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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Same!! I guess Cody thinks Memphis will take him over Nicole at the F3 which is probably the wrong read. Since Memphis is sexist and will think no way will Nicole beat him. Remember he kept forgetting she won?
  2. I did. Enzo keeps bringing it up too. I think Cody will clip Enzo over Memphis if those two are up at the F4 and Cody is the lone deciding vote.
  3. Cody is telling Enzo he wants to clip Memphis because of the final 3 he made with Christmas and Enzo.
  4. If Tyler brought Cody to the end that wouldn't be smart. It is way too risky. The only person right now on the jury who would definitely vote for Tyler over Cody is Kevin. So like many of us guessed at the time Dani thought Kaysar was talking about a literal love triangle https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/big-brothers-dani-donato-briones-will-never-play-again/
  5. Completely agree. I mentioned it in this thread that I think her whole identity is wrapped up in Big Brother. She has dated three guys from Big Brother and married one of them. Her best friend is Annie from season 12. It's super strange how both Dani and Evel Dick have their whole identity wrapped up in Big Brother. At least Dani was 20 when she went on. Evel Dick was 40 something years old and seems to have life outside of Big Brother. No wonder why he is jealous of Rob who has made an actual business out of his podcast site doesn't get involved in the drama.
  6. Day, Ian, Kevin and even David said they liked the fact Memphis was straight up with them vs other people who weren't. That's why I think this jury will be hard to predict. The only person who I can't see winning is Christmas. Cody- ran the game Memphis-upfront with people when they left Nicole-Had good relationships with most people on the jury plus some might see it impressive if a winner gets to the final 2. Tyler-Even though he wanted to quit the only people who seem upset about that are Day and Dani. Enzo-best social player this season.
  7. This is the post I mentioned about Tyler auditioning for BB18.
  8. Erika Landin said in an interview with RHAP earlier in the season that she met Tyler during the casting of BBOTT. I could be completely wrong about this, but I think Tyler said he started watching during BB10? There are photos on his instagram of him trying out for BB18...I think.
  9. I don't know if Enzo would be bitter, if it's a final 3 I don't think so. If it's a final 4 situation and Cody votes him out I could see it because he has put all his trust in Cody. Christmas would be the only one who would put Cody up. The only way I don't see Cody is if he reacts to the jury the way he did to Kevin the other night. In that scenario I could see Memphis winning because they all now Memphis is an ass.
  10. I think it's hard to predict people still in the game. If Cody gets Enzo out at 4 I can see Enzo being bitter even it is his "bro" or if Memphis evicts Christmas at the F4 cus he won the veto I can see her being bitter at Xmas. I think Ian would vote for Cody over Nicole. He kept talking in his post game interviews how impressed he was by Cody. As we saw in the house Ian can be easily influenced if people pay attention to him.
  11. I think Enzo could beat Cody possibly in the F2. I really don't know how this jury will vote. I think its funny people think that Derrick set Cody/Nicole up when Cody/Nicole were on the same season and Nicole played with Paulie. Also, from stories on the feeds Cody has told stories about hanging out with single Victor pre-his relationship with Nicole. Both Cody/Nicole have said in the house how pissed Derrick is going to be when he finds out Nicole is on the season because she lied to him. Cody is like Drew Daniels and would probably get far in any Big Brother season due to being good at comps and being a good social player. y The only way he gets voted out is if he is an season 15/season 17 situation.
  12. They might, but Christmas is the only left who would have put Cody on the block this week. Plus Cody has been annoyed by Christmas this whole season.
  13. Cody said on the feeds at least twice Derrick didn't play because he didn't want to be the first boot.
  14. People forgive Janelle for the Beau stuff because they became BFFs right after the season ended. He watched her house in Miami during All-Stars. Plus factor Janelle being a fan favorite and Bay wasn't. The interesting part about these Janelle/Bay comparisons is that Bay's personality is what I thought Janelle's personality would be like in the beginning of season 6. Even the Swaggy/Bay romance tour right after season 20 ended reminded me of Janelle/Will right after All-Stars ended. The big difference is I don't think Janelle would have ever done the cancer charity scam like Bay did though.
  15. Eh I think Derrick was pissed because Nicole apparently didn't tell him she was on the show and since he is an egomaniac I can see him taking offense to that. Cody and Nicole are friends outside of the house and they played together before. If you are Cody why not make a F2 with a former winner?
  16. He said on instagram he deleted it after watching The Social Dilemma because it made him realize how toxic twitter is. Anyone else remember night one Andy tweeted that Dani was going to make an all girls alliance because she called him pre season asking questions about season 15 because she studied it and how they got the Moving Company out early?
  17. I really want to see Ian's reaction when Dani gets to the jury house and tells him she was voted out because Tyler put her up.
  18. I have to disagree with Janelle for once! I would argue the reason Day left was because Dani was to close to her.
  19. Nicole is his real F2 and Nicole is the reason why Dani/Cody are tight.
  20. Dani wanting to get rid of Janelle was when she lost the game. So she lost night one.
  21. Both Dani/Nicole want Tyler out. The only way you get Cody out at this point is if you put him up against Enzo.
  22. Hopefully after this season the myth that Dani is a good player will be put to rest. Never understood it the girl was snowed by Jeff/Jordan!
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