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Posts posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. On 3/9/2019 at 10:52 PM, friendperidot said:

    Every time I see that Poshmark ad and that young woman saying she'd have paid $700 for those shoes, I ask "why?" They are really ugly and those heels will kill her.

    Is that a way for designers to protect themselves from copycats? If you rip off something ugly and impractical, it's hard to argue that your product looks the same by chance.

    • LOL 2
  2. 1 hour ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

    And every time they mention video doorbells... I'm like... I hate them. Internet of things creepiness. Anything good aside, I wouldn't want something in my house that can/could be remotely hacked.

    I like that Allstate has an ad suggesting that you can't really use them to pretend that you're home, but you might be able to watch while someone steals or vandalizes your property.

    • LOL 3
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  3. On 3/10/2019 at 6:12 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Either in fan fiction, or if there was time in the show, or in one of those badly-written but inevitable tie-in novels: Penny will surpass Bernadette in being both the more horrible boss and in being the actual boss.

    After years of jokes about what goes on at work and the company's drugs, it wouldn't really be sudden to have Bernadette step down "to spend more time with her family", with Penny moving up.

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  4. 1 hour ago, CherryAmes said:

    That's true but we've never been shown what Beverly is saying to her other children.  It's possible she's playing the same mind games with them that she has always played with Leonard.

     I presume she's playing different mind games on each of her children.

    • Love 10
  5. 15 minutes ago, CherryAmes said:

    Leonard doesn't remember the tests from babyhood, the tests being done on the babies triggers childhood memories. 

    He did have the sense that the tests seemed familiar, which could have been unconscious memories, or he saw them done on someone younger (I think there's at least one sibling we don't know anything about).

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

    And mine is free for federal, which is fortunate because due to stupid tax reform, I got a much, much smaller refund since itemizing no longer benefits me.  Stupid tax reform.

    The local newspaper had an article warning people about this a month ago; they said it was because withholding was lowered to better match what people would owe. Where were they last year when people who use the tax system as a holiday savings account could have asked for extra withholding?

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

    I was just going to come here to report that I think the Limu Emu ads are hilarious.

    They probably should have picked a different name. When you see or hear an unusual word, it's normal to think of similar words. That works for "gecko" and "Geico", but "Limu" gets you "lame-o", so viewers are biased against the ad.

  8. 14 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

    Certain Jamie commercials are OK, but apparently, they've decided that Flo's apathetic, rude sister is a good character because I've seen her in a few more commercials.

    I think they've been a little more creative with Jamie, although execution has been spotty. I liked the idea of Flo's motorcycle as a pseudo-Lassie fetching Jamie, but the punchline was undercut by the dollar bill slot on the vending machine. And why is her motorcycle going home with him, leaving Flo stranded?

  9. 23 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    That show's been on for quite a number of years now.  I've never watched it, but I always assumed to draw is more the "Naked" than the "Afraid."

    Both are really a cheat. When they don't give them something like a big bag to drape across themselves, and there's nothing around to make into clothing, they blur the picture. And, at least one half of the couple is a survivalist or something like ex-military with the necessary training, so there's not a lot of fear.

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  10. 34 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    I don’t know, maybe it was just my high school peers, but the size of the car and how many friends you could fit in it was more important. I do realize that these days most states won’t let teen drivers do that anymore. But I used to borrow my geandmother’s van, pack 15 friends into it, and go to Taco Bell for our lunch break. 

    Something about this kid makes me think fitting all his friends isn't an issue.  🙂

    • LOL 12
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  11. 3 hours ago, andipandi said:

    every time they cut from the singing to jenny's exaggerated "WHO IS THAT" I was like shut the f up jenny.

    Jenny wasn't the only one doing that. Next season, I don't want to see or hear from the judges at all while a performance is going on. Whatever they have to say can wait.

    • Love 5
  12. 1 hour ago, Ms Lark said:

    Especially since Walmart just announced it's getting rid of its "Greeters." The last thing that made them barely human (hiring seniors and handicapped) they decide to jettison. Lots to worry about there.

    One of the local Walmarts has put in some self-checkout registers, like the big supermarket chains and Home Depot have had for a while. The fast-food chains are phasing out cashiers with apps you can put on your phone or use on a touch-screen in the restaurant.

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  13. 1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

    If they actually gave him the car ie. put it in his name, he could always sell it and buy some some unreliable little used sports car and look cool sitting in the driveway.

    A trade-in would be costly. I think he'd be better off getting it customized, even if it's only a new paint job and some accessories to start. He just needs to get it out of boring family car territory. Carrying around some kind of sporting equipment that would justify a station wagon might help.

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  14. 48 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    Yeah, if I were those parents, after that outburst, I would sell the car and tell him to dust off his bicycle. And kid, if you can't get a date, it's not because of the car, it's because you look like a hobbit. Might want to rethink the haircut.

    The guy is clearly not thinking of what he could do with a big station wagon with a fold-down rear seat. At the least, he might get to hang out with some guys in a band, in return for hauling their equipment.

    • Love 9
  15. 17 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    So many people are in the similar or worse situation. So many are struggling and really trying and get nowhere. 

    And lots more were in that boat in the recession a decade ago, and they're not going to have much sympathy for a bunch of folks who have secure jobs and will just get paid a little late, especially when the reason is widely known, so nobody's going to rush to penalize them for getting behind on their bills.

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