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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. Sonny’s debut on the show was before my time but whenever I hear about his early storylines, he was really the creepy 30 year old dude around a bunch of teens. Karen was 17, Robin was also underage and Stone couldn’t have been much older, Brenda was 18 when they first got together. Even Jason was only a couple years out of high school when the accident happened. 

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  2. I’m now really curious how bad Chris/Dan’s plan was for Jason’s return because the rewrite and delay for this stale retread is something. I laughed when Jason ran off leaving Dante bleeding out well before the ambulance showed up so Dex and Joss could stumble upon him and be the heroes. 

    Whenever Sam and Olivia share scenes, all I think is Dante must have a massive Elektra complex. The Sam/Olivia scenes were nice but it still irks me how much of a bitch she was towards Lulu for daring to move on and having the gall to have Rocco around her new bf yet 5 seconds after Lulu goes into a coma, she’s gushing over Dante and Sam and was the main one pushing them together. Suddenly quickly moving on and her grandson getting a new parental figure before dealing with the trauma wasn’t an issue. 

    Shouldn’t Anna be running around trying to track down the shooter? I’m pleasantly surprised that the show acknowledged that Stone has basically been Sonny’s get out of jail free pass. Lord knows they throw his name out there anytime someone calls him out for being a crappy person. However, if Ava was being sincere and not playing him with her response, she’s done for as a character. No, Sonny’s ass wasn’t helping Karen. He was a predator. 

    I don’t defend the show much but I do appreciate the longer scenes we’ve been getting and fewer SLs per episode. I always found those 30-45 scenes frustrating to watch. 

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  3. 11 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

    Honestly i would be fine with a hand-waved "Monica has known the whole time" since there is precedent for that with AJ.

    Jason working with the WSB would also give the character some wiggle room with not telling his kids he's alive. And Anna and Robert at least couldn't give him grief there. 

    I suspect he went undercover to protect Sonny. They’ve been pretty OTT with the dialogue about how Sonny has no one protecting him and Anna’s line about his guardian angel. In which case, yeah I do think he deserves blowback for letting his minor children think he’s dead. Will he get it, probably not, since he never gets called out for being a deadbeat and Sonny being his main priority has been a given for 25 years. 

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Surprised Anna wasn't bowing at Sonny's feet.  This is the same Anna who went and lived with him instead of going to Felicia or Robert? 

    Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse now that Jason’s back. Anna and him investigated together a bunch during his last return and the show was even more into Jason cosplaying a cop than Sonny. He would constantly go into the PCPD and interrogate people and they would feed him info. There was even a laughable scene where he tried to offer a plea deal to someone for information, I can’t remember who at the moment. 

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  5. Tracy stealing Deception for BL has always been lame and I don’t root for them screwing over Maxie and Lucy who did all the work while BL was half assing things because she was either focused on music or spending the day creating desktop wallpapers of Chase to moon over. BL has never shown any business acumen, she’s a dim bulb who Tracy and others are doing all the work for while she gets the credit. Not all that different than her nepo baby cousin Michael.

     The fact that they keep bringing Tracy and ignoring ELQ is mind boggling. We heard her rant about the Cassadines before yet she’s meh about the fact that Valentin has had control of her family’s company since 2020? 

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  6. I was never much of a fan of TB’s Carly either and truthfully, I recall feedback on her Carly to be much more polarizing when it was actually airing than recently. I also found her portrayal of Kim to be not great and was glad the character was written off after a couple years. However, I find LW’s Carly to be completely unwatchable and it’s been unwatchable through like half a dozen different HWs so I don’t think it’s all the writing. I didn’t find her take on her GL character Cassie to be particularly nuanced either. She leaned into smug and aggressive even when the writing really didn’t call for it and has consistently struggled with provided a layered performances 

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  7. I don’t think Ava is entirely honest about not choosing sides between Nina and Sonny. Her actions all year have shown that she’s pretty firmly team Sonny. Hopefully it’s because she’s plotting but regardless, she really hasn’t been there Nina at all. 

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  8. Doesn’t Sam know that Drew is acting unhinged? She was concerned about him not that long ago. You’d think he’d be the last person she asked to help with Danny. Even if she knows he won’t open up to Dante, I’m sure there’s plenty of other male figures in his life that she can have talk to him. Though I guess it’s a moot point since Jason will probably save the day and be the only one who can get through to him. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Even if SBu never returned, I wouldn't presume Jason was dead.

    Same. I mean, the show barely pretends. He didn’t have an onscreen funeral either time he “died” and you’d think they’d kill for a chance for their leads to wail about him 

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  10. Sonny is forever a hypocrite. Judging Jagger for being a bad husband to Karen. At least that man was in his early 20s when that happened and not still repeating the same patterns at 60. Plus referring to Karen by her stripper name was vile. He knew what he was doing 

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  11. I find fights surrounding pre-nups to be antiquated. It doesn’t mean you are assuming that you’ll get divorced or that you think your spouse only wants you for your money.  But it’s all for naught since I’m sure we’ll get an eye roll inducing speech from BL tomorrow about how she’d never ask for one because they are soulmates and Tracy will get shamed for being the only practical one in the room. 

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  12. Losing Jason means nothing when everyone knows it’s temporary and the hotel was always a meh loss. She only got half of the already successful hotel because she traded those ELQ  stocks that Lorenzo randomly gave up in the settlement of their short marriage. The “controlling interest” in ELQ that the show forgot about as soon as they mentioned it since Jax was never shown to be involved in the company after that happened and a few years later, somehow Edward had all the stocks and could redistribute them in his will. When she lost it because of her own get rich quick scheme, like 5 people offered to buy her the hotel back and it was only her own pride that kept her from getting it. 

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  13. 25 minutes ago, jsbt said:

    Yes, he was a scuzz but I associated that more with his other story with Ava. I just didn't know he had any record of deceiving Maxie.

    From what I remember, it was just that she (and Spinelli) could tell Austin was keeping secrets from her so she broke up with him because she wasn’t in too deep. The reason she gave was something along the lines of how she ignored a lot of red flags from Peter early on and didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. 

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  14. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Drew’s prison stay even shorter than what he originally thought he was getting in his cake plea deal since Alexis blackmailed the judge to get him released? Yeah I get that he had to go to Pentonville instead of Spring Ridge but cmon. Alexis, Spencer, and Sam managed longer bids in Pentonville in the past 4 years and none of them have Navy Seal training or memories of being a mob enforcer. 

    Also, Carly has never turned the other cheek ever in her life. The show is straight up gaslighting atp

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  15. Bobbie never sought revenge? Funny, that’s not how I remembered her. Maybe Carly genuinely believes that because Bobbie didn’t seek revenge against her but when she says things like that, it just make me see their relationship as completely one sided and that she didn’t know her mother at all. 

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  16. 49 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    I don’t think so. He said in a recent interview that he tested for a different role first and it was a straight chem test with LW. He didn’t get it but they called him back for this one. Besides, Jason is coming home so there’ll be no room in her life for anyone else.

    I can see why after that scene because they don’t have any chemistry. However, they give Carly these types of scenes with practically every newbie guy. I’ve never gotten why because it’s rarely ever led to anything  

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  17. Good for WL! Considering this gig and that Sydney Mikayla seems to be steadily working, I took their interviews about leaving the show to focus on school to not mean they were actually going to stop working completely. More like going to college full time meant they had less free time than before and had to choose between continuing on GH and pursuing other roles or a singing career and both chose to focus on the later, which at their ages is smart.

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  18. Ava disappoints me for falling in line with Sonny because she knows he’ll restrict her access to Avery if not. It’s been 7 years since he blackmailed her and Sonny is ripe to turn the scales and gain leverage so she can gain custody back yet nothing. This is also after years of Sonny saying that Carly was Avery’s mom and Ava was the bitch they had to deal with. 

    Crazy thing is I can’t see any of Sonny’s other baby mamas acting like that despite Ava being the badass from a mob family. They will have done all they could to get their kids back. 

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  19. 46 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I don't remember this happening because I tune him out what with all the blinking and staring and monosyllable sentences, but Jason is so very big on the whole if they want it's their choice business that I'm not remotely surprised that he would say something as dumb as that. At the end of the day Jason will always be the dumbest fuck on the show.

    He said it on a Halloween episode back in 2018 or 2019. Danny dressed up like him as his costume. Sam was in her full on mob moll mindset at the time so she was ok with too btw. I guess back then, Danny emulating his criminal father was better than her having to wear a skirt and work in an office. 

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  20. I could see them doing a Sonny/Ava hookup for the drama but in the end, it would be short lived and only Ava will suffer the consequences because it will further isolate her. They need to build up more solid connections to the canvas for her, not tear down one of the few she has left by having her betray a friend. That would basically only leave her with seldom seen Avery and as a talk to for Trina. 

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  21. The way Molly and TJ are acting, I don’t think Kristina would even be allowed to properly bond with this baby as an aunt without them freaking out. It’s a mess on both sides and I hate that Alexis got shouted down when she was the only one who pointed out exactly what would happen. 

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