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Everything posted by Taryn74

  1. Ack! Now THAT thought never even occurred to me! Maybe it's just me, but I always took the end of Existence to be direct confirmation that yes, Mulder is the father. Not only the sweet kiss while Mulder held him, but when Scully says that she named him William after [Mulder's] father.
  2. I know, it's so distracting! My niece dyes her hair like every two weeks it seems like, and I'm talking full-on dying where she has to bleach it out first and all, and her poor hair looks like that all the time. It makes me sad. But the kids nowadays (I sound so old when I say that!) don't seem to know that's not how hair is supposed to look LOL.
  3. Pretty sure that's the response they were going for, heh. Yep. Well, that's what I was referring to at least. Whether or not she does.....beats me. I never got into the debates that much. Honestly I never doubted that Scully knew the baby was Mulder's, she just didn't know how.
  4. Hee, I think the debate about whether or not Mulder actually mouthed something in DeadAlive (along with Scully doing the same in an upcoming ep - don't recall which one at the moment) was one of the biggest debates at the time. It's one of those things we never got a definitive answer on. On the one hand, it's XF so who knows, they do what they want to. On the other hand, since by this time they are pushing that we are all descended from aliens in the first place, and are thus in part alien, it makes some sort of sense.
  5. Yes to all of this! We can be unpopular together LOL. AB's facial expressions really are great. Three examples I always think of right off (and usually laugh hysterically when I do think of them) are Rory glancing around to see who's listening when Lorelai's singing her 'painting song' in TDDR, her expression as she takes in what Richard is implying about his and Emily's "reconciliations" in Come Home, and her pointed stare at Lorelai when Emily says a drunken psychopath took a stab at her seating arrangements in WBB. Heeeee.
  6. I really don't care that much at this point.......... SPCC and YBG
  7. Well, damn. Sidekick is pretty much the only episode this season I DO like. I guess now I'll have to root for 21 to make it, it's the only one left I can even tolerate. Dollhouse Gwen/Gavin I'm OK You're OK
  8. Hee! I faintly remember Salvage.....I think. Is that the one with the guy that his touch would eat through people's skin or something?
  9. Dollhouse, Perfect Dress, Paul Anka
  10. Godmother, because I hate both Lorelai and Rory in that one too much. The Beau stuff is hysterical though.
  11. There's times that I just don't understand how we're supposed to feel about Mrs. Mulder. I always assumed she was basically a good person, she just happened to get caught up with people that were not-so-good (CSM, and to an extent her husband) and didn't have an easy way out, but it dawned on me during my latest rewatch that she's just never painted in a very good light on the show. In fact, I've kind of decided that she and CSM were the real baddies in that situation, and Bill Mulder was the one that got caught up with them. It certainly puts a new twist on things.
  12. You're much stronger than I, then. I'm a mass of sobs by the end of Closure. The wonder on Mulder's face as he says "I'm fine. I'm....free" and looks up at the stars? Gah. Not to mention the pain in his voice as he tries to read Samantha's diary to Scully. And Scully silently lending him strength, as he shares the end of his journey with her. Yep, I could tear up right now. When this show gets it right, it frigging gets it right.
  13. So we've reached the stage where we go from most hated to least hated......LOL...... Oh wait, no, there's Sidekick! The bright shining spot in all the horridness. So my votes - AVV Godmother Slippin' Em Bread
  14. I always kind of assumed that the students chose the Valedictorian and Salutatorian, since it was a posh private school and (I assume) many of the students would have the same GPA. Lorelai even uses the term "named" Valedictorian when she questions Rory about it in HCTS.
  15. Yes, Scully stepped on the mushrooms also, the first time she went to look for Mulder. Which.....I guess ends up being the beginning of her hallucinations, so she never actually goes back to the lab or anything, does she? Dammit, now I'm confused again LOL. Here I thought I was getting on top of this one. Maybe I just need to go watch it again.
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