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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up. Like she was raised by a single mother who was in the same profession and had 2 kids and she used to be proud of that. They’d never write TJ say he wants to put his career on the back burner to spend more time at home.  

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  2. 34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I don't love Sasha/Cody but I don't mind it as long as it's not another adolescent relationship (e.g. Sasha can't work with Cody because she has feelings for him). Nice to see Maxie get a win as a businesswoman.

    I don’t mind them together but I do think Maxie’s line about how they have so much chemistry that you can’t fake or something to that effect was the writers trolling fans who’ve commented about finding them lukewarm since they started regularly sharing scenes. I think the show misfired by not building them up onscreen properly. They shared like 3 scenes over 6 months together before  Cody broke her out of that mental institution while he was constantly on with Sam.

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  3. IMO, the writers are trying to honor the desires from some fans to go back to hospital related storylines but they have no idea how to do that or what people liked about them, hence why we’re getting Felicia deciding to be a patient advocate and the supposed drama with a patient’s insurance and Finn’s malpractice suit. 

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  4. I thought Carly wanted to make enough money on her own to buy the MC back. Multiple people, including Nina, tried to gift her the damn thing last year and she said no. What’s changed? She still doesn’t have enough money to buy it back at its real value 

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  5. Nina doesn’t own Crimson, Drew does, so Carly’s question about how Crimson is doing makes no sense. We saw Drew try to sell Nina Crimson last year when he was trying to play hero and buy Carly back the MC only for her to say no because it’s a bad investment. 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I had to laugh at Drew and Michael plotting to get ELQ back. Because it worked so well the first time. Keep telling yourself you can do it, guys. You're idiots

    I’m still confused why they care other than they have nothing else to do. Despite Michael being the CEO, he’s never been that dedicated to ELQ. He told Sam was right to give up her kid’s ELQ voting rights to be around Jason and he would have done the same thing if in her position and was quick to turn down Valentin’s offer to head one of the divisions where he could have remained involved in overseeing the company and Drew’s never cared about ELQ. That storyline only made sense for family members like Tracy and Ned who were really invested in ELQ and in Ned’s case, had to sacrifice a lot to be involved. 

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  7. When the truth finally comes out, Nina needs to report Martin and have him disbarred. He can try to justify it however he wants but he broke lawyer/client confidentiality because he got scared when Michael threatened to sic Sonny on him. 

    I’m forever going to be annoyed that Alexis got disbarred for lying about going out on a date with her former therapist yet Martin can break lawyer/client privilege and Diane can pretend to be the lawyer of one of Sonny’s mob enemies as a way to obtain info for Sonny and those infractions aren’t a big deal. 

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  8. Ned’s amnesia storyline was a massive disappointment. All it amounted to was a few episodes of him being mean to his loved ones then a few months of him walking around looking like a slob and writing a song. I didn’t expect it to be a front burner storyline but there were a lot of interesting beats they could have played and nothing. Even Lois returning didn’t do much 

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  9. 23 minutes ago, lala2 said:

    Spencer needs to get a grip and get it together!  He also needs to stop projecting his hang ups and issues onto Ace. Just because he felt abandoned and lonely doesn’t mean Ace will. He needs to work on his own issues. 

    I don’t think he recognizes that their situations aren’t as similar because he’s too busy projecting his own isssues onto Ace. Spencer’s mother died and he felt like his only living parent ignored him or at best, didn’t prioritize him. Esme is an active parent so Ace does have someone. Ace is far from the only kid in PC to be raised by a single parent and most of them seem somewhat well adjusted and aren’t dealing with massive abandonment issues so it’s not a given Ace will. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

    Geez Michael, your mother was HANDED the info about the judge from the guy in Kelly’s. She took it to Alexis who did the digging and confronted the judge with Gregory’s help. How about Alexis getting the praise and not your mother. 
    Plus, the dumbass “forgets” that Carly and Drew were actually guilty. It doesn’t matter who turned them in. 

    Yeah, what did Carly even do? Didn’t the pilot just happen to come into Kelly’s and randomly tell her about it? It’s not like she was researching the judge or following him around and found out that info.  Hell, she didn’t even ask Alexis to help, Sonny did. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, CeChase said:

    It does look like they may very well be setting up a Sonny/Anna fling while Nina lands in Valentine's bed after the reveal, doesn't it?  I have no problem with Nina and Valentine finding comfort with each other, but Anna and Sonny?  I don't think that's a good idea.  

    IA. Anna/Sonny have been regularly sharing scenes for a few months now and I don’t see any romantic chemistry between them but I don’t think that’s where they’re going. I think Sonny just needed a new “friend” with Jason dead and Dex is way too young to fulfill the best friend role. Pretending like Anna and Sonny have been super close all this time was stupid though when we’ve never seen it and it makes Anna look like a hypocrite. 

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  12. 7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I wonder if Danny is aware that Charlotte is related not just to Rocco but to him and Scout as well.


    I’m sure he does but since Sam never liked Valentin or had any sort of familial relationship with him, I doubt she or her kids interacted with Charlotte as a relative either. Sam didn’t even like that Alexis became close to Valentin. It’s clear she only thinks of Charlotte as Rocco’s sister/Dante’s ex stepdaughter and not her relative so I’m not surprised that Danny does as well. They likely never interacted before Dante and Sam got serious. 

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  13. I’m glad they finally course corrected on that lame Molly/Kristina feud and I like this Molly so far.

    I will never buy Sam and Carly as friends. It makes Sam look like a pathetic doormat for putting up with this one sided friendship with someone who never supports her in return.

    Unless Harmony is warning Willow about her controlling husband or she’s hallucinating due to a terminal brain tumor, I can do without those scenes as well.

    I don’t know how old any of the teen actors are but Georgie looks way too young to be their peer. It’s reminding me of when they briefly tried to NB’s Spencer in scenes with a teen Joss and she looked like his babysitter. 

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  14. i don’t think MB’s son’s character is supposed to be a villain. I think they’re just alluding to someone who self harms and has a lot of anxiety due to the pressures of school and his parent’s high expectations. That’s actually a decent and topical SL but it’s weird that they are doing it with a new character instead of one of the college kids we already know and who has ties to others. I guess they won’t give it to Joss since they want to act like she’s perfect and the result of perfect parenting but it’s the ideal SL for a legacy kid. 

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  15. I get that holidays equal kid scenes but there were wayyyy too many kids on today so I was bored out of my mind. It just proved my point as to why we didn’t need to make 2 characters pregnant every year.

    I’ll give them the teens since Charlotte obviously has something SL related going on and they probably wanted to introduce the new Danny but maybe we should have stuck with them and not done the Kelly’s Halloween party scenes. Like I needed to sit through a montage of them playing cornhole and Michael making a stink face because Wiley likes Nina. 

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  16. 25 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

    Is Laura ever going to get around to telling Ava that Nicholas is alive?

    To be fair, Ava didn’t exactly clue her in that she thought she killed Nikolas and they were divorced. Laura left town to find him under the assumption he’s alive. 

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  17. 38 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    what i would have loved, when Michael was being all blackmaily, was for Nina to pick up the phone, put it on speaker, and tell Sonny, and Willow what she did and she felt what she did was right at the time. just to see Michael's face deflate faster than a failed souffle 

    Honestly, that’s what she should have done. It’s not like she has any real guarantee that Michael will keep it a secret even if she does everything he asks. I doubt he cares that much about mommy getting her hotel back and his stepford wife will ostracize Nina when the truth comes out anyway

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  18. The more that I think about it, I don’t think Spencer is involved in Ace’s life to give him a father figure. I think he’s trying to give himself the family that he felt he’s lacked all these years because he’s lonely and doesn’t have a lot going on. He has Trina but he can’t follow her around all day and night either. She has school, a job, friends, and parents around so she can’t devote all her time to him. I know he’s not the father but there are actual parents that do that with their kids. Make them their whole world and expect them to give them the family they lacked elsewhere, essentially their emotional support kids. It tends to be as damaging to those kids in a different way because it puts way too much pressure on them to constantly be around and worry about what’ll happen to their parents as they get older and have a life of their own.  

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  19. I liked Kristina and Blaze’s earlier scenes but Blaze showing up in Puerto Rico is giving me stalker vibes. Kristina told her she was going down there for her father’s wedding and Blaze rushing down there the next day and randomly showing up right outside where she was is a but too coincidental. Considering her history of problematic relationships, I’m going to stay reserved on them for now. 

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