures in these shows.

  6. On 4/26/2017 at 8:28 PM, Aliconehead said:

     he and Leo were roommates. 

    Caught up with yesterday's episode "Let's Dig Deep!" that shows this scene. I had been wondering if I missed it, but I hadn't seen it yet.

    I think Harper has some interesting reasoning behind his actions. Enjoyed the little bit of background for Leo/Harper.

    I'm amazed at how offensive whether through Mech-X4 or whatnot, the technopathy has been displayed.

    ETA on 4/30: Just editing this post instead of double posting.  Caught up with "Let's Destroy Some Ooze!" I love Harper's plan and that he isn't evil for the most part, for the sake of being evil, ruling/ending the world, to rule/end it.  It's a plan with a noble goal, but along the way, it's been twisted, and that makes Harper so compelling. And making Mech-X4 the public enemy, an interesting twist to the plan.

  7. Caught up with  "Let's Deal with Our Stuff!". "Let's Get Some Answers!", "Let's Go Clubbing!", "Let's Get Leo!".

    I didn't see Harper being anything other than Mom's goofy boyfriend recurring/side character. For me, total swerve for him being the baddie, but then again, probably obvious it may be him.  I kept thinking somehow Leo would be the baddie... in some weird way... 

  8. I need Ward to come back. Of all the simulated characters, he's the only one that brings some interesting ramifications to go along with the other characters.

    I'd love for Hope to make it, but that to me would be Mack's goodbye. I don't want that.  

    I take it Aida's going to betray Ivanov. I'm also enjoying the Madame Hydra angle, if only it was something in the greater MCU and not the FrameWork.

    • Love 2
  9. I like Kim. I'm always rooting for her through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  You know...

    ...Never mind. This reunion blows.

    I can't go on. I fell asleep during the reunion after the blatant shoving of the LR/EJorG/ED triumvirate down my throat... maybe it's just me, but I don't recall a reunion ever being again, so blatant, in who the production darlings/ favored ones are.

    I do legit love Eileen. She's boring, I'm boring. If she could be more than EJorG or LR's sycophant, she'd be okay.

    As an odd duck about another odd duck, I do love me some Eden. Eden, you love (hope?) jar giving, crystal power honing, emotional, empowering, compassionate weirdo, you have inappropriately hugged Cyberjawa's heart, just like that walking beef jerky Carlton placed a spell on it, and Joyce, she couldn't swim in that pool, but she swam into my heart. I think what I'm saying is, I hate one and done's and most of the one and done's I enjoy more than some of the major players in this particular franchise...

    • Love 4
  10. Caught up to, "Let's Get Our Robot Back!" and "Let's Get the Big Bad!"

    Of course Principal Grey was going to betray the team. I thought it was going to work out as a plan with the Leader, and instead of being straight up falling for the betrayal, it was awesome seeing the team aware and plan out a double-cross of their own.

    So... do we think...

    Principal Grey is really gone, or maybe she'll come back mutated. Because was it lava, or that primordial ooze used to make the monsters?

    I'm blanking on the character's name, but I'm calling the Mech creator being the big bad...

    And more dates:

    "Let's End This! Part One" - May 1, 2017

    "Let's End This! Part Two" - May 1, 2017

    I take these may be a season finale?

  11. Didn't think I'd be as excited to see Tripp... but wow!

    And Mace... this show really loves killing the character's I love. Even if it was a Framework induced... and it least he went out in a blaze of heroism and glory.

    • Love 2
  12. I'd like to think Joy will be manipulated/controlled into a situation against Danny, with Davos, although Joy has shown she can be devious. Especially since most of the series, and even earlier in the ep, she's defending him.

    Jeri and Gao made the episode.

    Two Marvel shows with my favorite characters having the name Ward (first and last...). Glad he's redeemed and hope he stays reformed.

    Line of the night. Jeri's, "I always enjoy a good cremation."

    • Love 1
  13. On 4/13/2017 at 10:29 AM, AndySmith said:

    Oh c'mon. We all know Kim would never get this...thing called a "job". Like Sheree, she is allergic to actual work.

    A boy can dream. 

    I loathe Kim, which for me is saying a lot, I'm usually in the how can you hate a hw camp, but my all time favorite RHOA moment is that moment during the Phaedra's baby due date where we get that extra piece of the puzzle that is Kim Zolciak... she was nurse.  

    In my dream, she's solving medical mysteries...

    • Love 6
  14. Enjoying the show as it's gone forward.

    So turn on where to put Gao... I love Fisk, but Gao is right up there for her machinations...

    I think the show's biggest issue is Danny... and that he's so dosh darn naive and gullible, and... bland...

    I'm just taking the differing factions out of the equation.  Any way that I look at it, for some episodes now, any iteration of The Hand's been slowly devolving...  From The Poison specialist and the Singing Assassin, and the Drunken Master... now to school kid's?

  15. I love Ward... as mentioned... and I know the show's going to twist that dagger in my heart when Ward learns he's not real... and/or dies... please have a Ward LMD.... please... Don't care for or ship Daisy-Skye/Ward.... I just need my Ward fix. 

    • Love 1
  16. Ward, this series really loves screwing with him. I like the reversal of roles between Danny and Ward, but also as Danny defines himself, whether as Danny, businessman (failed businessman), or Iron Fist... Ward, this guy of many masks, a different one to almost everyone, loses all of his...

    So, I take Harold's either going to turn Joy against Danny, or like Yang's fable, he'll harm her.

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