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Posts posted by bobalina

  1. 4 hours ago, ESS said:

    Personally it doesn't matter if the people are fictional or not and maybe the writers didn't want to go that route with the Dan maybe they felt it would be better and much easier to have him just be with Louise because he knows her and has known her for years and with new person it'd probably would have been more difficult for Dan to get to know the person or a few dates if they went that way and I don't see anything wrong with him dating Louise and marrying her, not only that she's wanted him for over 40 years, but that's just my opinion.  

    Yes. The writers are just being lazy not giving Dan a better arc.

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  2. 9 hours ago, rmontro said:

    I didn't think much of it, because I thought her point about middle eastern animals was pretty weak, and I can't imagine any decent pastor being that flummoxed by it.  If Jason Alexander is going to stick around, I hope his character gets better at his job.

    Why? She's right.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mojoween said:

    I like Louise.  I think this show is better without Roseanne.  Yet, I still find Dan getting remarried squicky.

    I wish I could explain it coherently, it’s just how it makes me feel.  

    It bothers me because Dan jumped from Rosean e to Louise. They missed a huge opportunity to have Dan out there dating. And honestly he's a selfish jersey to bring any woman into that circus.

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  4. 4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Neville’s issues are exacerbated by the unfamiliar environment. Like most allergy sufferers, he’d likely adapted and had appropriate coping mechanisms back in the UK. 

    But the fish out of water/difficult personality thing is part of the DIs. Richard Poole called to nag his neighbors in the UK about moving his (Poole’s) trash cans off the street and it was clear the neighbor was super annoyed. It’s just how all the DIs roll. 

    Not so. Jack was very easygoing. Humphrey's main problem was his crumbling marriage but was friendly and energetic.

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  5. 4 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

    I was thinking she visited every six months or so in the past...or was it even that frequently?  Maybe once a year was more like it.

    I'm sure someone here knows precisely!

    I'm relatively sure we don't see everything any reality star does. If Amy's parents or siblings didn't like being on the show she may have limited her on camera visits.

    And how often does Mr. Perfect and Caryn see his parents?

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  6. 1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

    I meant immediately before her death. 

    I don't consider a six-month gap when a parent is essentially dying "frequent" visiting, whereas Amy is visiting her father again after seeing him just a couple of weeks ago, which I find curious. 

    But you do you, Amy!

    3 months

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  7. 1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

    True. But it didn't stop Amy from traveling locally (Oregon) with her bff's and MyMan motorcycle rides. Maskless in some of her IG posts with her buddies. 

    I'm glad her father is doing well.   

    Big difference between driving around locally or for short road trips and getting on a plane to go several states away. And in that air travel being exposed to total strangers who may well be infected.

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  8. 1 hour ago, all4mom2 said:

    He was 91? 92? last year, and her mother was dying, but she wasn't visiting him every five minutes then (or her mother at all before her death).  But YMMV.

    Did Amy know her mom was dying or was it sudden? Maybe she's closer to her dad. And remember Matt kinda kept her away from her family for a long time.

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  9. On 9/12/2021 at 1:26 PM, chediavolo said:

    Why? There really isn’t a good reason for this. Are they afraid they’re going to be known as a scarlet woman by Having different last name? Very old fashioned. 

    Just providing answer from people in that situation. Not judging choice.

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  10. 30 minutes ago, Adiba said:

    Just speculation on my part, obviously:

    Chris and Amy have the fact that they have been cheated on in common. And yes, I know there is not public “proof” that Matt cheated, but Amy seems to feel so.  
    Chris likely feels secure with Amy because he believes she would never cheat on him— nor leave him, probably. She also appears to enjoy the motorcycle road trips with him—which also seems very important to Chris.

    I think you're right about Matt and here's why. My ex boss's ex wife explained it this way. When someone is alcoholic ( and we all saw some obvious  episodes of drinking problems) infidelity frequently follows.

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  11. 2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

    How are they playing a cat and mouse game? They got married, they live in the same house. Where is the fire?

    Some people refuse to believe that  Amy could find someone,  anyone, to love her. And are adamant that this is a sham marriage.

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  12. I think I feel differently about this because I have a family member in a conservatorship. Her conservator has gone through the same kind of thing with her (mostly when she's not getting her own way) and when the whim or person moves on she settles down. 

    First hand experience tells me this isn't being handled well. BTW our family stays out of the situation unless asked by the conservator to talk to the family member.

    I'd feel way better if a court appointed doctor who's never treated Brittany would examine  her before ending the conservatorship.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Dani said:

    Loretta says that she was 13 when she got married. A few years ago AP got her birth certificate and two documents signed by each of her parents that say she was 15. I’ve never understood why people believe that over Loretta since the birth certificate was filed in the 60’s. It seems way more likely that they lied so it would legal for her to marry and she was the one telling the truth years later. 

    If her birth was not registered until the 1960's Lynn may not know how old she is. As late as 2000 girls in Kentucky could be married with parental consent at 13 so no need to lie. And I'm sure things were looser in the less populated areas. In Newcastle, PA in 1935 my great aunt was married at 15.


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  14. 7 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    I find it mind boggling that any woman would change their name!, for Gods sake, for a man at this date & time. Very archaic & misogynistic. 

    A lot of women I know change their name so they match their children.

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  15. 11 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    I'd like to hear more about this new lawsuit against Cosby.

    Loretta Lynn may have been 13 for her marriage. Remember, it's only been in the last hundred-ish years that it's become looked down on or illegal for younger teen girls to marry. In many parts of the world it's still common. Historically, pretty much all societies considered girls to be of marriageable age as soon as they hit menarche.

    According to Wikipedia and several other sources Lynn was 15 when she married. At that point many states hadn't changed laws from colonial/pioneer times that allowed girls, sometimes as young as 12 and boys 14 to marry.

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