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Posts posted by elizacat

  1. Because they still have all their men, and men are automatically better at challenges than women? According to Rocker, anyway.


    I noticed that the other team sat out Julie in the immunity challenge, and she was the one who won the reward challenge for them.

    When discussing it they mentioned Julie and another girl - can't remember the name but it looked to me they were the 2 smallest females hence why Julie was chosen.

  2. Far too much Frankie! Why on earth did they have to ruin it by subjecting us to the Frankie commentary.

    The Zach scene with Amber was horrible and while it was set up by TA they didn't write him a script so thats on him and why I wouldn't like to see him win AFP.

    • Love 1
  3. I saw The Church last year with Simple Minds and Devo. They were awesome!


    Speaking of great Australian bands, I forgot to add The Go-Betweens to my initial list. I got to see them twice in 2005, once at Homebake and once at the Metro in Sydney.

    The Go-Betweens aww so many memories saw them many times back in the day and also saw them in 2005 in Brighton UK.

    Saw Cold Chisel in 2011 at Hyde Park at Hard Rock Calling - very surreal experience loads of Aussies there and loads of singing was a great show. Jimmy Barnes seemed stunned by how many Aussies were there singing their hearts out!

    • Love 1
  4. Well I was too late/too young as well really. I saw Split Enz in 2006 during their reunion tour. Seven times. I went all around Australia in my gap year, it was amazing. I've only seen a reformed Crowded House. I wish I was 10-15 years older when it comes to my music taste and concerts I would have loved to have gone to.

    I got to see Crowded House on there first tour - it was at The Horden Pavillion is Sydney and saw Paul Kelly many many times.

    Some great Aussie bands over the years - Hoo Doo Gurus, Nick Cave, The Saints, INXS, Midnight Oil, Hunters and Collectors just to name a few.

    The Church - how could I forget them!

    • Love 1
  5. This reminds me so much of Boston Rob vs. Lex in Survivor: All Stars. Derrick is trying to split that same hair between "I asked you a favor because we're friends outside of the game" and "I broke a deal with you as a competitor inside the game."


    Actually, if Derrick wasn't moralizing about his starving daughter and the lie about his profession, I'd say he was attempting to do what Boston Rob could not: win by persuading a group of people with whom he had outside the game friendships to overlook his inside the game tactics. It's a valid strategy, and it almost worked for Rob. But I don't believe Derrick will be able to resist getting in a word or two about the world's hungriest child. Which is one reason I can't respect his game. I'll be happy to be proven wrong if he makes nothing but in-game arguments about his gameplay, and appeals to the jury about the friendships they formed in the house. I just have a feeling there will be an air of "But I have a family, so I deserve this." Which makes him the male Dawn from Survivor instead of the new Boston Rob.

    Lex was a complete and utter hypocrite. He did Rob a favour because it suited him and thought it would benefit his game - although he also said it was Kathy's decision not his. The entire game Lex was spouting its business not friendship yet when it was flipped on him he couldn't handle it and he became the most bitterest juror ever.


    I've never been a fan of the moralising over who deserves what and really dislike when contestants play the deserving card. IMHO any strategy that gets someone to the end is valid - if they can sell it to the jury well done. 

    • Love 2
  6. It's funny, because it's true.



    Yep.  I think Derrick's two biggest strengths in this game have been 1) getting a good read on all of these people, and figuring out which ones were easily malleable, and 2) playing to each person's personality, like fluffing up Caleb's ego and being protective of Victoria and even getting rid of the people who might not be so easily manipulated.  It's the same skill set that other great players have had, I think.  I think the big difference in how easy it's seemed for Derrick can be traced back to the stupid dual HOH twist, because everyone was so afraid to make a big move, meaning Derrick faced less obstacles than the Wills or Dans.  Which is a real shame, because I would have loved to see Derrick in action against an actual uprising.  


    I also don't remember Cody & Derrick making a final 2 deal on day 2. Seems like it was more like week 2, or maybe even three.  So that was weird. 



    Agreed.  It drives me crazy on all of these shows.  It's not possible to win BB or Survivor or whatever without ever lying to or betraying or fooling someone, if not many someones.  Because if you told everyone the truth and never made promises you might have to break, you'd be gone pronto.​


    Off topic, but I need some help - how do you quote with the original poster's name/ time/ etc? showing above the quote  I've tried the multi-quote button, but when I post the reply, it's always just blank.  So instead I copy and paste just the text and add the quote marks.  I'm on a Mac, don't know if that matters.  

    Multi quote works fine for me on a Mac I just hit the " in the right hand corner of the post seems to work fine.

  7. In Irish whiskey it's a question of production, not salvation - or would that be history vs. mystery...? :D

    I have no idea how REALLY accurate this is, but Jameson's original distillers were reportedly a Catholic family, while Bushmill's distillers were Protestant. So which brand you drank indicated whether you were for the Green or the Orange - and if you're warmed up with a fresh infusion of antifreeze and looking for a reason to get a good fight going - hey, that's as good a reason as any. :)

    Not sure about the families but its more about location. Jameson's was originally distilled in Dublin - which is predominantly Catholic and Bushmills the North - predominantly Protestant.

  8. The one I see is usually about Donny's good bye video and Nichole. But both times we did see him trying to keep them but I once he realized he didn't have the numbers he backed off. The problqm was he was willing to work with others but never at the expense of his game and him saying he liked Donny must be a lie since he got him out of the house.


    I don't think voting someone out of the house means you dislike them. The impression I get is Derrick does genuinely like Donny however Donny just wasn't good for his game.

    • Love 5
  9. OK, this entire list is insane, but I can't even reason with the fact that you've seen Soundgarden 10 times. Pearl Jam 8 times? What... What the hell have I been doing with my life?!

    Ha yeah they are my 2 favourite bands. Believe me if I lived in the US it would be a hell of a lot more. I've seen them every tour since about 94 either in Australia or UK, and obviously go to several shows a tour.

    • Love 1
  10. From Jokers

    Caleb on Amber: That girl's in love with me. On finale I'm going to grab her face & kiss that girl on stage, I don't even care.

    That there is the reason I would hate Caleb to win. As funny and as clueless as he is I can't forgive or forget his stalkerish delusions about Amber.

    He destroyed that girls game because he's completely deluded and clueless. 

    • Love 9
  11. After watching a pretty crappy movie called Deadfall, it made me wonder what happened to Eric Bana's career.  He's steady with work, but he also seems relegated to slick straight-to-DVD films or theatrical releases with little to no promotion.  Very strange, though it could be a personal choice.  I always thought he was quite talented.     

    I read an interview with Eric Bana where he basically said he only makes one movie a year as he doesn't want to disrupt or move his family.  He has chosen for them all to stay living in Melbourne, Australia and doesn't want to relocate to LA. I got the impression that Bana didn't have much interest in being a movie star and had more than enough cash to be content.

  12. So many bands - so little space.

    First concert in 1980 when I was 12 Kiss at the Sydney Cricket Ground.

    Many many concerts since then so here's just a few

    Pearl Jam x 8 - Most recent concert played for just under 3.5 hrs they just get better with age!

    Soundgarden x 10

    REM x 2

    David Bowie X 2

    U2 x 2

    Smashing Pumpkins x 2

    Rage against the machine x 4

    Nick Cave - lost count

    The Strokes

    Rolling Stones


    Jeff Buckly



    Crowded House


    The Cure


    and many many more.

    • Love 3
  13. But you're making my point. Dawn is a woman. Derrick is a man. It's OK for a man to bond with fellow contestants, be nice to everyone and then stab them all in the back because: well, he was just so nice about it and his daughter really does need to eat. What a good father he is. But a woman doing the same thing -- what a vicious liar and a backstabber to play on all their emotions, and would she just shut up about her five children already? It's not a charity. But please, let's hear those hollas again for the hardworking dad!


    My point was Derrick is playing as personal a game as Dawn played, and nobody will say boo, because a man manipulating people's emotions is good gameplay, while a woman who does it is just a cold hearted bitch. Which was evident from the reactions of the two groups of contestants. "You're taking food out of my daughter's mouth" is as personal gameplay as "Please find my teeth." The main difference between the two is their sexes.





    There's a difference between bonding with contestants over shared interests and categorizing any decisions that might hurt him in the game as a personal affront. When a contestant made a move against Dan (or just didn't like him), he didn't get wildly offended on a personal level. That's where Derrick is different, to me.

    Kim Spradlin played a similar game she built relationships with people and manipulated them yet she wasn't hated.

    Dawn was far to emotional and people hated her for that.

    Dawn played the whole Brenda voting out completely wrong and created an incredibly bitter jury member that I have no doubt actively campaigned against her. 

    • Love 3
  14. Fair point with the hypocrite label. Honestly I think in most cases almost all the players are hypocrites or exhibit hypocritical behavior. Sometimes it drives me insane and sometimes I let it go. Depends on if I generally like the person or not. Which makes me a hypocrite as well!

    I thought the dog would be there by now. I was assuming they didn't do the veto ceremony today because they'd have the dog. Speaking of the ceremony, how hilarious that they showed it on the feeds. Production has straight-up stopped giving a fuck!

    Yeah I agree with you about whether it gets to me. I can almost forgive first time players but its the All Stars that seem to be the biggest hypocrites of all. 

    • Love 1
  15. I don't believe in bitter juries. Or I should say that I don't believe it says they're bad people if they don't vote for someone they feel is an asshole. If you create a bitter jury and lose, it's on you.



    I am a huge fan of the game and I would vote based on personality. I would never vote for someone I didn't like unless I had no choice. And IMO the overwhelming majority of reality tv show juries are the same. The winner is pretty much always the person better liked than their competitor. It's just human nature. The game is social, you have to live with these people, you get to know them, and it would be hard to vote for a piece of shit even if you can see they played a phenomenal game.



    I don't think a bitter juror is a bad person but 9 times out of 10 they are a hypocrite. That said I don't disagree that most people do vote on personality and emotionally. If you end up with a bitter jury then you failed in a major aspect of your game.

    • Love 1
  16. Derrick subtly shading all these idiots every time he calls them this and they have no idea!


    I found a really good article on Derrick's game. It made me appreciate it more, yet at the same time reminded me just how much I don't respect his game and don't think it's that good. And I still hope he loses.


    I just hope Donny is still SUPER bitter about Derrick because I think Donny will have a lot of influence over how most of the jury votes. Unless the F2 is Frankie/Derrick and then I hope Donny forgets Derrick sucks and remembers Frankie is a vile piece of shit.

    I actually hope Donny isn't bitter. I really dislike bitter jury members and I like Donny. They almost always tend to be hypocrites and if they don't get that lying and back stabbing is part of the game by now - both on this and Survivor then they are fools and deserved to be voted out.

    • Love 3
  17. Caleb got a little more entertaining after his haircut, IMO, hopefully shaving the beard has the same effect on Derrick.


    Cal to Nic about Amber (?): You never know she might just come up to me and kiss me on the lips. Or I might do it right to her if she doesn't do it to me first.

    Caleb hopes he gets out of there, checks FB & has a fitness modeling contract waiting for him ..."that's my kinda life" NT




    Was just about to post the Amber comment. This guy is seriously delusional and scary. 

    • Love 2
  18. Just finished watching Marquesas...  How in the world did Rob M. ever get invited back as an all star given his clownish play that resulted in him not even making the jury?  Was he a substitute for someone who couldn't play in all stars?


    I was pretty impressed with Vecepia.  What was with Sean and his slavery victim mentality?  Poor Paschal getting screwed by the rock draw when he didn't have any votes against him!

    Am sure I read somewhere probably TWOP that Sean was originally invited back but declined. Even in Marquesas Rob still gave great interviews and for all his clowning around he had great awareness of what was going on in the game.

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