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Posts posted by bobalina

  1. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Right.  That's positive, but California needs to pass WAY MORE laws than that.

    And why would it even be only PART of their income?  Omg, these parents are so awful.  Get a fucking job!  Send your kids to school!

    Al, we need is an amendment to the Coogan law. I think it's 25% now. It cannot be 100% because even minor actors need to pay taxes , agents, union dues and other related expenses.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

    As she stated in her testimony, conservatorships have ended without needing to take a competency exam. Also, as she stated, she has been left traumatized due to the “treatment” she’s already received, so she doesn’t trust her own doctors and therapists to perform a fair examination. I don’t blame her.

    The judge could easily choose a neutral party to conduct the exam. And should have a disinterested party evaluate her.

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  3. 9 hours ago, PepSinger said:

    You have no way of knowing that. No one has any way of knowing that. Also, unless she poses a danger to others, she has every right to refuse medication. I have never heard of someone being forced to take medication against their will. WTF? 

    Are you in show business? This “the show must go on” mentality is going the way of the dodo bird. No one should be forced to work with a fever. That’s why sick time should exist. I have known actors who’ve become sick, and they weren’t forced to perform. Either the show was canceled or an understudy performed the part.

    People on lithium  typically go off their meds when feeling well thinking they are no longer needed. 

    I was at one time. And people do work when ill. And what I said is if they can. they cannot. The clip I saw looked far more like she was look I no for sympathy than she was ill.

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  4. I read the transcript. She says she is forced to take lithium. That's not something that's given out for minor issues. If she gets what she wants she'll go off her meds. she'll be broke in a few years. Be unemployable. Married to another winner with a few more kids she cannot raise. 

    Change the conservator if necessary but she is still gonna foot the bill.

    And as far as working with a fever, welcome to show biz. As long as you're physically able you go on because many contracts have penalties. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    Wait what?!?!?  They met during a screen test for The BiG Chill, she didn’t get the role. He was just an actor on the second film (his first film role was literally the year before in  Sophie’s Choice-not a blockbuster)she was 20 years old when they met and had tons  more screen credits including her iconic role  in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Why is their relationship included in this thread? 

    Because of the age gap of around 15 years.

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  6. 1 hour ago, catlover79 said:

    Along the same lines, while watching the excellent CNN miniseries The Story of Late Night, I believe absolutely that Joan Rivers was blackballed from late night TV due to sexism. If a male comedian had been offered and taken his own show opposite Johnny Carson, no one would have said a word. Instead, she was branded as "disloyal". Not only did Carson "cancel" her, but neither Leno nor Letterman ever had her on as a guest after that. Jimmy Fallon was the one who finally brought her back to The Tonight Show, months before she passed.

    I really hate the term "cancel culture", and feel that it is totally overused. But Joan Rivers and her banishment from late night TV is the very definition of "cancel culture" .

    The problem was that Joan Rivers was going to be named permanant guest host. She accepted the other show without ever talking to Carson. Not to ask permission but to tell him herself.  She later admitted it was a cowardly thing to do to someone who had been so helpful to her career. It had nothing to do with sexism and everything to do with  Carson's hurt feelings. Other late night shows had her on when her show tanked.





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  7. 44 minutes ago, Chewy101 said:

    DJ's refusal to kiss a black girl was when he was in a school play. I don't think this is the same girl from his childhood. 

    I hope Darlene explores her self-centeredness (because it was always evident on Roseanne), but just because an actor is gay does not mean they have to play gay, and vice versa. This show has embraced enough cliches. Instead of creating more life changing dramatic moments, it would be nice to see if they can work out some kinks already there. 

    How on EARTH is that mortgage not paid off on the Conner house? It's practically made of cardboard and 40 years old. Is it even possible to not have paid it off yet? 

    Jackie went after so many careers with such passion and commitment. I wonder why they decided to bring her back as some loser. And notice how none of the Hawaii tickets money went to Becky's rehab. No way she could go to rehab. Plus, for that matter, no way you get refunded for thousand dollar tickets. And if Darlene actually went, does she realize getting to Hawaii is only half the battle? She still would have had to afford being there. Money for lodging, food, etc. Why is this show being so ridiculous???

    Jackie always was a loser. She was completely unable to stand up to Roseanne, she  couldn't settle into a job, let alone a career. And she through away any descent guy that was interested.

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  8. 30 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    But Meghan's legal name isn't Markle anymore. It would be Rachel Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor. 

    It's a bit like people calling Metta World Peace "Ron Artest." That's not his legal name anymore and so his legal name should be respected.

    That is assuming she chose to change her name at marriage. It's not automatic.


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  9. On 6/2/2021 at 10:33 AM, 853fisher said:

    I guess I'll be the odd man out.  I don't like Labbett on the British show and didn't like him on the first American one, so I'm not thrilled to see him added here.


    I love the Beast. But anybody is better than Creepy Ken.

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  10. 5 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    Yes, there is a lot of development between ages 14 and 17, just as there is between 17 and early 20's and then late 20's. In both cases I find it questionable, when they date someone more than say 3 years older. Questionable more on the older partner's side, as they are more mature. As for living together with a partner, I wouldn't consider either 14 or 17 to be old enough for that.

    I think the reason it doesn't bother me is because it was totally normal when I started high school (1970). Most of the senior girls were engaged to older guys to the point there were rules about wearing their rings.  In my own class (6 year school) in '76 at least one senior girl was already married (no, no kids). My own cousin married a guy who was 7 years older  they started dating when she  was 15. But I do understand why people are horrified at that  kind of age difference.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I don't have any favorite in the Brad/Angelina fight, but I find it interesting if someone thinks it was ok for Brad to date and live with a teenager when he was in his late 20's, but not ok for Angelina to live with her boyfriend (how old was he btw?) when she was a teenager. Bit of a double standard IMO.

    I see your point. But do you see a difference between 17 and solely responsible for the selves and 14 and still living with mommie? Just curious.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

    If Brad Pitt had done something horrible to the children (besides his scuffle with Maddox), I'm pretty sure it would have come out by now.   So yeah, I don't understand what she won't forgive him for. 

    Because she's not getting what she wants. And if Pitt isn't a demon she isn't the Earth Mother angel that swooped in and saved them from him.

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  13. 3 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    I was just coming in here to ;post that. Mr. Thomas wrote so many songs that made up part of the soundtrack of my youth. RIP, and thank you, Mr. Thomas!

    Dammit, 2021, you're as bad as 2016 and 2020 were. Can't you take a break for a little while, huh?

    I don't believe be wrote songs. He was a wonderful singer though

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  14. 57 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I find it weird that Angelina is pushing so hard for no custody/contact for Brad Pitt. Unless the father is abusive, it's really hard to justify that a parent be cut off completely from the kids. 

    More on the custody case.

    I believe the only reason she has ever given was his pushing Maddox during a fight on an airplane. Her side intimated that Pitt hasa substance abuse problem. His side says he's undergone counseling for both issues.


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