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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. From what I remember, the show has 2-3 “permanent sets” that are always up and the rest are put up and taken down each week depending on what they need. I know the hospital is one of the permanent sets but I can’t recall what the others are off the top of my head. The rotating sets are also why they film out of order since they’ll film multiple episodes on that set while they have it up. 

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  2. Who thought it was a good idea to run the SEC reveal and Bobbie’s death at the same time? I already thought it was dumb when I assumed that they were going to keep it from Carly for a couple months and we’d see the drama between Sonny and Nina play out first. This was a mind numbingly crappy decision from the writers. All it does for me is take away any sympathy I have for Carly after her loss since she clearly isn’t the good person she claimed Bobbie’s influence has made her. 

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  3. Today had some really gross dialogue. The main ones being Drew telling Nina he wishes she wasn’t a woman so he could hit her and Carly telling her why she gets to live and Bobbie died. I’m paraphrasing but I thought those were both in very poor taste

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  4. I hope Monica gets a scene reacting to Bobbie’s passing but I don’t expect her at the funeral. Large group scenes typically have long taping days and LC looked like she was struggling the last time we saw her so I can’t imagine she’d be able to participate 

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  5. 1 hour ago, ComeWhatMay said:

    What's fascinating is I do not see the sort of clamoring one might expect on X. I don't think Burton's following is anywhere near what it was, just sentimentality for his past ships.  

    Most were glad he was done by the time he left. His return quickly grew stale and his most of his more ardent fans want him with either Liz or Sam. Doesn’t seem like they’re too interested in him solely being Carly and Sonny’s lapdog and Jarly 2.0 was a gigantic flop which even the actors have recently admitted. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Alexis is out celebrating NYE and posting on social media? Really? Alexis on social media? I have a hard time seeing it.

    If it’s Facebook or IG, I could see it because my parents and their friends are very active on SM and post way more than I do. I thought the trope about the older crowd not using SM at all is a little outdated. They usually just take longer to adopt the newer mediums 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, CeChase said:

    Yeah.  I am wondering who else has to go to pay for him this time.  Roho was a big one, but I suspect they'll be another.  Maybe CM even tho he claimed he was staying after signing that family network contract, they lie.  They have to lie so as not to give spoilers.  Or, it could be Easton if they finally give up on him and Liz.  

    I think CM is a goner. They’ve been taping around his schedule and Drew only functions as a Carly prop these days so he doesn’t have a place on the canvas if Jason returns. I’m pretty sure Roho and CM’s guarantees together equal SBu’s. Roger wasn’t on much his last few years and CM is gone a lot 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, CeChase said:

    Guys, Burton is out at Days.  I had a bad feeling when Roho was let go.  Now, it's getting to be a worse feeling. 

    I’ve long accepted he’s coming back at some point. I don’t care for him and think he’s a limited actor who will once again be inserted into every storyline but it is what it is unfortunately. 

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  9. So did Sonny demand Carly apologize to Nina for hiding the fact she was Willow’s mother? Hell did he apologize to Monica for murdering her son? No? Funny how they can both do heinous things, say they aren’t remotely sorry or feel bad they did it, yet people have to suck it up and let it go but the moment a something is done to them (perceived in this case since Carly chose to commit a crime), others are expected to bow down to them. 

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  10. 23 minutes ago, Desperado said:

    Willow waking up to Michael’s deceit was wonderful though.

    IA but her anger won’t last. She’ll immediately forget about it the moment she hears about Bobbie.

    Also, I get CM might not have the same connection to JZ the other cast members do given he recently joined the show but he’s acting was embarrassing today. The inappropriate smiling made the scenes hard to watch. I know they don’t like reshooting scenes but this is one of the times they really should have. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I'm sorry, was I supposed to feel something at the end of yesterday's show?

    Lucy, Laura, Felicia, Scotty, and Monica have MORE years of friendship/history with Bobbie than her spawn. Hell, Noah does too, but Rick's not coming to remember Bobbie-but he is going to appear on the prime time special?

    But this will be allllll about the SheBeast's grief.

    I’m not surprised that Carly is going to take center stage and it does make technically sense but the Carly/Bobbie relationship didn’t interest me in the slightest and I associate it with Bobbie’s end as a main character. Also, her only storyline with Carly was with SJB’s version so I can’t imagine any interesting flashbacks. With LW‘s Carly, she basically got brought out a few times a year to either be a talk to or fill out a room at an event.

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  12. Lol they’re really going to have Sonny go after Nina for her “betrayal” when nothing happened to Carly and he doesn’t care about Drew yet he’s not going to find out that Michael plotted for a year to put him in prison, Joss found out and was all for it, and while Carly didn’t support it, she also kept it a secret from him and insisted that said plant still work for Sonny. Something tells me that if he heard both sorrows, one would leave him feeling a million times more betrayed but what do I know?

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  13. Michael, the supposed lead of the non middle aged adult age group, is on a date with his mother for NYE. That says it all. 

    I’m ready for Lois to back to Bensonhurst. What a useless return and I’m starting to suspect that they are writing her the way they are to make Olivia seem more likable. 

    Shoot me but I thought Alexis/Gregory were kinda cute and fun today, though I side eye them doing anything romantic with them considering her last LO dying caused her to spiral. 

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  14. 15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    That's possible. A malpractice story in and of itself isn't a bad idea, but this one had no stakes, which happens all the time.

    Yeah IA. It could have been decent if the patient was someone we knew or at least related to someone who was a bigger character so we’d have people taking sides. Instead, they went the poor Finn route by telling us over and and over again that he did nothing wrong and the patient was not only someone we didn’t know, we never even saw him handling this case. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:


    I was a huge Sexis booster back in the day. I wouldn't want that relationship rekindled 20+ years later, and it would never happen, but that scene Thursday showed they've still got it. Nobody wakes up Mo like NLG.  


    I thought those scenes were surprisingly well written, with Alexis knowing this will be a disaster but wishing Sonny would tell her she’s overreacting and Sonny telling her that he has the same concerns but they can’t talk them out of it so they can only hope for the best. I think MB and NLG do a decent job of selling their characters’ connection and that they understand each other despite the fact that they only share scenes once a year. Compared to the show trying to sell Sonny/Anna being super close, it’s like night and day for me. 

    9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    While I want the dumb malpractice story over ASAP, it's aggravating it's likely to end in a whimper like every other story on this fakakta show does. It's always big overture, little show. 

    I was wondering if they are wrapping it up because it was a scab storyline that the regular writers aren’t interested in continuing because while they have a tendency to end SLs disappointedly, they also drag them out for eternity. I also felt the same way with the Pikeman reveal. It felt like that SL was supposed to go on for way longer and it ended so abruptly the moment the writers returned. 

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  16. Carly: “I've invited you to family gatherings and stood there while Wiley gives you a hug and a kiss and I bit my tongue till it bled”

    First, I don’t recall Carly ever inviting Nina to a family gathering but ignoring that, how miserable is she that Wiley liking his other grandmother makes her that angry? Like she truly thinks it’s normal to expect everyone in her life hate everyone she does. It’s unreal

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  17. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I don't know if the regular writers are writing the current episodes, but I see that we are back with bravestrongloveswithherwholeheartCarly who must be shoved in every single storyline because she has nothing going. She's so obnoxious.

    They’re definitely back. They were in the episode credits yesterday and there weren’t any writers listed during the strike. I’m not sure if that was the first episode or if they’ve been back for longer though but it’s the first time I noticed them 

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  18. 3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

    If next week Violet were suddenly played by a 15-year-old arguing with Finn about wanting to wear makeup or whatever, I'd be happy about it. I hate that it's come to that, but the child actress is written and directed to be so pushy and overindulged, and they feature her so heavily.

    Heavily featured kids on this show have always been a sore spot for me. To be fair, child Robin was before my time so maybe she was better but I’m personally not interested in watching a kid grow up on the show. They should stay in their lane with them and either leave them to their couple episodes a year of holiday scenes or storylines surrounding their parents dealing with an illness or medical emergency. 

    Violet is following in the footsteps of NB’s Spencer who I found incredibly annoying.  The other glaring example I recall is the red headed Michael who was not only on contract but had something like 120 episodes a year during his high point. The show thought it was cute to write a preteen as a complete misogynist who was ordering his mother around and trying to pay off his daddy’s gf. 

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  19. I don’t consider myself the biggest daredevil and I’ve been skydiving. There some risk involved, sure, but not so much that a healthy 20/30 something like Chase couldn’t do it with his dad so I don’t get why Gregory is so adamant that his sons not do it with him. I kind of get Finn not doing it because he’s a stick in the mud but you’d think Chase want that memory with his father. If you’re not experienced, they won’t even let you jump alone. You have to go with an instructor. 

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  20. It irks me that they continued having Carly essentially be Avery’s 3rd parent and let her use that as an excuse to be in Ava’s business at all times. While it may happen IRL, on soaps, ex step parents usually move out of each others lives after the divorce since they get married so often unless that person adopted the kid, which we know Carly didn’t. It especially annoys me because I think they only do because Carly has so little going on herself that they need to give her an excuse to insert her into other people’s stories. Turning her into the new Ruby hasn’t exactly been all that interesting. 

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  21. Why is Kristina talked about Iike she’s a perpetual screw-up? She hasn’t done anything questionable since getting involved with Dawn of Day, which was over 4 years ago. Even with DOD, she first involved in it because she thought it was a volunteer group and she wanted to do charity work. Since then, she’s worked at a stable job, manages to support herself, and has been single so she didn’t even have relationship drama unlike the rest of her family. 

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  22. If TJ is that convinced Kristina is too flaky, then why not just tell Molly that they should look for a different non related surrogate? It’s not like Kristina is the only option. They could also opt to do that later on if Kristina does change her mind because it’s too much for her. 

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