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Everything posted by hathorlive

  1. I've always thought Jill and Joy seemed to process what happened to them a bit more than Jessa and Jinger. I think Jessa would sell her soul instead of letting her insta fans think her life wasn't perfect. But Jill and Joy just seem to radiate pain. I hope they are supporting each other during this time. It's a a tough situation. I'm sure they will feel safer if Josh is in jail. They will spend less time worrying if another little girl in the family is at risk. But it's still their brother. So many people are going to be affected by this verdict in so many ways. I just hope they don't take the burden on themselves. They did nothing wrong, even if Josh called Jill a snitch. Snitches like this NEED to be in prison. If y'all don't think Anna has banked his sperm, you are crazy. She's going to have babies even if baby daddy is in the big house. And I don't mean the TTH.
  2. But then how would you snark with us about the Duggars? Perhaps you should put a tinfoil hat on top of it?
  3. I think my router is plotting in concert with my beagles to kill me and raid the fridge. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at a router again without thinking it's defrauding me.
  4. If they really wanted to be clever, they would just report "misc. Duggar male" instead of even trying a name. Or perhaps "receding hair line #4"?
  5. All the other people that Josh knows were either on the sex offender register or in jail. It kind of limited the defense.
  6. Can someone please stab me in the ear for listening to WOACB? Hey KJ, I have a psychology degree, too. I've spent 17 years doing this job. I just happen to be really wicked good at doing computer stuff. I have all sorts of certifications that have tortured forensic knowledge into me. One of them, the CFCE, was a two week class, followed by 4 months of case work, practical's and questions that took me months to answer. There were NO degrees in Computer Forensic until recently. So, most of the senior analysts in this country don't have forensics degrees. And the certs you are making fun of are harder than hell to get. Yes, Michelle Bush is a lightweight. She doesn't have the degree and she's too young to have the experience. Yet here I am, an expert witness in federal court. Fottrell, the DOJ head guy, doesn't list what his degree is in, but it's not forensics. So please don't dis most of us to make your point that Michelle is a neophyte. Wait, he's not an expert? Is law and order not perfectly accurate either? My world is shaken. God, I'm exhausted. I can't even imagine how Joy feels.
  7. I'm doing the exact same thing here today. I'm using my knowledge to dis and snark on the actors involved. It's human nature.
  8. He's there because he gets to observe all the things he was taught in law school. Technique, jury reactions, judge's rulings, arguments for evidence. All of it. And it's relevant because he's related to the scumbag in question. If anyone I knew was going to court, I would be there too. There's nothing wrong with going to watch people you want to be like do their thing. And as for dressing up, at least he knows what is proper in court. If he's smart, he'd pass out some resumes while he's at it. Or maybe go study for the bar, lol.
  9. Well, I can copy and paste tons of stuff and pictures into a report and make it long. Doesn't make it any more accurate or succinct. The BS factor is high today.
  10. You need to STOP making sense right now. Because she could prove all of this if the router had been seized. Facepalm. Again. She's like a dog with a bone. I hope the jury is getting tired of her.
  11. I think he streamed it while it was being downloaded because he's too impatient to wait to see his sick porn. Or to check to see if it's the kind of CP he likes. Again, downloaded/streamed and viewed.
  12. I'm from the south, I expect doors to be opened for me and, in turn, I open doors for everyone near me. Good manners never get old fashioned.
  13. Double clicking means a .LNK file was created, which is die hard proof. None of this means anything. They just want you to know hackers are everywhere. We don't even know if Josh's router supported UPnP. We also have no proof that any other device was connected to it that could be exploited. And I thought Josh was too stupid to do this fancy networking stuff.
  14. Let me finish that thought for you, honey. Someone who was on the same network might be able to access the computer, if the computer was set up to allow another person to access it remotely, if UPnP was enabled. Example, my roommate and I have our devices on the same network. We have "shared" certain folders so we can dump pictures and files for our Silhouette planners into a common folder. I can't go anywhere else on her computer. It's tied to my computer and my data. I can't access her computer via a file share ($C) on a printer because that setting was changed a long time ago. Stop using scary sounding things to make up for your lack of knowledge. So, were there any UPnP devices on Josh's computer? What ports were effected? Any logs to back this up? I thought Josh was too stupid to understand things like ports...
  15. When I was on jury duty, the hold out was convinced to cave because it was 7pm and we had not had dinner. We indicated we were going all night, so we got the vote. You do what you have to do.
  16. I'm still trying to figure out why she's implying the partition may have first been on a Dell. A partition is literally a section of the computer's hard drive. If it were in another machine, Josh wouldn't have a functioning computer. As you create the Linux partition from the Hp existing hard drive, it has nothing to do with a Dell. The router is smoke and mirrors. I just wish they would ask her what data of hacking or remoting she expected to see on a device with no storage media? But DHS was stupid for not taking pictures of it and documenting what they "saw" in the settings.
  17. I was talking to my coworker about that yesterday. He's on a search of a 60000 square foot business with 7 other examiners. We both moaned about poor "best practices" but at the end of the day, the only "storage" the router has is to keep your settings for when the power goes out. It doesn't store any of the magical things she thinks it stores. And her bit about not being able to take the CP out to her own lab, yeah. No. We used to disable the USB ports on the computer in the examination room so that they couldn't try to copy the image file of the exhibit and take it out to work on it later. No one lets people check out CP like a library book. I expect nothing more from the loins of Tami Loehrs.
  18. I want to read her actual words in a transcript. but this is a hot mess. That's all we need the jury to take away. FYI, when you are hacked there are tons of electronic hoofprints all over your system, in log files and places you probably don't know about. It's why Cyber Defense firms like CrowdStrike exist. They then remediate your network and tell you who did what. So "logs" do exist, you just don't know where they are or didn't bother to look at them.
  19. Or Josh typed it in on purpose to be "clever". There are limitations within Linux username accounts but the _ isn't one of them. I'm glad they called her on that. And hopefully the Jury is saying "if she's wrong about that, what else is she wrong about?" to themselves.
  20. The sad thing is that in Digital Forensics, you either have decades of experience and training or a Forensics degree. She has neither. But then again, the entire company is there to BS the jury and lie. Again, the prosecutor group has an entire file on her and how they testify and what to expect if you are in court against her. Kudos to the cross examiner. He did a great job, overwritten logs my ass. Now all we need is for the closing to state that the USB drive is meaningless. The router doesn't capture data that goes through it, so it's meaningless, and that the defense witness backed up everything the prosecution said, there were CP files, they were downloaded during the times Josh was in front of the computer and they were viewed. It's real simple folks.
  21. Yup. We see it all the time. Or that it contains the wrong sex child. Or worse, you just downloaded something you already have.
  22. It's very different to learn by watching and using and understanding how the OS is set up, the structure of the file system and limitations governing user accounts, programs, and networking. She shouldn't have been given this case without formal Linux training on her CV.
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