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  1. Have they ever explained where George Crabtree is? His character shows up for one or two episodes at the beginning of the season and then again near the end of the season. This has been going on for 2-3 seasons already. He's one of my favorite characters and I miss him. Also, while watching the new season, I have to wonder how historically accurate it is to have an Asian police chief and a black constable at that point in time. Was Toronto more progressive or what? Considering they wouldn't give the police chief job to Murdoch just because he was Catholic.
  2. Linda956

    S01.E01: Pilot

    As a Sherlock Holmes fan from birth, I was interested to see what they would do with this. But I absolutely hated it. If this were just a regular medical series, I might have enjoyed it. Chestnut is attractive and I liked his character. But Holmes let everyone think he died at the Reichenbach Falls (including Watson) to escape M's henchmen. He returned when only Col. Sebastan Moran was left. Mary died early on. Watson never left her or she him. I could see M's gang shadowing Watson in case Holmes survived to find out his whereabouts, but one gets the impression that Moriarty has a personal grudge against Watson, which was never the case in the books. It was all about the superior mind and Holmes being his equal.
  3. It's December 20th. Has TCM started airing the TCM Remembers memorial for those that died this year yet? I've been watching for the last few days but I haven't seen anything yet.
  4. I actually liked this series but I didn't like the fact that it was only 8 episodes. How can you possibly develop characters or any storylines in 8 episodes? The program seemed to end just as it began. This needed a full season order or at least 13 episodes. This is my big complaint about most of the series on television now. Unless it's a long-standing series like NCIS, etc., they don't do enough episodes to develop the character/series. Don't even get me started on Masterpiece Theatre/Mystery on PBS where no series is more than 8 episodes long. Last season's All Creatures Great & Small was over before it began and had me wondering exactly what happened that season since it was so short-lived.
  5. Has there been any word yet on when we can expect to see young Ducky on the show? From what I recall, didn't Ducky & Gibbs meet a few years after his wife's death since Ducky didn't even know Gibbs was married and a widower and Gibbs being so internal, never told him.
  6. Mika is rude to everyone on the show if they're not talking about her precious KYV or politics, politics, politics. She becomes a total bitch if any of the guys discuss sports or social media and starts sipping coffee and fiddling around with anything in sight on her desk as a distraction. I'd gain a whole new respect for any of the guys (including Joe) if they just told her to shut up. Also, it didn't take long for Joe to delete all the negative messages on his Twitter page from a day or so ago on meeting with Trump. It's the same on You Tube's MSNBC page. I can't find any of the messages from a day ago .
  7. Wow, the amount of hate for Joe & Mika on their Twitter pages and on MSNBC's website right now is overwhelming. If it's anything to go by, they just lost a ton of viewers by joining Trump. His Mara-lago link is even now on both their Twitter sites. The way Mika has been carrying on about abortion & Roe vs. Wade for the past year was all garbage. Yeah, she knows her value. Kissing up to Trump. I'm curious to see how many of her cohorts at KYV will continue to align with her or dump her ass for being a traitor. I guess MSNBC doesn't care, as long as it brings in viewers. They might as well go to Fox at this point.
  8. Well, it looks like Joe & Mika went down to Maralago over the weekend to kiss the ring. Their comments this morning made me sick to my stomach. I have been reading about it all over the internet. I have been watching this show for close to 10 years but I honestly don't think I can watch it any longer. Joe & Mika's capitulaton is the last straw!
  9. I got the impression from previous seasons that Vi was a lesbian. Did I read that wrong or is she bi?
  10. This morning the guys spent the opening 15 minutes talking about the World Series last night. I thought Mika was going to explode. She finally said, "I'm putting an end to this right now!" and went on to talk about abortion. It's all well and good for Mika to not tolerate Sports or anything other subject, but it's perfectly fine for her to use two 15 minute segments before 9am promoting 50 Over 50/Know Your Value garbage with her BFF Human Abedin. You can't have it both ways Mika. That's why it's a 4 hour show; to allow for both.
  11. I'm not at all surprised that they got a new co-host for the 9am hour of Morning Joe by utilizing Lemire. I believe it's only been a year since they revamped Morning Joe to 4 hours and it didn't take very long for both Joe and Mika (especially Joe) to take days off during the week and bail on the show after 9am (especially Joe). Clearly, doing a 4 hour show was too much for them. Why, just this morning, Joe seemed to disappear after 8am (the usual repeats), Mika's interview with Sheryl Crow/Stevie Nicks and the 9am hour. They made such a big deal in the beginning about the extra 4th hour would give them time to explore other news other than politics - like book reviews, theatre, media, etc. But that didn't last long and most of the time it's repeats of what was shown from 6am-8am. And anytime they discuss Sports, you know how positively rabid Mika gets on the subject. And every time they do an interview with a celebrity regarding a new TV series/film/play, Mika always seems to be rushing it to get back to regular news or politics. Morning Joe needs to diversify and cover other things other than just politics 24/7.
  12. I never liked Mike Franks, but in comparison to the way he is portrayed here, he mellowed over the years. Here he's played as a sexist asshole. It's no wonder Gibbs picked up a lot of his traits. His first day on the job and he asks the woman (can't recall her name), if she's on "My Squad."
  13. I have to say, on a completely shallow note, Kristin Kreuk looks positively gorgeous! She doesn't seem to have aged a day in the 22 years since she's been on Smallville. I also don't feel any chemistry between the two leads.
  14. I hate it when Joe is off and Mika flies solo. It's all about her causes and Women Of Value. And speaking of which, Joe was off on vacation all last week. He comes back for 2 days and then takes today off? WTF? With the Republican Convention next week, is it too much to ask that he show up every day and do his damn job?! All four hours of it!
  15. I love the views of Paris and the Pastry Porn, but some of the women are obnoxious. And the first rule of cooking/baking: if you have long hair- pin it up or wear a cap. Otherwise it's unsanitary when cooking with strands of hair potentially falling in the food.
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