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Everything posted by Deweymom

  1. Show repercussions of violating covid restrictions. Maybe show the TCC getting vaccinations. Show them as good role models and good citizens, instead of worrying about eyelashes, a piece of pizza, or if they'll be point. More on the My Boots, My Cause. It is so refreshing seeing the team have genuine concerns. That is a great way for them to tell their story. No more sobbing in the first few episodes, this way we get to know the team better.
  2. I'm so enjoying Armani! Super cute, sweet, and smart. I love how grounded she seems. I have a new fave!!!
  3. Might not be popular opinions: 1) This is a great year to change up choreo to thunderstruck...and change the song too for that matter. ACDC sux!! Change to baby I'm a star by Prince. Or something about a Ciwboy. IMHO. 2) Still loathe Rachel W. Would prefer savvy as a 2GL because she's not timid or fake or over the top humble. A leader should be accepting of everyone. IMHO. 3) For the love of God, entertain the crowd, not the field. Players don't give a FF what they're doing. JS.
  4. Wonder if Rachel W got that Freddie was gay and she was enjoying Queen's music? 🤣😂 I think they should pan to her everytime there's a guest choreographer! I'm guessing their openness bothers her🤣. Wonder if she's way in the back with the group pics...
  5. Well now, I loathe her. As a mom of a gay son, I'd love to know who the hell she thinks she is. I hadn't heard of any of this crap about her. Disgusting. Her blank stare must be what hides her hate. Her timid BS from her rookie year seems soooo fake now that I know what she is on the inside. I thought this generation was going to bring hope...
  6. I love her. She is my fave. Along with Gina. Savvy's beauty seems to be inside and out....I'm a sucker for the red heads. IMHO, she's the prettiest since Brittney Schramm and she was a blonde!! To each their own, I guess. Hannah was one of the prettiest on the team as well. But, hey, what do I know? 😁 Rachel W does nothing for me. She seems to have a blank stare much of the time and is almost apologetic for being there. She seems timid. I just don't see the draw with her. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure.🙃
  7. Without getting into politics, she was tweeting and retweeting some extremely conservative comments. Not everyone's cup of tea and some were definitely controversial to most. So you just can't have an independent thought to post unless you agree with the Joneses, like Rachel W? Okay, that checks out. Holy shit, I would have been burned at the stake in "their world", I mean "jerry world".
  8. With regard to Rachel W...someone please enlighten me about her Twitter posts. Just curious.
  9. Gina (vet) is a total bad a$$. Love her style. Weird cut with Ashley. Does anyone think there was something else that was going on? Seems odd...
  10. Is it wrong that I want to see the old timey pom poms? Maybe with an old song for a half time? I think it would be fun and a nice nod to their past. And mix it up a bit and make the choreo different.
  11. Just rewatched deliberations. Char looks to have way too much makeup on. It looks like a corner worker. I hate to be negative, but the way she picks apart these girls randomly...she should take a hard look at herself. #ftlog. Jmho.
  12. Or they are messing with us....if so, kudos!🤣✌
  13. As far as I can tell, at Kelli's speech, looked like 8 rows with 16-20 girls per row. So approx 160 girls total? A double pirouette should be mandatory. Maybe make them all do one, if you can't, you're out. Then favoritism is less of a deal, makes it less opinion based. * I do like Victoria and this is nothing against her. I really like Lily. I hated her cut last year. She does look different this year. I can't really tell if it's that she weighs less or what. Nutrition is of concern though. Am I seeing dark circles under her eyes? Anyway, jmho.
  14. Love: Ashlee, Savannah, Heather I think they're all beautiful and talented though. Don't Love: Rachel W
  15. "Shame on you Kelli and Judy! I thought you had more class than this, but I am sadly mistaken." Not sure how they get world class by their lack of it. It seems so high school. Lack of class examples: laughing at girls on the videos. Picking girls based on favoritism, when they fall out of a single pirouette everytime. Making fun of Colby during TC. Laughing at TK saying Chandler looked like a gma. Taking gossip as gospel from another meal girl, Kitty. We have seen lack of class, but these recent video releases cross lines and are proof, imho.
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