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Everything posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. What kind of PC did you get? I have a HP (unsure of model) To find the information for your PC that I've attached about mine, right click "this PC" on your desktop and choose "properties"
  2. Chrome. Edge is a pain in the ass. Edge is NOT very user friendly. Chrome is great for remembering a LOT of bookmarks.
  3. Cause twitter is wonky sometimes? LOL https://twitter.com/DCC_Kristin
  4. Just saw this on IG. Wonder what Kelli thinks of her orange tan??
  5. There was a video posted of a GUY doing the Thunderstruck Choreo that was pretty good. I can't seem to find it 😞
  6. My pup Annabelle had a fairly large tumor removed recently. Our vet really wanted to send her to a different clinic in another town but we talked him into doing the procedure. I was a basket case until they called and said she was out of surgery and in recovery. She had to spend the night at the clinic. First time we'd been separated that she didn't go stay with "Grandma" since her adoption.
  7. I have a question about this picture. When I click on it and see the tags there's one lady (the redhead) not tagged. Is that Meredith Oden?
  8. I edited my last response to say I found her twitter. Not sure why it didn't pop right up to begin with 🙂
  9. Looks like whiteout to me. I just edited my last response to say that I couldn't find her official DCC twitter. The plot thickens. ETA I found her Official Twitter. https://twitter.com/dcc_kristin?lang=en
  10. Wonder why it's whited out? Wonder if she quit/got cut? Hmm the plot thickens...I can't find her official DCC Twitter. ETA - found it
  11. Does anyone know where/how Yuko met her husband Ryo? https://www.theknot.com/us/yuko-kawata-and-ryosuke-naito-oct-2019-3b50d7cc-49f6-48b4-8174-472e0e983592/photos
  12. Couple questions: Anyone know how long Phil Whitfield has been with the Cowboys? How many years did "Auto Amy" audition before she gave up?
  13. Episode 805: That "fashion seminar"...That dress that Kelli F wore should have been a fashion "Don't"!!
  14. TPTB should have seen right through the both of them and not allowed them into TC. And allowing Kenley into the audition process a second time and stringing her along until interview just to confront her....grrrr
  15. Watching the last few episodes of Season 12: Does anyone think that Kelli picking on Gina about "team dynamics" and getting along with her teammates was her trying to find a reason to cut her?
  16. Can the girls opt out of being chosen for Group Leader/2nd like they can opt out of being chosen for Show Group?
  17. I thought the only one they were "out of time" for was Hannah The only time I've ever really "agreed" with Kitty was when she overheard Chelsea in the parking lot then ratted her out to K&J
  18. Episode 902: Unpopular opinion...WHY do these girls subject themselves to Kitty Carter? The more I watch her the more I just can't handle her mouth!!!!!
  19. Episode 507: Does anyone know what school they used for field practice?
  20. And I can clearly see several people that definitely shouldn't bother auditioning! Of course if I were there I'd be included in that "several" haha!
  21. Sarah Idziak's prep class tonight. Did I see a GUY taking it? Also thought I saw current DCC Miranda & Lexie
  22. Watching the end of season 6. Does anyone think that if Kaitlin LeGrand hadn't been released that Makenzie would have made it anyway?
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