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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Thank you Dani for providing us with another entertaining HOH reign!!! From trying to get out Eric Stein by telling his showmance to both her reigns in BB13 to this clusterfuck of a HOH Reign!
  2. At least he sort of screwed up Dani/Nicole plan that didn't make sense to begin with lol by just being David. Words I thought I would never say a year ago Chris/Bayleigh and Kaysar/his wife are going on a double date this weekend according to Bay's twitter account.
  3. The other part of the plan is for Tyler to give David a big hug and thanking him for his vote to keep him lol.
  4. Alright sounds like Nicole's plan is back in play. That she pins David for flipping. Day + Kevin doubt David will follow through so it might be 7-1. If Enzo throws a hinky vote and Nicole sympathy it might be 5-3 or 6-2
  5. I have no idea what is going on. Kevin goes to Dani and tells him the plan is on and that Dani will break the tie and vote out Tyler, but she can't tell Christmas or Cody per Day's orders. It sounds like they maybe they are going back to Nicole's plan? The vote is 5-3 and Nicole blames David for flipping.
  6. Ian started crying so Kevin said he would check with David. He went to David who is pissed that Ian is showing his cards but he wants the blood on Dani's hands. Kevin goes back to Ian and tells him to stop crying and Ian responds wouldn't crying help? So now it looks like it will be 5-3.
  7. Cody wanted Day up instead of Tyler after David's power was used. So she wouldn't be able to take anyone off the block.
  8. Memphis and Xmas have been talking to each other about throwing it, but who knows lol.
  9. HOH Lockdown. They usually come back on before the show.
  10. It happened in the original All-Stars too. 😞 I remember the night before Jase went home the vote looked like it was about to flip to vote out Will, but Marcellus wouldn't flip. Is Bay the new button girl?
  11. Out of the outsiders David is least likely to keep Ian remember he thinks Ian is the mastermind and Day manipulated Dani in putting one of her own lol. I think for Day & Kevin it comes down to out of Ian and Tyler would hurt the core group the most. I think they realize they don't have the votes to keep Ian because of David. Though they might be able to flip Nicole. Also, they think there is a chance Tyler works with them vs Ian who won't work with them cus of Nicole. I don't think Day or Kevin know that Ian has been trashing them.
  12. I hope it's 4-4 because that will cause maximum drama!
  13. It wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being 8-0 since Dani told Kevin and Day the house was voting Ian out and Enzo was telling David to vote out Ian last night.
  14. Last night Ian told David his big realization at the Final 7 in BB14 was that anyone who brought Dan to the end would win. I think this is were a lot of Ian's entitlement stands from. He thinks he is some mastermind for figuring this out and deserves credit for bringing Dan to the end over Danielle and since it was such an obvious move no one has given him credit. It would be like giving Jordan credit for bringing Gnatalie over Kevin. It's pretty clear he really cares what the superfans think on the internet. The fact that they all correctly say he won because of a bitter jury bothers him. He has gone on reddit to defend his win on why he deserves more credit, that even though Dan is the better Big Brother player he is a top 20-30 player and would be higher if he ever played again because his social skills have improved. Taran said on RHAP last night that Ian has wanted to prove to the fan base that his win over Dan wasn't a fluke by coming back. Clearly he has shown that was the case and since he thinks he is some mastermind and smarter than everyone else in the house he can't handle the fact Dani the person who was snowed by Jeff and co-signed the Lawon move outplayed him. I think his animosity towards Kevin is that that Kevin is playing the game Ian wanted to play and the fact well Jordan beat Kevin in the F3 competition that marks him down a peg in Ian's mind. Ian should just own his win. The one thing I always liked about Jordan was that she always owned her win by saying yeah I was nice to people and people gave me the money at the end cus they liked me more. I'm starting to think Ian/Jordan are somewhat alike if you just replace Ian's comp wins at the end of BB14 with Jordan's social game. They both came back on a returning season with not great attitudes for different reasons. I think Jordan's bad attitude had more to do with the fact she only did BB13 because of Jeff while Ian thinks he is better than everyone else in the house and wanted to prove his win.
  15. That is probably right. Also the sets are more elaborate than they were in BB14.
  16. I think the limiting outside use is more for production to build sets. I do think the wildfires are probably why the veto was inside this week. I remember Bay mentioning that they had one more outside day on her season. For those who remember was the outdoors this restricted last year?
  17. I think Dani told Day and Kevin when the feeds went down for a party. Ian went to the HOH again, Dani didn’t answer lol.
  18. Nicole to Day if the outsiders decide to keep Ian she will be the fourth vote.
  19. The feeds keep cutting because he keeps mentioning production and how he won't go to jury!
  20. Dani is reading her bible (i think) on the bed while Ian is on the couch this is so awkward..... Ian was huffing and puffing on the couch and the DR called him in as soon as he leaves Dani goes this is awful
  21. Ian went back into the HOH. Dani told him to stop threatening Nicole. He is still pouting. This is so painful Dani told him she is trying to do everything to keep him (yikes!).
  22. I believe his birthday is in December because that was the conversation that included his thoughts on COVID
  23. Dani did something I finally liked she snapped at Nicole because Nicole is whining about Ian for the millionth time. She told Nicole, Ian is not going to tank your game. She also called Ian's behavior ridiculous and she told Kevin and Day not to vote for Ian. Dani says she is going to yell at Ian tomorrow and say stop threatening Nicole. And goes you know who else I am sick of? Christmas going into every room and annoying everyone. I don't blame Dani being annoyed at this one bit. I am so tired of Ian's threatening everyone and bitching how he won't do press and he will talk to 3 executive producers. Dude did you think you had a 100% chance of winning?
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