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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. 7 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I have no desire to see him and Nina get together. He's still very delusional and No. 1 Cheerleader for Cujo.

    Same here. I think they have chemistry but it’s clear he still thinks Carly walks on water and if she lied to him and told him he’s a priority, he would have continued being her lapdog and ignoring his kid for her. Unless he recognizes how stupid he’s been and how wrong he was about Carly, he’s not a viable pairing for any woman, most of all Nina. 

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Blackie said:

    They definitely need to flip the script and give Nina the upper hand here, because all Drew's arguments are stupid and make no sense.

    Exactly. Let’s be honest, Drew is the loser here. He sacrificed everything for a woman who doesn’t give a damn about him and only bowed out because he 100% knew he was a placeholder. There’s absolutely no way he should have the upper hand.  

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    From an admittedly generous perspective, Jason's protection of Carly isn't necessarily more than she "deserves." It depends on what the exact charges are, but they probably stem from the time that she had to take over the mob duties to keep the family from getting killed. Sonny's "death" put her in that position (per the writers at the time). 

    She didn’t have to take over. Jason did and she inserted herself because she couldn’t help herself. It ended up doing way more harm than good because that’s why they said she had to be killed

    29 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Just WHAT exactly did Cujo do, except for swanning around before she was threatened with death? Which led to that HARD 180 which I refuse to type out again, lest my brain explodes.

    It's all so incredibly and galactically STOOPID.

    Technically, kidnapping Cyrus’ mother was 100% her idea. She thought it was a genius move to keep him in line when it did nothing to stop Cyrus from going after them and for some reason, he threatened Nikolas into getting his mother back for him. Jason covered for her after the fact and that’s what led to Cyrus framing him for something and getting him thrown in prison 

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  4. I knew it was all about shielding Carly from her own choices. Jason’s been doing that for decades. If I was remotely interested in Jason or his return, I’d be annoyed but since I haven’t found him a compelling character since the 90s, I don’t care all that much. Hope Danny can come to the same realization that Jake did soon enough.

    Drew’s a complete asshole and I don’t get what we’re supposed to be thinking about him continuing to harass Nina. It’s obvious that he’s lashing out because of his own garbage choices but why beg her to come back to work when you can’t stand the sight of her and want to bash her every chance you get? I’m sure it’s a setup but I’ve never much of a been a fan of bickering leading to hooking up and it seems particularly mean spirited when Nina is being harassed by the entire town, not just Drew, and only returned to Crimson because he threatened to shut down the magazine and cause the staff to lose their jobs if she didn’t. 


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  5. 3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    How much are they really going to spill, though? Jason would never betray Sonny (regardless of what Sonny thinks these days, heh), and I think even Dex is smart enough to know that if he tells too much, his days are numbered (fingers crossed). So everyone in PC getting all excited is going to be sorely disappointed, as usual when it comes to the mob.

    ITA. Jason isn’t going to go against Sonny and he’s only working with the feds temporarily to get out of RICO charges that I’m sure he’s 100% guilty of. It’s not like he isn’t going to go back to committing crimes as soon as this SL wraps so he’s not any different than Sonny. Anna’s just being dumb. Btw, how is Jason still working for them when everyone knows he was an FBI informant and Brennan and Valentin found out he was working undercover? It’s not like he can continue at this point now that he’s been exposed 

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  6. Anna being tough on Sonny comes off as fake. Maybe it’ll change with time but they haven’t sold me on it yet. Doesn’t help that she’s still acting like Jason walks on water.

    Those Liz/Jason/Jake scenes were interesting. I kinda suspect it’s leading to Jason bending over backwards to make amends to Jake while ignoring Danny because he already likes him, which will cause Danny to lash out. 

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  7. I don’t think Drew/Carly had romantic chemistry so all of their couple scenes made me cringe but I think they were additionally hampered by making Carly his lapdog. If they wanted to go there with them, they needed to stay more true to character and have him bring up their history and have him call her out when she was lying and scheming rather than constantly excuse her crappy behavior. Giving Drew scenes like the one where he was having lunch with Sam and Scout and was flat out ignoring them the entire time because he was staring at his phone waiting for Carly to call or text him back only appealed to that subset of Carly fans who wish for all characters to live to serve her and prioritize her over everyone, even their own children. 


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  8. While I’ll commend the new writers for writing something more soapy than Dan/Chris have given us the past few years, they aren’t exactly shaking the table. Sonny’s the victim being targeted by some big bad, Jason the big hero who will save the day, and Carly’s alternating between screaming like a banshee and obsessing about Jason. The rest of the show has been miles better but those 3 aren’t giving us anything I haven’t already seen dozens of times.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    If he's on contract, does he get paid even when he doesn't work? 

    Not necessarily. He has episode guarantees per contract year and if those weren’t met, they’d essentially be paying him for episodes he didn’t film. However, he was on so much, it’s possible that they already met them. Or they just let him out of his contract a few months early.

    Letting him out for a few months to do his netflix series and then return made much more sense when they thought the series was going to film last summer. The strike delays meant they’d be bringing him back for like a month if he isn’t interested in re-signing (which almost no one thought he would) and then they’d be left doing an immediate recast. At least this way, if they recast, there will be a break between actors. Though now I’m suspecting that Trina’s line about how the memorial was barely anything was a hint that they are going to give him a onscreen funeral because the character isn’t returning anytime soon. 

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  10. Helena was never a full time character. She showed up for a few months, wreaked havoc, and disappeared. I don’t think a remorseless, unrepentant villain who has no one in their corner can function as a long term contract character. Someone needs to like them for it to work 

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  11. I’m curious about what Ava’s future is on the show. While I’m loving the thought of her playing Sonny, it definitely writes her into a corner. She doesn’t really have any friends now they’ve pretty much decimated her and Nina’s friendship and her only family is Avery who we all know Sonny is vindictive enough to keep away from her mother once this all comes out. 

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  12. I like Valentin but he works better as a villain. They never properly whitewashed him anyway. All they did is ignore everyone he’s done because they were putting him around characters who shouldn’t be excusing it and constantly glossed over that he was still actively scheming so he was far from a good guy. 

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  13. So wait, Nina now has 3 full time jobs? Editor at Crimson, publisher of the Invader and co-owner of the MC? I thought she was leaving the Invader for Crimson but Drew’s comment made it sound like she’s doing both, albeit spread much thinner. And wtf was up with him making it sound like having Nina back was some huge burden when he all but begged her to come back and threatened to shutter the magazine and cause the staff to lose their jobs to guilt her into returning?

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  14. I’d kill for a full circle moment from Alexis and Sam where Sam acknowledges that she finally understands Alexis’ POV of being scared about the danger Jason could bring to Sam and later Danny’s lives. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, JMO said:

    By the way, has anyone seen Ned? 

    I’m seriously struggling to remember the last time he was on. I think it might been new years. I know they didn’t drag him out of the closet for any of the wedding planning stuff. It’s a shame since he’s the one who should have visited Jason and deliver the message from Monica since they have an established relationship. I doubt Jason could pick BL out of a lineup 

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  16. I already think the PCPD is inept but Anna hiring someone who worked for the mob 5 minutes ago takes the cake. As much as I give Dante a hard time for being corrupt, at least he became a cop before he knew about Sonny and has never officially worked for him. I’m baffled why they want to keep cardboard cutout Dex around so badly that they’re trying to find a new place for him. 

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  17. So DA Robert is leaving a high profile case to an inexperienced ADA who has multiple conflicts of interest because he’s scared of his daughter’s reaction? That’s dumb, Robin might have a soft spot for Jason but she knows he’s a criminal. I’ll never understand why they made Robert a DA when they go out of their way to not show him being a lawyer 

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Honestly, LW has trouble sparking with anyone.  But, yeah, Jagger doesn't need to be saddled with that shrew.

    The only one I’ve seen her spark with in years is that guy who played Brennan. I don’t think they’d be a super exciting pairing overall but if they need to pair her with someone, he’d be the best bet. Bonus is he’s shady himself so they aren’t going to make another good, honest guy look dumb for her. 

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  19. Jagger and Carly don’t have romantic chemistry and him not being up her ass isn’t enough to make a pairing work, nor will it last if they ever get together. People always bring up Jax calling her out when they got together and while he occasionally did, he defended her twice as much to others whenever someone called her out and said they didn’t know her. It was frustrating to watch as someone who was a fan of Jax at the time because he used to see through her before they started sleeping together. That pairing made her look more likable but it decimated him and made him look spineless and I could see Jagger heading in the same direction

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  20. Part of me could see Jason purposefully not checking for PC related news in case something big is happening that would cause him to want to rush back home. I also don’t think he’s a curious person because of the brain damage so he’s probably not thinking about what people are up to. 

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  21. 11 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    I really think they should have kept the temp Brooklyn. 

    Same here. I know they wouldn’t fire AS while on maternity leave but the temp recast made it so obvious how much of a miscast AS is and how BL could be a likable lead with a different actress in the role. Instead, BL became another Michael 

  22. 13 hours ago, DanaK said:

    Of course they’ll have Danny at odds with his family over Jason, who will barely acknowledge his existence. It’ll make for some interesting drama but I’m still going to roll my eyes at him. I am pleasantly surprised one of Jason’s kids sees him for who he is and isn’t falling all over for the tiny bit of attention he’ll give him. I never thought I’d see the day. 

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  23. I think Ava is getting feelings for Sonny but she’s also manipulating him hard for something else. She was very neutral when Michael was in the room but the moment he left, she was in Sonny’s ear about how Sonny shouldn’t trust Jason because he betrayed him by getting with Carly so quickly after he died and how she’s the only one he can trust. She was also pushing the theory about how Jason was going after him during the last time we saw them alone. I don’t think she needs to turn him against Jason if her only intention is getting with him. If that was the case, she’d be focusing on how he can’t trust Nina, Carly or any other woman he knows.  

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  24. 20 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I think there's some hope with Jake. 

    This show has circled the drain with its worship of the holy hitman. A conflict here and there wouldn't hurt the character even if I have no expectations that Jason will show any type of growth.

    I think Jake doesn’t see him as a hero and doesn’t worship the mob so that’s something. However, Jason being a deadbeat dad rarely gets called out and even when it does, they aren’t consistent about it so I’d be surprised by happy if either of his kids mention it. 

    Kristina’s rant to Sam in 2020 about how Jason would never put her and the kids ahead of Sonny and Carly and would die for them but doesn’t want to live with them were probably my favorite scenes from that character to date. She had him pegged and tbh, I don’t think her relationship with Sam was ever the same after that. 

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