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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. 17 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I don't know that a Jagger recast was required, and I find it to be a weird choice to want to bring that character back.

    Same, especially since there were probably a bunch of law enforcement ex characters that Anna would actually know. I think sometimes the writers forget that Anna wasn’t living in PC for decades and wasn’t involved in most of Robin’s life so she wouldn’t know Jagger. They did the same thing with Victor and saying that he’s always hated Anna when they weren’t on the show at the same time. 

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  2. I don’t know why Sam and Dante bothered to check in on Sonny. MB is giving absolutely nothing in his scenes talking about Spencer. At least Laura and Alexis are selling grief. But I’m sure he’ll be front and center during the funeral 

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  3. I don’t know if they’re going anywhere with Sonny and Ava or I’m misreading signals but I find their interactions weird. I honestly don’t think it’s in character for Sonny to ask Ava to move in with him for her safety or to accompany her to the island, even for Avery’s sake. He would just offer his bodyguards and to keep Avery if it was anyone else. I also don’t get what caused the shift between them and why their relationship isn’t antagonistic when it’s not like they were ever friendly at any stage of Ava’s time in PC prior to him getting with Nina, who he isn’t currently speaking to anyway. Just seems like a forced interaction because Ava has 1 friend and no family she’s close to other than her minor kid and Sonny didn’t have a SL of his own. 

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  4. I’m sort of glad Nina didn’t start a rival magazine and poach Crimson’s staff. Yes, Drew and Carly would have deserved it but I really, really need for the granny wars to end and god knows dumb and dumber won’t ever take the high road and move on 

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  5. I remember Sonny getting dragged and called out a ton when Guza was writing, although it was obvious we weren’t supposed to root for the characters who spoke out against them. However, most of them didn't make it during his entire run (though a few were later brought back after he was canned) so it wasn’t so good for the characters who got stuck picking up that mantle.

    One of the few that did off the top of my head was Alexis and she got hated on so much for it by other characters that I was almost glad when she stopped being at odds with Sonny even though I agreed with everything she was saying about him. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, jsbt said:

    To be clear, I don't think Robo-Jordan should be on this show at all nor has Jordan ever been much of a character, even when the vivacious Vinessa Antoine did her best to bring her to life. Jordan #3 is still one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. But I also can't be bothered with a part-time IRL sportscaster getting an actual story fobbed off on this poor woman who's already struggling to act, because that just shows you how little they are currently invested in most Black characters, almost all of whom are related. March can't come soon enough.

    Jordan has always been a confusing character to me. I don’t get how they simultaneously think she’s important enough to keep recasting and bringing back when they hardly do anything with her and keep casting women in the role who are 15-20 years too young to play a police commissioner turned deputy mayor and the mother of an almost 30 year old doctor. I think part of the stiffness is the age difference between the actresses and character if I’m being honest because BNH’s Jordan had that as well and seemed so bubbly and vivacious offscreen. It’s like she was trying not to come off like a woman in her late 20s when she was playing Jordan. 

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  7. There’s always 1 or 2 characters with insanely high episode counts but nothing going on in the way of story. Dante seems to be the current one but there were a few years it was Curtis and his constant best friend scenes with whoever needed a talk to that day. Curtis’ screen time went down once he got his own SLs and family onscreen. My running theory is that it’s much easier to slot characters into other people’s stories so Dante is on a ton since he’s mainly functioning as a cop or is recapping other character’s SLs to Sam. 

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  8. I know contractual guarantees can be a challenge sometimes when it comes to group scenes and it can be a waste when they have a bunch of contract characters in the background of a scene but I think they could have come up with a better way of acknowledging that Spencer’s family wanted to see him off as well than having Sonny and Alexis show up to the party after it ended because they were busy with work. They could have just had Spencer say he had dinner with them and said their goodbyes before he came to the party yesterday. 

    Is it just me or have they made Sam weirdly distant from the rest of her family? This is like the 3rd or 4th time in a role Molly or Kristina called their relatives over for an announcement and she’s the only one not there. She’s hardly had any scenes with their sisters since the recasts.  

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  9. 4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Esme heads to Toronto

    I think she’s sending the cops on a wild goose chase to buy herself some time. They tracked her credit card and saw the bus ticket to Toronto but we saw her steal Alexis’ corporate card to buy a plane ticket. It’ll probably be another day or 2 before Alexis realizes that and tells the cops. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Oh, god, SHUT UP SPINELLI!  He's got some nerve deciding who Maxie can have in her life.  Who does he think he is, Michael? 

    He’s always been so creepy when it comes to any guy around Maxie and tbh, all those guys were better people than mob lackey Spinelli (except Peter). I know Cody isn’t her aspiring LO like the others but they’re writing Spinelli like they do with all her LOs. It’s toxic. They haven’t been together for over a decade and if they really are supposedly friends and in a healthy coparent arrangement, he needs to not act like a jealous tool.

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  11. 39 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Dex not there at the party with Joss was lacking. He overall seems to be less with the recast.

    I think they gave up on the character once MB’s son joined the show, even before Joss was temp recasted. He’s barely been on for months and even when he was, was mostly standing in the background while Joss talked to Adam. 

    20 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    Esme hit Kevin with the toilet seat!



    LMAO, I hope she cracked it because I always end up staring at it when we see the back of her office. 

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  12. I don’t think Esme was ever good, even with amnesia. She was more boring for sure but it didn’t redeem her. However, I think they realized that she has nothing going on without Spencer on the canvas and that’s why they’re going back to her being crazy. She has no friends and her family is either offscreen, dead or wants nothing to do with her. This is an UO on here not Laura being her biggest defender has always been gross to me considering 2 of her biggest targets were her grandsons. If they had to have someone in her corner, it should have been Kevin, not her. 

    • Applause 13
  13. 3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    As for Korte, I didn’t realize her reputation had dipped.

    I think someone else alluded to it above but her reputation soured during the TB Carly years. I remember her specifically being credited with the whole “Carly is so brave and strong and loves with her whole heart stuff” that was getting mocked online and she never recovered. I do think there was a point where she got sidelined and pretty much only did editing or breakdowns but she’s come back full force since Dan/Chris took over as head writers and was basically third in command behind them. 

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  14. Is Drew’s asshole turn supposed to be because of his prison stint because wasn’t he an asshole before that to everyone not connected to Carly? She was definitely treated Ned like crap well before he suspected him of turning him into SEC, was dismissive towards Lucy which is what caused her to vote against him in the first place, and was foaming at the mouth at the thought of blackmailing Tracy in a weird attempt to force Ned to bail him of his crime instead of just being nice to Ned and asking him for help like any normal person would. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, sunnyface said:

    I would much rather watch Tracy/Scott any day of the week than having to watch the two vile criminal characters portrayed by MB or LW. 

    I think that’s a common opinion but that doesn’t make their SL any more interesting and I think the show relies too heavily on the audience begrudgingly watching a dumb, ill thought out SL because characters we like are in it. 

    31 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    The Drew/Carly Show cannot end soon enough.  "Let's work together and be together and run this magazine in a way we want!"...what could possibly go wrong?  Also, massive eyeroll at them acting like Nina had been running Crimson like a shit show that needs a major overhaul.  

    Oh, and gotta love Carly ADMITTING she committed a crime by asking Nina how she knew and then chastising her for ~eavesdropping.  Self-important hypocrite.

    Am I misremembering? I thought Nina and Ava figured it out because they were wondering why Drew and Carly were (very poorly) trying to hide the fact that they’re dating when no one would give a damn that they were together. 

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  16. Anyone know the waiting period post strike that they had to wait before firing the writers to avoid getting fined? The post strike material just started airing at the end of 2023 so they must have made this decision a while ago.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Laina said:

    How is that? Is it because of Spencer's mom that passed? I can't remember her name. I think she was already dead when I started watching the show.

    Spencer’s mom was Sonny’s sister, making Spencer one of the five mutual relatives Dante and Sam share. Though Spencer is also related to Lulu and when he was a kid, referred to Dante as Uncle Dante as a result. 

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  18. Im pretty sure this is the first time since FV took over that we’ve had HWs that not only had he previously not worked with on OLTL but wrote for the show prior to him taking over. I’m not sure if it’s true but the consensus online has been that Dan/Chris deferred a lot to what Frank wanted and he was basically a shadow HW. 

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  19. I’m excited for Patrick. He’s always been one of my favorite soap writers. While I absolutely detest how Korte writes Carly and thinks she uses her show’s historian title to rewrite Carly’s history to make her come on on top, I do enjoy some of the stuff she writes for characters who aren’t involved in the same story as Carly. Bright side is she can’t exactly make me dislike Carly any more than I already do. 

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  20. LMAO so Carly agrees to be the editor solely to get at Nina but didn’t think she’d actually have to you know, be the editor? That tracks. Also were her shoes too small because she looked like she was limping when she tried to do that smug strut

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  21. 58 minutes ago, Laina said:


    I have a feeling that Dante and Sam are going to get engaged at one point, and it'll be a horrible repeat of Jason coming back and ruining their wedding/relationship, just like he did with Patrick and Sam. That burned me up so much. Put Jason up someone else's ass, and let Sam be happy for more than 5 minutes.


    I think Jason and Sam are DOA. During his last run, they had Jason said he’s always been in love with Carly and should have said no when Sam said she wanted to have kids. I don’t think there’s any way coming back from that. 

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