HoGina! LMAO!!!
I find it quite ridiculous that NO ONE but Shawn Douglass was able to figure out in 5 minutes what everyone else has been clueless about for a whole year! Fake Hope's atrocious accent, I want to strangle her every time she opens her mouth to utter a word and yet people don't seem to notice how much her behavior has changed etc. Isn't Rafe supposed to be a super cop as well as ex-FBI and John Black is supposed to be some sort of super spy...that man is so clueless lately, he can't figure his way out of a wet paper bag!
It was bad enough he didn't figure out that it was Princess Gina living with him all the past 5 or 6 months...by the way, how is it that nobody questioned why she moved in with John...especially John. Usually they are ALL up in each other's business but no one thought it was strange that Hope moved in with John when she could have moved in with Julie and her father???!!! Nor did anyone bat an eye when Hope didn't show up to visit Julie every day at the hospital like the real Hope would have. Fake Hope has made numerous mistakes with family and colleagues and no one noticed. Finally, Rafe did but even he kept putting things off time and again instead of bringing up his concerns earlier before things really got out of hand.
Okay so the newest and latest is that both Marlena and John are supposed to believe that the other is dead...ooookay. So what is going to stop either of them from wanting to see the body of their beloved??? Also, since John and Marlena are soul-mates how in the HELL do Fake Gina and Fake Steve think that either of them are going to suddenly fall madly in love with either of them so soon after the death soul-mates??? Honestly, I am sick of this storyline because it has gone on for too long and gotten more ridiculous every day.
Then there's the storyline with Maggie and her drunk driving... I like Maggie but sorry not sorry, if she and not daughter caused the accident that killed Adrienne and Sarah's baby, then her drunk driving ass needs to go to jail. She of ALL people knows that getting into a car after drinking is a MAJOR no-no and yet she did it anyway. She could have called a Lyft or had Victor's chauffer take her where she wanted to go.
I understand Victor hates Kristen but to let Brady think his child is dead is plain evil! Brady is the son of his beloved Isabella and yet he allowed Xander to take Brady's baby and give it to Sarah and to add insult to injury he allowed Will to go to jail for something that Maggie might be responsible for. Xander telling Brady that a little discomfit for Tate is okay as long as baby Mickey gets better...uh I don't think so buddy. Even surgeries that are supposed to be "simple and risk free" can have unforseen outcomes and this is a child Xander is trying to put onto the chopping block literally. Even if Brady says it's okay it's still up to Teresea since she has full custody of Tate and she is no fan of Xander.
I really hope ALL these storylines end VERY soon because I am sick of this stupid because frankly I am totally disgusted with the blatant stupidity of the characters. I realize that the writers want to make a good storyline but there's a BIG difference between a good storyline and a ridiculous one and but the John/Marlena/Gina/Stefano storyline is the latter.