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Posts posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. 3 minutes ago, rmontro said:

    But I don't see what the other guys did as being that bad.

    Experienced players should know enough not to show up uninvited to a D&D game. It may screw up whatever the Dungeon Master has planned. It's easier to accommodate newbies like the ladies. The guys also take their gaming too seriously (esp. Sheldon, hence Wil's more emphatic no).

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  2. 56 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    I don't agree. The consensus of just about everybody who deals with Sheldon is reacting to him with a dutiful sigh and an eyeroll. They know he's smart but at the same time, they think he's ridiculous. Nobody's paid attention to his hot air before, why start now?

    Because he was expressing a political opinion?

  3. 8 minutes ago, DanaK said:

    Except according to the plot summary on Wikipedia, she seemed to die though came back alive, but the Doctor thinks she’s dead

    Yes, the Doctor doesn't know she regenerated, so it'd be a surprise. She was last seen leaving to explore, increasing the chances of meeting up again, since, with few exceptions, the Doctor doesn't revisit places often.

  4. 15 hours ago, hnygrl said:

    She wants kids. She just wants to keep being the Hot Blonde Who Settled for the Nerd. Having a kid makes it real.

    I'm not sure that's entirely true. When they decided to have a second wedding for their friends and family to attend, Penny said something like "who knew my second wedding would be to you?". Leonard is her insurance policy. As long as there's hope she can dump him for somebody "better", she doesn't want a kid with him to interfere with that. She might ultimately get stuck as the "hot blonde who settled for the nerd", but it's not what she wants.

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  5. 21 hours ago, DanaK said:

    I haven’t seen that episode yet. She was a clone of the Doctor, right? But did they ever consider themselves family or have a real relationship?

    Yes, she was a clone. And yes on family, with Jenny kind of a rebellious teenage daughter. I think the writers did their best to give them a real relationship within the limits of a single episode. The ending looked suspiciously like they were hoping for a spinoff, but it also left plenty of room for the two to reunite.

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  6. 15 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    I don't see how you can track someone by their phone if the phone is turned off, I mean totally turned off. But I can see how you can set a tracking device built into a car the kids can't turn off by using a code.

    So you'll know that the car is parked at their friend's house, while they're off somewhere else in the friend's car?

    • LOL 2
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  7. 2 hours ago, mikewho said:

    Who's complaining about those people? We're discussing Julie's attitude towards those who didn't.

    I was referring to Julie complaining to contestants about putting their paddles down after the round was clearly done and tallied, but before she said so. She should have been happy they were resetting for the next round promptly, as it helped make up the time spent waffling on their answers (which is nothing new).

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  8. 1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

    These celebs are much harder to round up because they have to keep being instructed on what to do. She was just trying to get stuff done and on time.

    So why complain when a celeb has gotten the idea and does the right thing at the right time without being told?

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  9. 13 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

    They're also both lawyers.  I don't know the rules in their states (NY and Ariz, respectively) but in Calif, lawyers have to register with the Bar Assoc. under their full names.  For women, that means first name, maiden name, and current married name. 

    I presume registration is actually with their full legal name, which by convention follows that pattern, but doesn't have to. It does seem like lawyers lean towards using longer names (e.g. "F. Lee Bailey", rather than "Lee Bailey").

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  10. 18 hours ago, mikewho said:

    Julie didn't seem like her old 'Chenbot' self which she used to embrace for this entire season. Most of her live appearances seemed to be all 'Hurry UP! We don't have much Time! ANSWER!'

    She was also snippy about contestants putting down their answers before she told them to. I think she had a sense of power slipping away, and needed to feel like she was in control.

    • Love 3
  11. 10 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    The idea of returning a car after going through the loan process seems like an extreme pain in the ass to me.  I wonder how that might affect someone's credit score.  Does it count as a loan which is paid off?  And then another loan right after it for the car you actually keep?  Just a whole lot of unnecessary hassle, imo.

    If you buy a different car from them instead, would it be a new loan, or just change what's being used as collateral for the existing loan, avoiding the hassle? That would be an incentive to stay with them.

  12. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    If they told you that seriously than they should probably consult a doctor because if their testicles are swollen enough to require that on a regular basis it isn’t normal.

    In this case I think it's more a matter of air circulation for cooling. Wyatt just came down from Nebraska so he wouldn't be accustomed to the warmer California climate.

  13. 52 minutes ago, margol29 said:

    This new commercial that is out he is at his "house" entertaining some guests. Then he decides he would rather be out driving so he just skates out on his company and goes for a drive. So rude!!

    Is that the one where he plays pool overnight and leaves the following evening? Earlier speculation was that he was a guest at somebody else's house (which would still make him rude for ignoring the others in the next room while he practiced his trick shots).

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  14. 13 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Unless you have some particular guy you really really hate in mind, I’d revise that to simply suggest Loco needs to get her ass laid doubleplusquick.

    Maybe Lolo is just feeling the strain of trying to stick to a special diet while she's trapped in a house with people snacking on real food at all hours.

    • LOL 1
  15. 16 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Well of course there isn't a physical accident museum. It's a visual depiction of claims they've covered. 

    With enough creativity in symbolizing what happened and the right locations, physical museums could probably work. Ripley's has over 100 "odditoriums" spread across 11 countries.

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  16. 12 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    I agree, I can do preliminary research, but I want to see, to test, to touch, to sit in the seats, I'm short, 4'11", I can't drive just any car, they don't fit.

    I'm tall, so I have a similar problem, but even if you know exactly which model and option package you need, it's a used car, so each Is an individual. There's an ad (not sure for which company) where a wife takes over a car search from her husband and quickly announces success, at $2K below market price. My immediate reaction is "so what's wrong with it?".

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