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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Unfortunately, Tinsley will probably invite all of them, unless it’s one of those away weddings. She’s good hearted like that, although they don’t deserve to go. That will be interesting. I hope she only invites Leah and the gym guy. They were the only ones who truly cared for Tins.
  2. Dorinda should just go into rehab, sober up, try to get John back, work with him in the cleaners and STFU. It not the Med, but it’s an honest profession, and she could have her parking space back, lol.
  3. Dorinda is the big question. On BH, how did Bravo let Kyle’s sister Kim go? Did she leave on her own to seek help from alcohol, or did Bravo let her go? Dorinda is much worse than Kim was.
  4. Well, I hate to say it but, there’s always Divorce. Either it will last, or it won’t. She’s looking around at all the other women who are miserable and figured “why not”, this is my chance.
  5. Leah and Martin. The guy at the gym .. is that his name? I forgot.
  6. Congradulations 35 yrs. I’ll be married 55 yrs in October to the love of my life. Love at first sight, and he’s my best friend.
  7. Tinsley is still young and has her eggs. Good thinking. She has her whole life ahead of her. She and Scott can still have a couple of kids. He’s got a good job and can give her everything. It’s all good and she deserves it. Why are some of them jealous? They all had their day with kids and husbands. Now, it’s her turn, and Chicago is the right place for her. New friends too.
  8. When Dorinda comes on, I look away. She has this smirk on her face like she knows she’s being mean and just doesn’t care. Between John, her house upstate and Tinsley, she looks like she is losing it, and nobody is suggesting she gets serious help? What about her mother and sister?
  9. Thank you. That proposal as so sweet. She deserves it. I’m so happy for her. I never saw this.
  10. Yeah LuAnn. Tinsley is going to postpone going to Chicago so she can go to your stupid party. Haha. In your dreams. I just want to add that I haven’t seen one good looking guy on this show except maybe Mario. Not one. Ramona and Sonja especially. Where are they finding these guys?
  11. What a bunch of pussies. All except Elise. None of them were paying attention to Tinsley when Dorinda was at the table. None have a mind of their own. Let’s see what Andy does. He should fire her. She’s toxic. Sonja and Ramona May be funny at times, but they are major ass kissers and phonies. Kiss, kiss, stab in the back. Dorinda is NOT funny in the talking heads like she thinks. I hope Tinsley has a nice wedding and does not invite those bitches, except Elise. Then put a picture in the N.Y. Post.
  12. Dale is crying because she won’t be on the show anymore.
  13. My “like” thingy isn’t working again. I agree about John. Why would she be crying? Because he hasn’t called her and kissed her ass? I hope he has another girlfriend.
  14. You have a good memory. Like I said once before, my kid went to see her in N.Y.C. and said she sings her three songs,then leaves it up to the guests to do the rest. Then she talks to the audience even tho they are screaming and yelling because they love her. I’m sure many on here have seen her act. I like her the best out of all of them,but she can’t sing to save her life, lol. She really thinks she’s fabulous tho, and the gowns are beautiful.
  15. This was filmed in October 2019. Does anyone know how Tinsley & Scott are doing? I don’t have Instagram or Twitter.
  16. At the table, Dorinda says “ I’ve got a turkey blaster .. maybe you can have a baby” to Tinsley. Now, go to Church Dorinda. You’re such a good Christian. Who talks like that? She’s such a jealous bitch. No wonder Scott told Tins to come to Chicago. No man wants to see their girlfriend spoken to like that. The hatred is unbelievable. I meant baster. Autocorrect not good.
  17. Haha .. that guy promoting her says she started Cabaret? Is he for real ? She believes him too.
  18. She should be in rehab. Will there be another season with her bullying someone?
  19. LuAnns cabaret act doesn’t look too promising. She’s resorting to Sonja taking her dress off. It doesn’t look like she has too many things to work with.
  20. I am originally from Queens, and John’s first store is in Queens also, so I guess Dorinda is an authority on Queens also, lol. Guess she’s not parking her car there anymore.
  21. I agree. Why does Dorinda think she’s above everyone? She is nothing. She is not society. She’s a bully and a drunk, and won’t admit it. After the way she has treated people, I don’t see how she can redeem herself.
  22. I really think John left her. Now, I think she wants him back. She was crying to LuAnn because she misses him. Maybe he had enough of her also. She was nasty to him too.
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