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Posts posted by elizacat

  1. At my very first apartment the girls upstairs got evicted a couple months after I moved in and they left their cat. The cat walked in my back door after she realized the girls weren't coming back and never left.

    I guess maybe to thank me for taking her in the used to bring me "presents".

    I woke up one morning, rolled over and put my hand in something wet. It was half a mouse.

    She very quickly became an indoor cat.

    Edited to say, she was a sweet girl but she was the ugliest cat I have ever seen to this day. She was a short hair calico with crossed eyes and the strangest markings. She was skinny as a rail with super long legs and tail and huge ears

    We used to say she was so ugly she was cute.

    I have had exactly the same experience with my old cat Sybil. Put my hand down on the floor in something wet - looked under the bed a decapitated rat!

    Sybil was an amazing mouser and delighted in bringing in all manner of lovely gifts for me.

    She was a dear old girl that lived to the age of 20.


    Your cat sounds like it was probably a X oriental or siamese.

    • Love 2
  2. Thanks harrie!!!

    That is Rufus on the left and Murphy on the right. They are 6 and 5 respectively.

    They are divine! I am so jealous!

    I'm really wanting to get a dog at the moment and would love a miniature Schnauzer but alas my landlord won't allow it.

    Not sure my 2 cats would like it either! I posted their picture further back in this thread. Harry (the tabby Long haired oriental) and Eliza. (a havana oriental)


    • Love 6
  3. The funny thing is, something about him kept reminding me of Noah Taylor.

    Ha my 2 favourite Aussie actors! I met Noah Taylor a few years ago as he live near where I live anyway told him The Year My Voice Broke was one of my favourite movies and he laughed and said he was stunned anyone had heard of it! LOL

    • Love 1
  4. There's just something about seeing the three of them together. It gets me right in the feels and I'm not going to deny it. Plus, the whole thing where Mark Hamill was talking about how traumatic is must have been for Luke to fall in love with a woman who turned out to be his sister and he's all 'You know what I'm saying?' and Ford starts rubbing his shoulder going "I know what you're saying. I mean... how many times can I say 'I'm sorry?'" Love it.

    Can't deny it got to me to!

    I thought Harrison came across as genuinely humble.

    • Love 2
  5. I just watched the first Mad Max today.  Max definitely had a son.  The world of Mad Max definitely looked a lot different in the first movie.  Although to tell you the truth, after seeing the first film I don't know why it became a classic.

    If you look at when it was made and the fact it was George Miller's first feature and the budget was tiny apparently $400 000 AUD all raised by Miller and Kennedy.  I can see how it became a classic. At the time it was very different to anything out there and it became a major hit world wide. It did a lot for Australian film at the time and for better or worse launched the career of Mel Gibson.

    I had to brush up on my Mad Max history lol and forgot that when it originally was shown in the US it was dubbed!

  6. People have a pretty wide range of tolerances for what is gross and what is acceptable.  Even within the same culture you can find the typical bell curve with some people pretty much thinking everything is covered in germs and disgusting to people who just don't seem to care at all.  And those of us in the middle think the people on either end are kind of nuts.


    I try to wash my hands a lot.  I can't possibly correct all of the people to the left of me on the gross/clean bell curve.

    Yeah I wash my hands a lot! Which in itself isn't good for the skin and means I spend quite a bit on hand cream lol.

    • Love 2
  7. I've also worked as a cashier, and yes, cash is FILTHY. A few years ago, one of those studies came out that every news outlet quotes as a end note--something like 80% of bills have traces of cocaine on them.

    I tend to tell people studies have shown traces of faeces are found on bank notes.


    Speaking of traces of cocaine a week ago a guy handed me a rolled up £5 note when I unrolled it, it literally was covered in coke there was so much on it that it was all over my hands. I had to wash both my hands and the note.

    When do people put money in their mouth? That's gross!!

    Honestly they do it all the time. I once had a guy have a £1 coin in his mouth sucking on it like a lolly and then try and hand it to me - yeah I refused to take that.

    The weird thing is they don't get how horrible it is and seem to think I'm being an ass for saying something about it to them!

    • Love 1
  8. Strangers who out of the blue say to you "smile" if you aren't grinning like a freak 24/7. Maybe I have bitch face. I don't know. I used to get this a lot though. One jackass said it literally as I was walking out of the animal hospital having just learned I had to put a beloved pet to sleep. I swear, if I ever hear it again I'm going to say something truly awful like "I just had bury my toddler who I backed over while drunk." Take that.

    And huggers. IF huggers were polite and asked before embracing I might feel differently, but we all know they'd never accept no so it probably doesn't matter. I despise hungers. And I don't like huggers either haha.

    Oh god seriously I absolutely love this post! I despise people telling me to smile oh and when they add "it couldn't be that bad" it just makes me angry. I have been known on occasion to turn around and say what the f*** would you know!


    Seriously what is there to smile about when its 6.30am and i'm walking to work trying to drink my first coffee of the day - not a morning person at all.


    My other current pet peeve is people that put money in their mouth.


    I work in a shop and honestly I don't understand how people don't get how utterly disgusting it is that they put money in their mouth and then can not see how bad and offensive it is when they then want to give it to me to pay for their goods.


    I will leave it there otherwise this post could end up pages long with all my pet peeves related to customers!

    • Love 1
  9. So this ep was a tribute to creepy movies, right? The call from inside the house is an old horror movie from the 80s I think. Mona in the hole was right out of Silence of the Lambs. "A" staring at them through the glass was from another one...maybe Scream, I think? Were there others? Sarah locked up,and counting the days I think was also a reference, just can't remember which one?

    Great ep. I was sufficiently creeped.

    The call from inside the house was from a movie called When A Stranger Calls.

    • Love 1
  10. Not Penner please no.  I know Penner is a fave on these boards but honestly I don't get the love. 

    In his last season he came across to as just another in a long line of sanctimonious bitter jury members. Outing Lisa how he did was just a low blow. The woman offered him a final 3 deal and he turned it down no one to blame but himself for getting voted out.


    Anyway I actually wondered if the female being considered as a host was Elizabeth from the Outback?

    • Love 2
  11. That was the first season with a HII, no one really knew how to deal with it, Terry tried to leverage it, but his pitch was "you get to relax and not play Survivor for a few votes." But his adversaries didn't handle it any better either, nobody ever thought about splitting votes, they could have forced it out of the game early on if they had done that.

    Guatamala was actually the first season with a HII but it had to be used before the vote,  in EI it could be used after the vote.

  12. I really doubt the millionaire thing will have any effect on Shirin. Andrew Savage is also wealthy. I'm sure some of the others are, too. And I think returning contestants are less likely than new ones to base their votes on a person's job/wealth.


    I was thinking that in the returning players season they tend to go after players that are scary/threats first, but that actually only happened once, Tina in All Stars. In Micronesia, HvV, Caromoan, and BvW they went after more annoying/unpredictable players.


    So if I was making a guess I would say Shirin will either go very early or make it quite deep into the game. It might come down to whether or not she aligned with anyone pre-game.

    Jenna Lewis was very vocal about targeting the winners on All Stars thats why Tina was first. Ethan was due to be next but Rudy got voted out as he was injured.

  13. I have to wonder what some of the jury speeches will be like for these people, considering their behavior.  Will and Dan think they'll get Shirin and the 3 NC votes?  Jenn didn't seem to like Carolyn out there, and I feel like she wouldn't get those 4 votes.  Rodney, as much of a hot headed big mouth that he is, may be able to argue he played the game, organized an alliance, and tried removing threats early on.  Mike has the best shot now, followed by Tyler.  I can't even see Sierra getting a vote in the final 3, and the only way she will is if it's like last season where Reed through a vote to Jaclyn so Missy would finish 3rd.  She'd be as undeserving as Dan and Will, but in a final 3 with them, she'd pull it off.  Probably the one winner Probst would barely spend time on.

    Your post made me wonder if Will and Dan are the goats whomever they are against could be a clean sweep winner!

    • Love 2
  14. I listened to both Podcasts and thought they were great. Really happy that Rob did these two it was actually great to hear how much support Shirin is getting.

    Got to say as a big Friday Night Lights fan I did love hearing from Scott Porter and would absolutely love to see him on Survivor one day.

  15. If a group of popular kids are sitting at a lunch table talking shit about an unpopular kid... it doesn't mean it isn't bullying just because the target doesn't know what they are saying.  It just means it hasn't been exposed yet.

    I think you and I have a very different definition of bullying.

    The scenario you present above is very different.

    IMO speculating amongst yourselves that someone may not be completely honest in the game of Survivor is hardly bullying. 

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