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Posts posted by elizacat

  1. 13 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    The gang's discussion of Jon's Survivor experience on the latest Pod Save America is hilarious 😂. I'm a regular listener though, so I may be a tad bit biased.

    The only positive thing about Jon's early exit is that, as a  decade older, I won't be constantly reminded I'm geriatric.

    I watched it too and loved it. I only knew Jon was going on Survivor last week when they showed a preview on Pod Save America - honestly I was really looking forward to seeing Jon and was so disappointed how it went down - I think I must of blocked out most of the episode lol as I barely remember anything else that happened. 

    I hope this stupid yellow tribe all go out one by one for making such a dumb decision! 

    If Andy makes it to a tribe swap and end up on the same tribe as Aysha needs to run a mile as he will tank her game too. 

    By the sounds of it even Jeff was disappointed Jon went so early maybe with luck he will be one of those rare 1st boots that gets a 2nd shot!

    • Like 8
  2. 2 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

    Seriously. I've always scooped the box several times a day. I can't imagine how disgusting the litter box and entire area would be if you only scooped every week or so.

    Yeah exactly I scoop my cats tray multiple times a day! 

    • Like 2
  3. I’m  going to weigh in here with the dog - I see this as Ariana’s fault - I have a dog and well dog’s eat stuff they shouldn’t she must know this. You don’t leave dangerous food waste lying around. I get the dog didn’t have access to the room but things happen especially when you share with people. Sure Tom was irresponsible looking the dog in the room but seriously you don’t leave dangerous stuff lying around.

    Just get rid of takeaway stuff easy to lay blame on others when really if she just got rid of the stuff it wouldn’t have been an issue.

    6K at the Vet - does she not have insurance for her children!

    The cat litter tray WTF - in the footage shown she was scooping it not emptying it surely you scoop it more than once every couple of weeks poor kitty!

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  4. 13 hours ago, zibnchy said:

    Isn't a chip butty made with french fries (chips)? If made with potato chips wouldn't it be a crisp butty? Has Simon ever actually had one? Also how was that dish gantry worthy? He didn't make the bread. He made plain old potato chips and he fancied up some butter. I know Simon is super nice and everyone loves him but I don't like him. (JUst a personal opinion. I tend to mistrust/dislike people who are too nice all the time.)


    In Australia crisps are called chips. Chips/french fries are also called chips or hot chips.

  5. 11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Yeah, I'm sure Mo is a nice person, but she does not come off as having much personality. Sharn isn't exactly a barrel of fun either. Meanwhile, the jury literally lit up and was enthralled listening to Dave gleefully recount his game. They laughed along with him. 

    Hope he gets an acting gig out of this. Or at least some nice modeling work.

    Dave mentioned on the exit interview on RHAP about potentially going on US survivor - would love to see this!

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  6. I'm so glad Dave won, absolutely the best player by a mile. I knew he had it won as soon as he won final immunity. I was shocked Sharn actually thought she had a chance!

    She started off ok with her speech but it rapidly went downhill from there.

    I thought Dave was great he owned  his game which does tend to go down well with juries.

    All in all a perfect end to a really enjoyable season.

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  7. 53 minutes ago, simplyme said:

    You misremember. I know because I've recently watched or rewatched the first nine seasons and that was something I made a point to look for since people kept talking about "Remember when the whole tribe got one can of soda to share?" That never happened except pre-challenge to whet their appetites for a rewards. Just like today. (The one slice of pizza reward that people remember was actually an individual reward of a call home and a slice of pizza. The phone call was the big reward. Gervase won and chose to share the slice.)

    Anyways, yes, the food rewards were smaller, but not that much so, and some of those seasons they started with a bunch of food and supplies. (Others they started with very little.) That said, the Survivor food auction in Australia was pretty lame: rewards started with something like 6 Doritos. Of course there is no auction anymore now...

    Personally, I think having to watch Jack and Jill and pretend to enjoy it (except Sophie, who I will always love for not bothering to pretend) was the worst reward ever, even if it did come with movie theater treats.

    Lol fair enough I do have a vague recollection of Jeff cutting up a snickers so I guess that was the pre-challenge taster!

    • Love 1
  8. On 3/25/2020 at 3:32 PM, TVbitch said:

    Brooke really did her best at the last tribal to save herself. I would have been shocked if either Sharn or Mo bought into it though, cuz, come on, the jury is mostly made up of her friends and ousted alliance members who have been falling all over themselves with glee every time she had the immunity necklace on! I think she deserves to play again, but this time she did not play hard enough early on strategically. 

    Wow, David has emotions. LOL It was good to see, and he better win. Sharn has made so many enemies on the jury. And for no reason! Mo really hasn't done that much. She is more of a legend in her own mind with her invisible game. I am also surprised that she has not been good at challenges this whole season. She doesn't seem especially warm or friendly either. I don't know why the jury would pick her over Dave.

    I really wish they had a final three, cuz I would love to hear all of their arguments for why they should win. And a final two means Dave will be out if either of the girls win the next challenge. I do not like that the winner of the final challenge basically decides the final two. Didn't like it in US survivor and I do not like it here. 

    Why are they making us wait a week for the finale! Ugh! 


    What frustrated me about Brookes pitch that no one brought up was she would have a stacked jury! I think the only person who stood a chance against Brooke with that jury is Dave. Mo or Sharn would have been essentially handed Brooke the win if they kept her!

    I hope Dave wins if not would prefer Mo over Sharn, didn't like her in her first season and haven't liked her this season.

    • Love 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

    The last time they did a break another person's urn or chop something down was in San Juan Del Sur, which was Natalie A's winning season. Didn't Jeff get angry/annoyed at the players for some reason? Maybe that's why that challenge never returned.

    Yes he did because they all decided prior to the challenge who was going to win it so weren't really playing

    • Love 2
  10. 14 hours ago, princelina said:

    I hope so too!  Clearly he's a dick and she's the kind of girl who likes to chase guys who are dicks.  She gave him a fire token to make him happy with her? And then that little chin tickle she gave him after they voted off Yul?  Barf.  I don't mind Adam.

    By a mile!  I'd love to see the new-schoolers win a slice of pizza for a reward 😄 

    Add me to the list of peeps who would like to see a different challenge than "bag of puzzle pieces" - how about a good old fashioned "how well do you know your tribemates" quiz, or one where they get to break each others urns?

    I'm sure I remember back in the first or second season them winning 1 Snickers bar and a can of 7Up

    • Love 4
  11. 4 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    I hated to see what happened to Lee.

    I am not in favor of the whole vote six out and five will be coming back.  This version tends to go overboard with the non-elimination episodes. 

    How can anyone not like Shonee?  She is so damn charming and always has a smile on her face.   If she makes it to the finals she will be tough to beat.


    I agree and to be honest I think only David and Moana have played a better game. I doubt Mo would beat her - maybe David would.

    • Love 2
  12. On 2/4/2020 at 2:22 AM, antfitz said:

     I partially agree, I could easily work for Kate.  Remind have our differences, but she is business. Simone should not be gleefully supporting what the boys do to Kate. They are misogynistic a sick a** holes.  I use the term boys correctly. None of them have grown or acted like men.  Kevin is a real d***. Are these guys from Australia? Always read that Australian men are Not very respectful to women -- more chauvinistic. Maybe Australian women are used to it, but I think it's disrespectful.  If hes not from their common than is just a jerk all on his own. Is mother needs to teach him some manners and the same thing is true for Tanner and Ashton. Ashton has been such a certifiable drunk and A******,  His mother should be ashamed of him. All the guys are alcoholics basically. They get way too drunk.


    Am pretty sure Kevin is from New Zealand

  13. 14 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Loving it so far! David is just genius at this game. Sia should give him some money just for entertaining us. "Gold, Jerri, Gold." and "You shall not pass." He reminds me of some guy friends who always have a tv/movie quote ready for any situation. 

    He and Matt could ride their secret alliance all the way to the end, if they keep it going after the merge. 

    Kind of dumb for them to completely exhaust Locke's strength trying to win a cup of coffee when the immunity challenge was coming up. 

    Is it dropping to two episodes a week now? 


    Totally agree that was brilliant play. Can't help loving watching David play as he is clearly loving it and he understands the game so well.

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  14. 6 hours ago, swanpride said:

    Honestly, they confused me a little bit. It might be the translation, but they kept calling Wilson a "Liberal" and I was all "Huh, I don't think that the Lib dems ever provided a PM".

    It was nothing to do with the Lib dems its that his views were seen as more liberal.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Nozycat said:

    I like John but he didn't seem to be playing very hard.  And he said he would never have voted with the champions but didn't he do exactly that a few times?

    Love the Aussie spirit but why do they throw their filthy dirty selves on to the clean beds, that's disgusting.   And they are making it look like their first shower is only the next morning which may well be edited to look that way but if so - ewww.  A shower would be the first thing I would do before I touched anything else.

    I know right its exactly what I was thinking!

    • Love 2
  16. 50 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

    And all the Emmys go to...

    That was seriously spectacular. When a TV show makes you FEEL something, the apprehension, the fear, the sense of loss, not like you are watching it but like you are living it, that is something special.

    Oh my god I was so anxious I could barely watch!

    • Love 7
  17. Eric Bana actually started out in a sketch comedy show in Australia called Full Frontal. He’s actually got great comic ability and if you see any interviews with him comes across as a real nice down to earth guy.

    I read an interview with him where he said he’s turned down a lot of roles as he doesn’t want to move his family from the Australia to the US. He plays creepy very well.

    Like others have mentioned on here Connie Britton will always be Tammy Taylor to me.

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