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Rachel RSL

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Everything posted by Rachel RSL

  1. I could have stood there until the end of time and still never figured out that math problem. Math is my mortal enemy. Aw, the poor beer people. I always feel bad when nobody goes to one side of a Detour. All that planning and preparing and practicing the dance and then nobody showed up. That has to be so disappointing. I haaaaaaaate the Face Off! It just bugs me when a team has to sit and wait and squander their lead until other teams show up. Dave and Irina are gonna win this whole thing, aren’t they? Ugh. 😒
  2. Sis was part of the Six Shooters and Jack’s showmance so she definitely got votes simply because of who she was aligned/sleeping with. I have no doubt that both Jack and Tommy got more votes than her.
  3. That was hilarious how people kept trying to cheer up Christie, saying that America doesn’t hate them, and Jackson just kept shutting that shit down immediately. He just cannot read a room but it was so funny to watch! That being said, I hate that Jackson got his way. I dislike him waaaay more than Christie!
  4. “I’d love some time to myself.” ”Well you’re going to get it in the jury house.” ZING!!! One Jackhole down, one to go! For once, Julie Chen-Moonbeam called someone out on their crap. It was fun watching Jack slowly realize that America hates him. It’s sweet that Kat is giving her Hawaii trip to her parents but the shout outs are still beyond ridiculous. Christie gave a birthday shout out to Tommy who is right there in the house with her. Enough already!
  5. Then you tell then to knock it off or they get a penalty nom. That will shut them up real fast.
  6. I agree. I’d put up Jack, Jackson and Holly. Sure, one of them would be safe, but one of them would definitely go up on the block. Julie definitely seems more animated and into the show this season. I wonder if it’s because this is her only gig now.
  7. Completely agree! There are reality show “villains” and then there are legitimate assholes. Dave & Irina are definitely the latter. I skimmed the comments on Twitter after the show and the overwhelming sentiment was that they were making the show unwatchable. I also noticed that the word that kept coming up in tweets was “disgraceful”. People think their behavior is just un-Canadian and I completely agree. It is possible to be competitive without being a douche. I don’t remember if it was TAR Canada or TAR US but remember that one task where they had to stick their head in a box while giant roaches crawled all over them? That one would be just perfect!
  8. I think people are taking it seriously because it isn’t obvious that Dave & Irina are playing a part. If you go by how they act in interviews and on social media, they are exactly the same in “real life”. It’s unfortunate that you’re so put off by people talking about how diverse Canada is. It’s the greatest thing about our country and even if people mentioned it endlessly (which they didn’t), it wouldn’t bother me. We always learn bits and pieces about the Racers’ lives throughout the season so I’m not sure why the segment about one of them being a doctor who often works with transgender people is such an issue.
  9. I know, that’s why I asked if they gave a list to people because it would be impossible to figure out if you didn’t live there. All the other teams (except Dave) somehow managed to get it right. Not that this should matter but Dave & Irina don’t even live in Canada. I don’t know why that bugs me but it just makes me dislike them even more. Apparently his fighting career is centered in Burma and I found this on his Wikipedia page, which might explain why Princess Irina thinks everyone else is a peasant. 🙄 “The two got married on Leduc's birthday, in a traditional Burmese wedding ceremony in Yangon.The ceremony was nationally televised on MRTV with an approximate of 30 million viewers, only two days after his world championship title fight, catapulting them to celebrity status in Myanmar. According to Burmese magazine The Yangon Times, the couple is a national emblem in Myanmar. Leduc and his wife currently reside in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.”
  10. Co-sign that Dave and Irina are the WORST! What a couple of vile human beings, especially her. And I blame them for starting that penalty nonsense. As soon as one team takes a penalty, the others start to panic. They definitely need to increase the penalty time to discourage crap like that. I was so bummed that my 2 favourite teams were in last place and then the miracle of the goats on the roof happened. That was so lucky! Karma, indeed. Did they give them a list of places beforehand or something? Because, if you weren’t from there, how would anyone ever figure out the answer was “goats on roof”?! I felt bad for Sam having to do that swing of death (twice!), I would have been petrified too, but his screaming was hilarious! Mmmmmm....nanaimo bars. Yum!
  11. I'm glad NOLA won over the Brunch Babes, mainly because it sounds like they will actually use the money for a food truck or at least something in the restaurant industry. (Also, the thin guy who never smiled cracked me up. He was always so deadpan.) The Brunch Babes (who I liked just fine) were just in it to win the money and then go back to their lives. I mean, one of them is pregnant so she obviously won't be food trucking her way around the U.S. any time soon. Not that there's anything wrong with someone signing up just to win the money but, like others have said, I really miss the days when the teams were already existing food trucks. It just seems, to me anyway, people were more invested in the competition because it was their livelihood, not because it was something they felt like doing just for shits & giggles for a few weeks. Also, if the Brunch Babes had won because they knew how to blow a conch better, I would have been pissed. I know the show has obviously changed things for the sake of easier production but I really miss the days when everything wasn't spoon-fed to the teams. I know a lot of people are bored by the shopping trips but I really enjoyed how teams would often have to hunt for specialized food stores to find the unique ingredients they needed or when they would swing deals with restaurants. Now they just send them all to the same Costco (or whatever). And the challenges are ridiculous. Not just the fact that most of them have nothing to do with food but the amount of money given away is just way too much. Winning the challenge should give the teams a little bonus or possibly an advantage but it shouldn't decide who wins the entire show.
  12. Ok, after reading earlier comments, I thought it must have gone on all night or something. So basically,
  13. @Nashville is the best! How long did this comp actually last? (I have my sub-titles on and they kept blocking the time.)
  14. No worries! I feel bad for not being clearer. I hate the thought of me being lumped in with the Jackholes!
  15. I think the tone of my post was misinterpreted there and I certainly apologize for that. I was mimicking what is going on in Jack’s mind, because that’s how I’m sure he labels them, not me. Yes, that was exactly my intention.
  16. Right?! And he wouldn’t be on the jury so there would be literally no repercussions! A 331/3 record. Honest that is what it is. There is no other thing abbreviated as an LP. So why we are talking about records I don't know. I’m pretty sure the original poster was asking if Tommy is a little person. (Took me a while to figure it out too lol) I don’t know for certain but I don’t think he is. I think he’s just short.
  17. So now that Aquadouche’s ethnic cleansing is over, I guess he targets the fattie and the old guy next? I hate these people! Except Kat. “I vote to evict Michie.” I love her so much!!
  18. Ok, got those two confused. 🤷‍♀️ But that was still clearly an accidental bump. I mean, there are enough douchebags in the world (and in the BB house), I don’t think we have to go looking for asshole behavior when there isn’t any.
  19. Jon was in the Vancouver Olympics, whenever that was. (I think you’re correct about it being 2010)
  20. Expelling or even punishing Cliff for that would be ridiculous. It was very clearly an accident. He's not even looking in her direction as he's extending his arm to hug the next person. And it's certainly not a punch or a backhand or even a slap. It's just a light bump as he's moving his arm forward to hug Nick. Not to mention, unless there's something major happening on the feeds, has Cliff ever shown any tendency to be violent or even joke about being violent with women? If I remember correctly, he was the one who said "Are you pretty ladies conspiring against me?" because he wouldn't call them bitches even as a joke.
  21. It's funny, I was just thinking the other day how budgeting your money used to be such an important part of the race but it's never an issue anymore and then, BAM, the Olympians run out of money. Lucky for them people were so generous. Dave and Irina suck for so many reasons but I can't hold the taxi stealing against them. It may be a dick move but it isn't against the rules and never has been. That being said, wtf is with the jerk cab drivers in Yellowknife? Why say you're going to wait for someone only to ditch them? Especially when you know you're leaving them basically in the middle of nowhere. I was more annoyed at the cab drivers than Dave & Irina.
  22. And he literally yanked it out of Jack’s hands. Just so he could take it to the bathroom with him under the guise of washing it. ???????????
  23. See, you guys! I told you the “Biiiiiiiig Brrrrrrother!!!” guy was awesome! I love how everyone involved in making this show is clearly over the Jackholes. WTF with the cucumber?! There were so many things wrong with that segment. Who eats a cucumber like that? Who shares a cucumber being eaten like that? Who takes a cucumber to the bathroom with them? Did he take it in there to compare? Did he purposely takes big bites so it would be short enough to match him? Did Jack even question any of that? I have so many questions that I probably don’t want to know the answers to. Who would have thought Cliff would be the one to flip the script? Way to go, Token Old Guy! I’m sorry I doubted you.
  24. Julie really seems to get a kick out of Sam's rhymes when he greets her before the voting. There was an actual burst of laughter from the Chen-Bot this time.
  25. I think so. I’m pretty sure Fessy nailed it in some ridiculously fast time. Apparently his body weight helped keep him from sliding as much or something. I remember reading that everyone at CBS, from on-set people all the way up to the marketing department, were so pissed. *snerk* 😂
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