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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. 1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

    What I don’t understand, as smart as she is, why she didn’t know what it would cost her? I was surprised she was dating the chef- I mean he’s cute and a nice guy, but it’s clear the type of life Tara wants. She’s very beautiful and smart, she’s still young- I’d think she go for not another Adil but someone in that world. Not a “regular guy with a job”.

    I think she was with the chef because she was lonely and he was there and treated her well. She had flashes of enjoying his company but she seemed put off by his middle class lifestyle more than once. I definitely think she’s wants back in to the upper echelon but realistically, I don’t think there is a way back for her. Everyone in her former circle stopped associating with her once she and Adil separated and she’s not from a well and connected family. Now she’s older and a divorcee on top of it so I can’t see her landing a whale since landing Adil was a fluke even with her manipulating the situation.

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  2. 19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


    I guess we won't see Joss volunteer for MSF/Doctors Without Borders since she thinks that people shouldn't put themselves into dangerous situations. Or maybe it's just danger situations for Sonny.


    I’ll never how that’s supposed to be a healthy relationship. She bitches at him over something he’s doing, immediately apologizes or gets him to apologize, only to turn around and bitch about almost the exact same thing the next time she sees him. She doesn’t like what he’s doing but she’s not truly accepting it for his sake either since she keeps bringing it up. Also, I think her recent complaining has been more about him being too busy to spend time with her and she’s using the mob as an excuse. I think she’d still be mad if he was working at a bar or restaurant and couldn’t hang out with her. 

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  3. I forgot how nice Lulu’s house looked and it looks huge. Sam was an idiot for fighting to stay in that tiny PH she got from Jason 

    Hopefully they treat Sonny getting arrested by Homeland Security like it’s a serious charge and not something Diane can immediately get him out of with her clownish grandstanding. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    I just think he looks and acts more like one of Sonny's goons than a man who grew up with every privilege imaginable. He doesn't come across as distinguished IMO, which is what Prince Nikolas Cassadine should be. YMMV of course :)

    I completely agree with you. He doesn’t pull off wealthy, suave European. The actor also doesn’t do much to hide his NY accent so that doesn’t help. Also, to be completely honest, his acting in that recast flashback was subpar and this is coming from someone who thinks all of the Nikolas actors had their moments where they checked out. I’m not an MC fan by any means but they should have gone back to the drawing board and recast because he disappointed me.  

    I don’t care about Nikolas much on his own but he has strong ties to some of my favorite characters so I want their scenes to be enjoyable 

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  5. Doesn’t Joss have friends, school, a life? Lol why do they make it seem like she has nothing going on outside of Dex? Most pre-med students I knew who were in serious relationships had the opposite problem of trying to make time to spend with their SO instead of waiting around for them all day. You’d think a bigger issue would be that she’s missing out on the traditional college experience with her peers because she’s dating someone who’s much older and not a college student so he can’t join her. 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    A good deed erases a criminal act.   Just ask Sonny, who was pardoned by the governor.

    I get the show’s twisted logic but damn, Drew wasn’t even a Good Samaritan in this case. He only saved Liesl because it benefitted someone he cared about. It’s not like he went to rescue the baby. If Liesl wasn’t Willow’s donor match, he would have stayed home twiddling his thumbs and playing life coach. 

    51 minutes ago, CeChase said:

    Adam is back?  I am happy to hear this!  I want Nicholas back to take Esme off of Trina's hands, and I also just think he's needed.  Of course I want Tyler, but I liked Adam.  I am an anybody but MC girl myself. 

    I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. The way this show is going, they’re going to have Spencer team up with Esme to keep Nik away from Ace. They’ve made it very clear that Spencer wants to stay actively involved and thinks Nikolas was a crappy father. Plus Esme seems infatuated with Spencer so she’d be all for it 

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  7. What exactly did Cody pretend to do to warrant him being committed in the first place? Having an outburst at the PCPD and suicidal ideation wouldn’t lead to an involuntary commitment, especially not to a place intended for violent criminals. At best, it would be a 72 hour hold in the hospital with a pysch eval. Also why does Sam need to be his POA for any of this? 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    Explain it to me like I'm Sonny. 

    I thought Tracy had Brooke steal the schematics so that Tracy could duplicate them and somehow claim they were hers to begin with?

    I doubt this was the original SL. The scab writers either probably changed it or the writers hadn’t figured out the plan yet. I’m inclined to believe the same thing about Cyrus being Mason and Austin’s mystery boss since he was supposed to be based in the west coast prior to targeting Sonny.

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  9. Carly’s speech about the Kelly’s clientele came off condescending and like was trying to convince herself owning that Kelly’s is better than the MC. Lol she’s the last person I’d see as warm and friendly towards regular people but she’s probably bitter that she couldn’t magically turn Kelly’s into some high end hotspot like she originally wanted. 

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  10. LW’s fake laugh is obnoxious and I’m never sure what she’s going for when she does that. Also, are they being serious with Carly handing food wearing blazers, no apron and her hair down? At least they had Joss looking the part of someone working at Kelly’s the other day. 

    How is Lucy already in such dire financial straits that she wouldn’t be able to pay a lawyer if they lose the case? It wasn’t that long ago that they made it sound like all of the Deception owners made out like bandits with the IPO launch. Lucy didn’t cash out any of her shares? And why didn’t she call Scott to help if Martin was too busy? 

    Only on this show are we supposed to believe a judge that throws the hammer at white collar criminals is the worst. If this was real life, someone like Drew facing a serious penalty for his crime would be celebrated because guys like him always skate by way of their family influence and expensive lawyers.

    The only decent end I would enjoy for Sasha’s SL is for her to realize what’s going on and to save herself. Having Cody save her while she continues to walk around being the most naive idiot on the planet isn’t it. She had no reason to trust a known money hungry grifter as much as she did. 

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  11. I’ll admit I’m a bit peeved that Frank constantly brings on fan favorites from the other soaps but doesn’t make the same effort to bring back faves from this show and it just makes me resent them. Rena Sofer was open to returning and Lois has enough to established ties characters on the canvas that she wouldn’t be shoehorned in. They couldn’t be bothered to bring back a single fan fave for the anniversary either. 

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  12. Wasn’t Drew’s deal supposed to be a terrible one for him because he was making sure Carly skated? It had nothing to do with the judge being biased. I never got how that made sense but they made it clear that the deal he agreed to was more about falling on his sword for her. 

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  13. 7 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Explain this to me like I'm dumb or like I'm Cody, what exactly is his plan?  Give Sam his POA.  She legally has him committed (on what grounds?)  Frencliff is for the criminally insane so how would he automatically be sent there?  Once he's inside, what is his plan?  I'm assuming male and female inmates are not housed together.  Wouldn't they want to sedate him to keep him from chewing the scenery?  How would he have access to Sasha?  Even if he had access to Sasha, what is he planning on doing once he's there?  He can't stop Monty from drugging her.  He can't drag her out of the building?  The whole thing is stupid and because it involves him, is completely uninteresting to me.  

    They’re so set on Cody being Sasha’s hero that I don’t think they realize quite how dumb this SL is. What makes this entire thing stranger is we haven’t seen enough of Cody and Sasha together to be invested in them and to show us why Cody willing to do this much for her. I think they were kind of cute during their first scene together but that was months ago and it was the only substantive scene I recall them having. Cody has shared the majority of his scenes with Sam or Dante since Britt died. 

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  14. Willow’s advice to Kristina was terrible but it does seem in character for her to think that way and go along with people when they are being rude or even outright unreasonable 

    Ferncliff is supposed to house the criminally insane. How would patients in that environment have access to each other and why wouldn’t Cody just, idk, tell Mac/Dante privately what he suspects is going on with Sasha and why Gladys is manipulating her? He’s a moron

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  15. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    I thought that Alexis was in Pentonville too. There is a new set for Drew so that Carly can visit him in a nice place.

    She started off at Pentonville where they let her spend all her time hanging out with Shawn but they later transferred her to Spring Ridge. She was in jail for an abnormally long time considering she was onscreen the entire time. I think she ended up serving 7 months. 

    9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    She ended up there eventually, but I honestly can't even remember what she did that landed her in jail in the first place, so yeah . . .

    She tried to kill Franco but brainwashed Dante got in the way and got stabbed with a syringe. The judge dismissed the attempted murder of Franco charge but she pled guilt to assault and battery of Dante. 

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  16. While I like Spencer and Trina together, I think she should dump him. He’s admitted that he thinks Esme is a good mother so he’s only choosing to stay there because he wants to be versus before when he thought Esme would ruin the baby. Ace spends all day in daycare so Spencer mostly spends time with him when Esme is around anyway. Her bf is actively choosing to cosplay Esme’s spouse/coparent instead of having his own life. 

    Also, Spencer talking about his relationship with Nikolas is a complete rewrite. They were close before he chose to stay dead in 2016 but now, he’s saying Nikolas was never around. 

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  17. Sam/Dante’s place went through another remodel. It looks better than before but that set has gotten teeny tiny. It’s as hard for me to buy that the PH can comfortable house 2 adults and 3 (sometimes 4) kids as Anna’s place being a townhouse. I’ll never get why they didn’t move into a house because those kids should be just as on top of each other in that place as Maxie’s are in her apt. 

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  18. 10 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Does Felicia even have a degree be a social worker? I appreciate her wanting to do something with her life and wanting to make a difference, but are we going to skip steps so that she can have that job at the hospital?

    Felicia was applying to be a patient advocate. I worked as one right out of college and it didn’t require a social work degree. However, I’m not sure Felicia is qualified either because it did require several years of clinical hospital experience and a bachelors degree. I would think it’s pretty difficult to be a patient advocate without hospital experience considering you have to act as a liaison. 

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  19. Dex can’t pull off intimidating. There is absolutely no way I buy that the prisoner was threatened by him. Though to be fair, until Jason bulked up in the late 2000s, I thought the same thing about him. In the 90s, he still looked like a scrawny dork to me and the T-shirt and leather jacket wardrobe wasn’t doing the heavy lifting the show thought it was.

    Cyrus is the mystery boss and Austin knows Nik is alive. He’s the one who saved his life and is keeping it from Ava. The scab writers might have fixed this story that has been dragged out for eternity because this is the first day I’ve been mildly interested in Austin. 

    However, another story that continues to drag and doesn’t seem like it’s getting fixed by the new writers is Drew being sent to prison because Nina is evil. Carly hopes whoever turned him is punished. After that joke of a “identity theft” case they pulled on Nina last year, I have no doubt that they’ll somehow make it illegal in PC to be a whistleblower if you don’t like the person who committed a crime and Drew will be simultaneously be pardoned since how dare someone turn him in for a crime he was 100% guilty of.

    I’m not really sure what to make of Felicia and her career change. Maybe they realized that they need more characters working at GH and Felicia going back to PI work would he redundant when you consider how many other characters are investigators or law enforcement.

    Does no one retire in PC? They’ve had multiple characters who are either close to or at retirement age who’ve gone into “second acts” the past few years. Robert, Alexis, now Felicia and I’m assuming Anna is next since she’s out of the WSB. 

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