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Posts posted by bobalina

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

    Crying that you didn't get to force people to crowd into theaters while the Covid cases are climbing because the millions you have aren't enough for you is not a good look for ScarJo. 

    I guess my thousandaire self will just not get why $20 million isn't enough for a few months work, work which, while hard, is also, from all they say and show, extremely fun. 

    Won't be paying to watch her movie now. It'll be free somewhere, sometimes. Shame, as I'd like to support female led superhero movies and so far Wonder Woman is the only one I really liked. 

    She's not forcing anyone to go to a theater. And this is about Disney breaching a other contract and stealing from yet another actor.

    • Love 17
  2. 4 hours ago, Gillian Rosh said:

    I just started watching this show. Started with series 10 and now going back to watch from the beginning. I'm still on series 1, and I have a question: will Poole ever stop wearing that suit?

    So far, I like Camille and Fidel.

    He even wears it in his new show Professor T.

    • LOL 7
  3. Brittany needs a new conservator  with a finite term. She needs the education most teens ans early twenties get especially if she really means to retire from the stage. That way she could learn or re learn basic skills like budgeting, driving safely and all the other stuff she needs for a safe, reasonable life.  Then turn her loose, whatever happens happens.

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  4. On 7/13/2021 at 10:13 AM, all4mom2 said:

     only Molly, who also looks most like her father, inherited the gene for industry and self-motivation. 


    Matt's the hard worker? When the show started he was  scanning around , drunk. While Amy worked three jobs to be sure her kids were fed. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Blergh said:

    I wonder if Miss Gabor's will predates her daughter Francesca Hilton's death because it's hard to imagine she'd have preferred being buried a continent and ocean away from her only child (to say nothing of her more famous sisters and mother who are also buried in California).   Alas she outlived them all and died in a terrible and heartbreaking state after years of lingering.  Well, what's done is done and, if nothing else, I truly hope that this will be the last we hear of her dubious widower. 

    Her husband said she was in too bad a shape and they didn't tell Zsazsa. So her will was likely before.

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, letter8358 said:

    Sad, but it was expected. He lived through 91 and that was a good life. So that means no Lethal Weapon 5 unless his children or grandchildren take over or are interested in carrying the legacy. I don't know why Corey Feldman was pushing that Goonies sequel at all. I still don't.

    Corey Feldman is looking for a payday.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, GiuliettaMasina said:

    She's not allowed to change her mind? I get that there may be penalties for breaking contracts that were signed, and they could, you know, just explain that to her. They have the power to make her do it anyway. Showing up with months old documents saying "No, see, you actually want to do this," as if people do not change their minds all the time sounds like gaslighting and only serves to humiliate/shame the very person whose well-being they are legally bound to protect. 

    If they are claiming she literally cannot remember what she agrees to from month to month, then how is she capable of retaining complex choreographies for months on end during tours/residencies? How is it safe for how to be around pyrotechnics and rigging and other common stagecraft that requires careful adherence to safety guidelines? 

    The math is not mathing here. 

    Canceling dates does more than cost fines, it trashed professional reputations and makes it harder to insure performers. Look at Michael Jackson.

  8. 4 hours ago, Dani said:

    There is a current investigation being done based on the 911 call that Britney made the night before she spoke in court. They are not necessarily carrying on as is because these cases are constantly ongoing. There is another hearing in 10 days.

    Jamie was already supposed to have been removed from having complete control of anything. The financial company asking to be removed creates a lot of problems. 

    If she is not mentally competent enough to make any choices for herself anything she signs would be completely meaningless even without possible coercion claims. That is one of the problems with the whole thing. Simultaneously claiming she can choose somethings (like to work) and not others (her own lawyer). 

    No, the hearings should not be opened so all sides can be heard. This is her life and personal information and it should never become fodder for the masses. She’s not a criminal. This is supposed to be about protecting her. 

    They weren't talking about contracts. Just reminders of her agreement, nothing legally binding. And I want the judge to hear all sides, not the public.

  9. 4 hours ago, tessaray said:

    I would assume that any agreement she signed was under duress.  

    Or if she really isn't well enough to manage her own life, how can they expect her to 1)  be able to sign anything and 2) be able to act on it?  They can't have it both ways.  

    That Britney may be exaggerating or misremembering is possible.  Maybe she doesn't have all the facts, maybe her accusations are targeted at the wrong people.  But her anger and her anguish feel justified. The system has been rigged against her.  That much is clear from the reporting that's coming out. 

    What was said  this was so could prove to her she had agreed earlier. Using ( I think) that after her residency was over nothing  was planned for the next year. She asked for something to do, so a European tour was suggested. She agreed, was enthusiastic. After it was all arranged and had started she changed her mind.

    Most of the reporting is coming from her. Hold th hearings so all sides can be heard.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Dani said:

    Source? We will never hear both sides because Britney’s medical and personal information is and should be protected. Regardless of if she is telling the truth mental illness isn’t enough to take away a person’s freedom and right to make bad choices which is the heart of the whole discussion. Whether Britney benefits from a conservatorship and whether or not she should be in one legally are completely different issues.

    If she wants out she should be able to get out. Now that may mean her life spirals downward and she loses access to her children but she should be free to make those choices.

    At this point my real doubt is over whether or not Britney wants out enough to deal with the consequences. She seems to have a pretty simplistic and naive outlook. She wants out without an evaluation which I believe she should be able to do. That also means Federline and the courts will take steps to protect her kids from her if necessary. That’s why I think the outrage that the judge hasn’t ended the conservatorship is premature. Britney hasn’t actually taken the step necessary to request that it ends. 

    It was either a TMZ story or an item m on Yahoo news.

    I have a cousin with a conservator. She cannot endtge conservatorship wIth court hearings and psychiatric exams and permission. Why not just jump through the hoops? Although t h e examiners should be court appointed and not attached to either side.

    • Useful 1
  11. 4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    One at the time Lenny was going by Romeo Blue so lots of people thought it was a fly by night marriage. He didn’t want her character, a non wedded, Denise to even be speculated by the audience as being pregnant during the second year of A Different World, so he fired her from that show which she was the star of at the time. She fulfilled her contract by having her character dropping out of college and returning to The Cosby Show a married pregnant woman who’s husband was in the military so was gone a lot leaving the Huxtables with her flighty self and a delightful three year old step daughter played by Raven Simone! 

    eta: I did that all from my memories from the time period so she might not have shown up pregnant on her return to the Cosby show but Martin and three year old Olivia were definitely present and Lenny was definitely going by Romeo Blue!

    Denise returned for a couple shows,goes off to Africa and comes back later with Olivia and Martin. She's not pregnant until the last show and then only in a phone call.

    The truly creepy thing is Martin makes a point of letting Cliff know that Denise was a virgin on their wedding night.

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  12. 2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I'm not sure if he managed his son's career, but Rance Howard was responsible for how great Ron Howard turned out. He was on set of The Andy Griffith Show, and even appeared a couple of times; even a couple of times on Happy Days. I've heard nothing but good things about Rance and what a good dad he was. And Ron Howard is one of the successes of a child actor, to teen and adult, before moving behind the camera.

    Ron even talked about how when he acted out once on the set of Andy Griffith Show, that Rance disciplined him, and when he went running to Andy, Andy sided with Rance. It was a delightful interview.

    And Jean Howard did the same for Clint on Gentle Ben. Amazing people.

    Quinn Cummings said it best on her Twitter. She said her mom  didn't see her as an ATM.

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