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Posts posted by elizacat

  1. I'm so sad about Derrick being compared to Boston Rob. Rob is so great and Derrick is... Derrick.

    My favorite thing Rob ever did was on the Amazing Race. They had a task where they were supposed to eat a huge plate of meat and Rob quickly realized he couldn't do it. He then systematically convinced every person who was doing it that it was impossible and that they should all quit and take the 4 hour "quit the task" penalty. And they all did it! Even people who were already started he convinced them to stop and start their penalty time immediately so they wouldn't be too far behind.

    This was a group of people who he was not allied with, who knew he was a schemer from seeing him on Survivor, and still did it! Btw, the task wasn't impossible, some people who arrived later did it and moved on.

    Anyhow, I think the BR charm cannot be underestimated. Derrick has done a great job this season making everyone trust him, but he's no Boston Rob.

    I completely agree and yes the Amazing Race eating challenge was a stroke of genius. I think Derrick's a fan of Rob's - maybe he see's himself as BB Boston Rob. In some ways he is succeeding but he has neither the skill, charm or finesse Rob had.

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  2. I think the difference is that Rob always had a game plan and he stuck to it but generally didn't lose sight of this is a game attitude.


    Derrick had a well thought out game plan.  It was a good one and he's still playing it but he's buckling under the pressure.  He's too emotional about the game.  He's wants to be the good guy that America likes so he's making outsiders the enemy for more reasons than just controlling his alliance.  I think the difference is that Rob would know that is what he is doing, setting up a pawn as a victim to further his game..  Maybe Derrick did once, but now he really does buy into his own BS..


    Its like the stock market, you've got to avoid emotional investing or you sell low and buy high.

    I agree he did always have a game plan and was very good at being able to see it as just a game, he never seemed to take himself to serious, which I think Derrick does.


    He kept tabs on everyone and made sure if someone looked like they were building a strong relationship within the alliance with anyone other than him then one of them was targeted- Matt being the obvious example.

  3. I liked Dan and Ian, and I might have liked Dr. Will and Rachael more if I'd followed the feeds, but back then I just watched the broadcast shows.  Actually, I wonder if I'd followed the feeds back then if I'd have ended up liking Ian and Dan.  Food for thought...


    See, as a broadcast only watcher, back during that famous second season, I actually liked Hardy, and thought he was treated terribly by the Chilltown gang.  Then much later when I started perusing boards like these, I was shocked to find that Hardy was one of the most hated houseguests ever by the feed watchers.


    That's why I love this thread, and all y'alls posting here, because I kind of feel like I got burned by the BB editors stitching together carefully selected bits of footage to tell the story they wanted told, and not the real story of what was happening in the BB house.  I felt like they'd broken their contract.


    But now it is almost like it is coming full circle.  For years, the feed viewers and followers (like me) were kind of isolated in our own universe of private discussion threads and websites, and the BB editors were free to do whatever they wanted and the general viewing public would know no better.  But now, with the explosion of social media, the stuff that happens in the live feeds is getting more and more attention, and not just from specialized niche websites like Jokers and Hamstertime, but in more mainstream sites like Twitter and Reddit.   So now, the BB editors have to play an interesting game of cat and mouse.  They still clearly want to tell a particular story, but they can't go too far or they'll get called out.  I think last season's broadcast shows would have been pretty different if all that dirty laundry hadn't had its airing out on the Twitterverse and other places.  Heck, I wonder if the beloved Evel Dick and his season would have made out under today's conditions!


    All that said...I'm actually OK with a Derrick win though.  He's played a very skillful and measured game.  He wasn't nasty like Andy from last year, or obnoxiously fame-whorish like Rachael.  I think of him as kind of a BB Boston Rob, only without the charm and magnetism.  But if Donny could pull the wool off some eyes, and the rug out from under him, I'd be all for that too!

    I agree with you about Derrick's game being similar to Boston Rob's. I wondered if perhaps Derrick was also a Survivor fan and a fan of Rob's. Also agree about the lack of charm and charisma! Derrick used a line in the DR recently something like "You're either with me or against me" thats classic Rob.


    Where I think they differ is Rob would never have allowed Frankie to stay in the game. Even though I loathe him clearly Frankie has been able to charm some of the others in the house and that just would not be ok with Rob. I also think he would have had a side alliance with Donnie.


    Rob was great at making everyone feel included apparently they all thought they had a final 2 deal with him & Andrea said he built individual relationships with every person in the alliance.

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  4. How does Googling up one of his lame, childlike videos, or having some stranger say, "Yes, I know that you are Frankie Grande because I have seen you on the internet" prove that he is 21 or over, anyway?  So full of SHIT.  GOD!!!!!!!!  Makes me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!  I mean, I already had a bad day, so I'm kind of raw and ripe to hate on Frankie right now, but he has definitely bypassed Caleb when it comes to delusion and ego.

    I kid you not I work in an off licence (UK) and actually had someone say this to me. My reply was why who are you? He told me he had been on the X Factor I just laughed and said no passport or drivers licence only.

    First post!

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