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  1. I understand why they do it, but that annoyed the sh*t out of me when the Castle Twitter account did it for Forever the season it was on. Now to use accounts for canceled shows to promote a current one? WTF?
  2. Seems everyone is writing about salaries these days. ;) Here's the latest one from Variety. Stars’ Soaring Salaries Rattle TV Business Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel were compensated very well for the "Gilmore Girls" reboot at Netflix. I keep reading about how much money Netflix has to spend on TV, and this article certainly proves that. If I were anywhere else, even someplace like HBO, I'd be sweating those deals a little.
  3. I think that's Seamus' finger in Nathan's nose in the bloopers. The ring looks like the one he wears to me.
  4. Pretty much. Choosing a preferred character/actor was definitely around in the late 90's/early 00's with the online XF fandom.
  5. Yeah that DVD cover is from the season 3 TV Guide photoshoot with some photoshop (Nathan's arm and the rings).
  6. Wanted to share another perspective I read this morning in response to the original piece. From Hydra to Ghostbusters: The False Equivalences of Fan Culture
  7. There's not too much known about the new Star Trek series save for Bryan Fuller being its showrunner. If I had to guess, I'll bet casting may start being announced either at or post-Comic Con (since they're premiering the new film there and it'll be a buzz) as it is not supposed to debut until sometime in 2017. If Nathan did have a part on ST, I'd subscribe to CBS All-Access to watch. But casting in general for that show will be a delicate thing considering all the incarnations it will be compared to when it airs.
  8. Not that it matters much, but I think those are bubble wands? But I could see Nathan telling them they could be lightsabers. ;)
  9. Can't say I'm terribly surprised that the showrunners aren't doing post-finale interviews. When I read their "statement" last night, I suspected that was it. I imagine they both want to avoid answering difficult questions now that the show is over.
  10. No clue, but he's commented often about folks not grabbing his shoulder, so I think it's a longtime injury that he's maybe never had a chance to properly fix before now.
  11. That S8 DVD cover uses a photo from the S3 TV Guide cover story (inside the magazine). They photoshopped in Nathan's arm/hand and the rings. I guess they thought no one would notice how "creative" it is. Also, Beckett is missing her actual wedding band. And doesn't wear her engagement ring in S8, but I suppose that's minor compared to the other ridiculousness of that cover. Sheesh.
  12. Not quite. On Dallas, Bobby HAD died in a season finale, but at the end of the next season after he died, Pam woke up and found him in the shower, the past season had been a dream and he was alive again.
  13. And Castle does stand-up for the inmates, lol.
  14. Amen. I used to think the post-DD's departure XF fandom was the worst I'd ever witnessed, but Castle has now surpassed them in my mind. And that's a tall order.
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