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Everything posted by DoYouLikeMutton

  1. They're going to have to move this show from the "comedy" forum category.
  2. I think Bob truly wants/wanted to see Abishola have fun with her friends and let go. Kemi and Gloria would be a blast to party with. While I don't think he hijacked the girls evening out, he probably wasn't sorry they stayed at his house and enjoyed themselves and he could be a part of it. I think Dele is smart enough to not be manipulated by anything disparaging Tayo may say about Abishola. Like others here have already stated, the scenario of Tayo wanting to keep Dele in Nigeria was apparent episodes ago.
  3. With Kemi, Gloria and Abishola enjoying the free drinks, Bob's impeccable hospitality and amenities such as the hot tub, why leave. Although, it would have been fun seeing them some place else having a real "girls night out." It was perplexing that they all had a change of clothes for the hot tub, since their original intention was to go out on the town.
  4. Thanks for the clarification. I, too, wondered what you meant. Agreed, Dr. Sturgis missed a chance at saying what he really wanted to say to Connie. I thought Connie might have steered the conversation in that direction and suggested a rekindling, but maybe that will be a cliffhanger for next week's season finale.
  5. Yes, agreed, Zoe Perry is very pretty. Even though they make her plain and dowdy for the show, she has that pencil thin waist. That's right, I thought we'd get to see her new haircut in this episode!
  6. Paige is always playing Sheldon. Sheldon cared more that he didn't have a crush on Paige, and vice versa, than walking around campus for a couple of hours with a Sharpie moustache.
  7. George really has no relationship skills whatsoever when it comes to Mary. He ought to know better than anyone that Mary is wound up like a tight ball of nerves, and to see her happily doing something she likes should bring him great joy.
  8. It seems that she just inexplicably disappeared. I doubt Herschel took her, as wouldn't Brenda have mentioned that her kid was gone too. Strange to just drop her from the show after making a big splash in the episode when she was bullying Sheldon. I felt so sorry for Billy, too.
  9. Clearly, the episode was focused on Kemi, but she STOLE THE SHOW! I loved the interaction at the end with Kemi and Chukwuemeka's mother, and their interaction with Chuk. Hilarious! 😁
  10. Glad you are still around Shapeshifter! You add a lot to these forums and I am sure to your children's lives as well.
  11. Yes, and chances were the different forms were spread out on a large table or counter and you could help yourself to what you needed!
  12. As someone who is of the age to have had multiple colonoscopies in their lifetime, I will say the prep procedures have gotten better over the years. My first prep was the worst. They had me stop eating certain foods up to a week before, and every day as the procedure approached more and more foods were restricted. By the time the day came for the procedure, I was so weak and tired, and hadn't had a normal meal in over a week.
  13. Thanks . . . I couldn't place Marla Gibbs, but she definitely looked familiar!! Fun episode.
  14. Or could a subplot be simmering -- something going on between the two . . . although how many affairs can we discover in one episode. 😁
  15. Yes, it was a small role, but the scene I remember most is when Hershel and George went into the Sparks chicken coop to talk man-to-man about Hershel's daughter bullying Sheldon. She's another character inexplicably gone - Brenda and Hershel's daughter.
  16. Loved this episode! Finally, they admitted that Hershel is gone since irl Billy Gardell has his own series. And well played by Georgie with Mr. Givens! πŸ˜‚
  17. Agreed. Sheldon's parents have coddled him his whole life, walking on egg shells around him so not to hurt his feelings. I think Sheldon could have dealt with and accepted the truth a whole lot better than his parents gave him credit for. I thought by this era in child upbringing, parents were more in tune. This is reminiscent of child-rearing of the 50's and 60's when children were never told the truth.
  18. I thought it was cute when Bob reached for a "fun-size" chocolate bar hidden in the lamp. πŸ˜„
  19. I hadn't thought of that premise, but thought it was abundantly clear why Bruce gave up his pager or changed his number . . . That said, I thought the "Georgie gets a pager" played out well, as I had no idea what the story line would be.
  20. Agreed. I love George Costanza, but Lundy can take a powder. All the Lundy and Linkletter air time, I couldn't help but think how much better these college episodes could be with Dr. Sturgis at the school.
  21. Agreed! That was disappointing. I enjoyed Connie and Dale's ex as friends. Until someone here mentioned it, I never noticed how much Mary's eyes wander from the road while she's driving the kids around. Both she and George kept turning to talk to the kids in the passenger seat instead of paying attention to the road. Bad, bad habit!
  22. Oh no, I hope not! I like Dele and think he adds an integral dimension to Abishola and the series. He's smart and has interests, a stark contrast to the other "kids" on the show, Christina and Douglas.
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