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Everything posted by uninvolved

  1. "Also, I am not sure if it was mentioned here, the audio book (which I also have) has Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia and it is a great narration". Totally agree with your last statement above. However I am thoroughly enjoying the book. There is no doubting Ms Atwood never intended to write a sequel to THT and left it with Nick telling ofFred to trust him. The rest is left to our own imaginations (brilliant). Unfortunately more often than not Hollywood take too many liberties with authors' works of art. Scriptwriters know what sells commercially and often bastardize books. This is the case with the TV series. It's great in its own way, I look forward to season 4 just to see how they end it. Most people these days require happy endings, retributions, payback. In real life that is not always the way things play out. However this is what sells. I think Ms Atwood has written a sequel to tak back some control taken away from her by the screenwriters (just my opinion), I feel she is not entirely happy about what's happened with the Tv Series. Whenever I place myself in the world of Gilead, I may as well be in Nazi Germany, someone alone, all identity removed, no family and at the mercy of strangers with the power to do whatever they want to you. PS. I read the book while listening to the audio-book, takes longer, but really well worth it, it makes it so much easier (at least for me) to immerse myself in the story and actually put everything in picture form. My own TV series in my head so to speak LOL
  2. I think they are just children with the colored cloaks given to them by some of the handmaids or Marthas, (notice the pink cap on the one with the red cloak) from memory of the final scenes, no handmaids went on the airplane because they went back to help OfFred, with the diversion.
  3. Artistic license is obviously being taken with the TV series. My recommendation, (for those who have not done so yet) is to either read the actual book or listen to the audio book read by Claire Danes. The ending in the book answered so many thoughts I had throughout seasons 1 to 3 of the series. But if you don't wish to read the book, I hope in season 4 the writers adopt the same ending as the book because to date so many liberties have been taken, so much reading between the lines so to speak. Just my opinion. In the mean time lets all hope fascist types never become a predominant power in the world..but I guess that's up to us, even when they are disguised as somewhat "legitimate" faiths/cults/religions/ or even cultures. Hatred is hatred, no matter what color you place on it or however one tries to camouflage the true intent. Power corrupts, ultimate power, corrupts ultimately.
  4. Well considering none of this was actually included in the book, someone has been reading between the lines. Guess you have to read between the lines ....that is of course if you are allowed to read ;) My recommendation is to read the book...if you can still find a copy that hasn't been burned that is ;) I will add this however. Unless any of you have ever been unfortunate enough to have been associated with a religion/belief system/ideology/cult/patriarchy or group that that is very internally secretive, then this book will not have the same deep impact on you as it has had to some of us that have read it.
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