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504 Excellent-
This didn’t age well 😂 but thanks for the info!
Just a theory…Gina must’ve been given point if they announce it at practice last night and “LB” is a 4 yr vet who… #1 doesn’t like their position in the triangle… #2 trying to cause waves of negative discussion about Gina so people aren’t happy about it when it airs. I think I know who LB is by looking back at all comments starting with the night the vets were cut in the bubble. Just a theory.
@Rut14 - the girl you mentioned Macey Jordan went to Rutgers too. Happen to know her?
It’s not even a picture. Whoever posted it on here just took a bad screenshot of a short video VK posted of them walking towards the camera.
Yep, all the vets were given the option to 1. do the one day audition, 2. pause and come back next year with vet status or 3. join for one week in the bubble. If Hannah or Brennan didn’t think it was safe...why’d they go? If it wasn’t safe after they got there, why’d they stay? Why were they upset to be cut from a team “heading the wrong direction”?! Why did Hannah break protocol during quarantine and be around others when they thought someone tested positive? Why’d Hannah stay an extra night after her cut if it wasn’t safe? Why’d Brennan refuse 2nd chance to skip to next year? Let’s get real... they just wanted to be on the show and not just on the team. But they didn’t show up prepared to earn their spot back, that’s for sure! #Bitter #Entitled #ExcusesExcusesExcuses
So the entitled attitude of the tank top and tennis shoe wearing Brennan wasn’t a rumor after all. (Despite what the handful of peeps in this forum would say) I’m glad she finally showed the world what others have been hearing. SHE “embodies ALL of that”..!? “Sad day for DCC” because the precious Brennan (and barely made it Lily) wasn’t going to be gracing the team with her “maturity”?! I would’ve cut her too. I wasn’t shocked at Hannah’s bad attitude, although her reaction was creepy and cold...but Brennan’s words were self serving and demeaning to her teammates who love the team and the direction it’s going because it includes them and they worked hard to earn their spot. If the dcc is so horrible, why were they even there? Stay home and move on. Too bad they didn’t take advantage of that vet one day audition or the pause button to come back with vet status the next year if they were really concerned or not feeling 100%. Instead they came into training camp unprepared, warned and cut. It happens, it’s life. Not everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. Always suspect when the only time you complain is AFTER you’re cut. SO if they HAD made it, then suddenly the DCC is a wonderful organization going in the right direction?? Um, Ok. Sadly they likely burned bridges to the alum sisterhood too. #TrueColors Lily’s cut was sad but agree with those who said she barely made it last year and it was time to go. This group of rookies came in hot and looking to take a spot...and they did. I would’ve kept Tori over a couple other vets too. Hoping Tori Ashlinn and Cassie come back next year.
I’m sure this will be unpopular but Kristin’s solo she posted is horrible. Just because someone WANTS to speak out against social justice (And most of us do!) and chooses a particular “song” to play, does not make a dance performance good. Kudos to Kristin for what she tried to do… some of her dance moves were good. But no one can say that she did the song justice. The judges reaction on the show was live and immediate after they saw it with the correct music. No conspiracies to taint Kristin...It just wasn’t good. This is supposed to be Show Group auditions, not a social justice performance art gathering. Also, like EVERY other dance on the show, they can’t use the actual music she used because of that artist’s licensing prohibiting them to do so, so CMT has to pick something else. What other music would you have chosen to go with such a strange solo??
It’s not so much that Brennan chose to wear jeans, but that she wore jeans with a tank top and tennis shoes with them. No effort, class or style IMO Lisa’s jeans were obviously more of a cute fashion jean (love em or hate em) with an appropriately cut blouse and shoes/boots. If Brennan had worn a cute, feminine blouse with a nice shoe with her jeans, she wouldn’t have looked so out of place.
I think there is an obvious difference between wearing nice jeans, cute, professional (acceptable cut & style) top and heels to a dance rehearsal where everyone else is in workout gear.... than wearing jeans, skimpy tank top and tennis shoes to a first meeting where common sense is everyone would be expected to be more appropriately dressed. No one is saying wearing jeans is a sin...but a 3rd year vet should know time and place. JMHO. That’s all.
That was Brennan that arrived in jeans, tennis shoes and a tank top to the vets 1st meeting! Pretty surprised she made it past the first day. A 3rd year vet should have better leadership skills and not just KNOW better, but WANT to do better. I heard she became arrogant...this just proves it to me.
Only one version of the leader board in episode 1. It wasn’t editing. The other shot was from a future episode / promo after some guest choreographers / solos judged and cuts.
I agree. Seems to have been a bit of the premature misjudgment on a few of the ladies. I know forum folks hate hearing it, but there are some really talented and likable TCCs this year. It’s making sense and I can see why 4 vets were cut.
Honestly, I’ve been to 2 games this year and this isn’t VK starting a sideline dance. Many of the girls do different big movements when crowd cheering. Savannah did almost the exact moves and Kelcey did a couple high kicks while cheering to the crowd when some girls were facing the field and some girls turned around to cheer to the crowd. It’s kinda nice to see they’re not robots where they all just do the same exact thing when the music is off but the crowd is cheering. They get to have moments of non-choreographed individual “cheering” style.
@lemonbus230 What makes you sure those stickers are all for show group? If Hannah didn’t mess up it won’t be on camera. I’m sure there’s camera magic , but it can’t create dance mistakes If you don’t make them. I’ve heard Hannah didn’t have the leadership skills and personality for a 3rd year vet, even if she was a good dancer, she was not an uplifting and motivating leader. If it’s true she wasn’t supporting the organization and being toxic to those around her probably because she saw the writing on the wall, what company in their right mind would re-hire her?
Wouldn’t the vets turn in their best video regardless of it was going to be judged or not??? I would. If not, that’s pretty lazy and unprofessional IMO.