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Everything posted by Wonderflonium

  1. Beth! Paul! Mysteriousness! I am all in for season 4. What is with the making out while hiding a body? Way to be professional, probably evil "EMS" people.
  2. Yes! An 84 Honda Accord! Those cars were indestructible. My parents had a blue one that was "given" to me when I learned to drive, then got passed to my brother when I left for college. That thing survived 2 teenagers learning how to drive manual shift, and countless bumps into the curb and tree near our driveway, but it lasted forever.And the car tape walkman plug in, those were the coolest back then.
  3. I think that (within the show's mythology) there is no way that was coincidental. (I know that Mark was already a character when they decided he would be the male clone) but I think when we get a fuller story of the male clones we will see that the Proletheans knew who they were recruiting. Although I do think it's very possible that the male clones are also infertile by design, and that's why they did not use him for Helena's "babies" Yes, Sarah and Helena are mirror identical twins, so the same embryo that split. Considering that everyone at Dyad was surprised about Sarah & Helena, I think it's safe to assume that only one embryo was implanted per subject, the better for a full term healthy baby at the end. what I got for that scene was that Marion already had the guy in the cage, but couldn't prove that he was a clone. The military got Helena, Marion got info that proved that her guy actually was part of the Castor Cloning project. didn't Duncan destroy the DNA and most of the information? So Dyad spent the next 20 years trying to recreate the project, failing 399 times. Finally creating Charlotte, but she seems to have some physical disability/something requiring her to wear a leg brace. Marion seemed to imply that there weren't more babies, so maybe even after Charlotte they couldn't make another.
  4. This show, for reals. I can't even process thoughts. Boy clones!?! Hot Paul in uniform! Dance party! Mini-clone! While I think that the male clones were supposed to be the biggest shocker, it was the reveal of Charlotte that got me. Imagine the mindfuck of being able to look at a version of yourself as a child. And even as the only new clone out of 400 tries, clearly she is still "imperfect." I seriously can't wait to see where they go with this. The scene with Sarah and Cosima in bed was so well done. After two season, I know I should not be blown away by the fact that they are the same person, but I still completely forget while watching. This is my feeling (hope) as well. The male clone reveal opens up the world, but this is still Sarah's story. Well, we don't know that for sure. Helena essentially had IVF, which has a success rate of about 35% on any given attempt. My speculation is that Helena will not end up pregnant but Gracie will. A pregnant Helena might just be a bit too much, even for this show.I do wish that they could have had 90 minutes, I felt like after all the build up to the showdown with Rachel and giving into Dyad, Sarah got out of it all a little too easily, even if it was orchestrated by Marion.
  5. Drawing classes! How I miss those. I was an art major and drawing was always by far my favorite class. Put on some music and get into a zone for a few hours, it was so relaxing. .... sigh, it makes me calmer just thinking about it. Although I much preferred life drawing (the naked peoples) because many classes of goblets and/or fruit in a bowl, or my professors favorite, draped cloth is enough to make anyone nutso. I would love to be able to do that again, I know my skills have atrophied. Yay for plays, Shakespeare or any other variety! A sleep-number bed sounds heavenly, although I would settle for a comfortable pillow. I must have 30 pillows in the closet, I am constantly buying new ones only to discover, that, no, that new one isn't right either. It's a never ending quest.
  6. I don't think Rachel does know that he is really dead. She didn't have him killed on the assumption that he would leave forever and she would allow everyone else to think he was dead. The "heart attack" is the lie she made up to explain his sudden disappearance, but I believe she still thinks he's out there somewhere in hiding. Tony didn't really work for me either. In concept, a fine if unnecessary stunt so late in the season, but in actually he didn't come off like a real person, as the other clones always have. I could have even overlooked the voice struggle but the hair people really were off their game this time. I read that they were going for mullet, but on camera it read as messy Sarah hair. Especially since he was placed in "Sarah's" storyline, filmed in Sarah's tone and color palate, it made it harder to differentiate him as a character. Scott's "it's an honor..." was so sweet, he was so sincere.
  7. Sorting through the junk is my never ending battle. Seriously, how do 3 people accumulate so much stuff? We had yard sale two weeks ago, I sold a bunch of kids stuff at a consignment sale and made a big book/clothes donation and the closets still looks as full as before. It defies the laws of physics. I would love to do an Angel re-watch, there is large chunk of season 2 I have never seen, even with the DVDs sitting in a drawer in my house. But I can't keep up with the shows I want to watch now, so I don't foresee that happening any time soon. The chicklet is going through a serious threenager phase right now. Where did my sweet baby get so much attitude? It's exhausting. I need like a 3 day nap. Vibes buffyjunkie
  8. This was a good one. I remember disliking Burke years ago, but he was like a breath of fresh air here. I totally want Cristina to go out being completely awesome, printing hearts and eating delicious chocolates, so let's not screw up her goodbye with some horrible finale disaster, ok? Turns out that I think April and Jackson are kind of adorable, because their talk in the chapel made me all smiley. Who knew. Callie and Arizona being happily excited about their potential child makes me nervous, this can only end badly. Also I kind of hate this mini storyline for them. Two doctors with a history of not easy pregnancies would not be all silly giggly when there is not even a baby yet. I'm not sold on Ameila yet (I quit Private Practice before her time there) but I can get behind her taking over Derek's research with Callie. Like a Virgin - love!
  9. Sister Christian! This episode wins the year for that cover alone. I totally agree that the various and competing trials and innovations are giving the whole show a refreshed energy. I realized that the newbies don't bother me anymore. I kind of love Jo and Callie as Team Ortho, and now that she's not pining over Jackson, Stephanie is kind of spunky. I don't think we are supposed to see Callie and Arizona as past all their issues already , they were still bickering, after all.
  10. Hey ya'll. I figured it was time to jump in here. I was casperchick at the old place, but new place, new(ish) name. So now I'm going by Wonderflonium (my MM Fantasy Hockey Team). Anyway, I'll do the intro thing since its been a while. Late thirties, married, a 3 year old daughter (the chicklet) who hates all things bedtime and sleep related which seriously limits my TV time these days. But when I do get a few minutes I am loving Orphan Black and The Americans. I finally got to see the Veronica Mars movie yesterday which despite too little Mac and Wallace was like a supersized episode in all the right ways. I see Annie's busted water heater and raise one broken Heating/AC Unit. And since we are in the middle of our annual 2 weeks of spring before the OMG HOT, we need to get on fixing it pronto, ugh.
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