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Everything posted by Domoarigato

  1. Same! Just started watching three days ago after realizing Hulu is now included with Sprint. On to season 2!
  2. They should but using critical thinking isn't the masses strong suit. They'll usually believe whatever slant the media instills and their misleading headlines. At worst will base their decision on race, class, gender, education level, body type, career ambition, and adherence to social norms. The Richard Jewell case exemplifies this and currently has a movie in the making starring the same man that played Tonya Harding's bodyguard in "I, Tonya".
  3. She was convicted of hindering the prosecution of her abusive ex, not for hiring the “hitman”. Oregon prosecutors didn’t have the evidence to prove it or they would have.
  4. So then I guess we all agree that the entire point of this show is moot? It’s really a competition between two chefs and the actual contestants are just their crash test dummies?
  5. I think that frantic shouting from the sidelines is more due to the time clock for creating a sense of urgency/excitement for the television viewing audience. If they were granted ample time, say an hour cooking by themselves, and the coaches still watched on closed-circuit TV it would be bore us all to tears.
  6. So, in that case if she used a "cookbook" she didn't do it by herself either? They're still not making the dinner without assistance. I've watched a number of instructional videos on YouTube or followed a manual. Prep time nothwithstanding, the end product is mine and mine alone.
  7. Media manipulation is rampant in our culture and our willingness to provide fodder for it is no justification. It’s why the “fake news!” Mantra was born. I did not refer to anyone as an incredulous moron. I, myself believe OJ and Casey Anthony are both guilty of murder as I watched their trials and they both walked. Bottom line is there was no smoking gun to convict Harding on anything more than Hindering the Prosecution. The Prosecution settled with it because their evidence was weak. Tonya was the last red team person standing, which meant she did it “alone.” Coaching from the sidelines is to be expected. You don’t win on the least amount of feedback you require. It’s whose dish the judges would want to eat again.
  8. As opposed to all the other meals she had direct help making?
  9. Unfortunately, the media played these women against each other in 1994 for ratings and the public staunchly took sides. 25 years later. Not realizing they’ve been spoon fed exactly what to believe all those years ago.
  10. Did some of you miss the part of all the domestic violence she suffered at the hands of her husband? No, the media conveniently left any mitigating circumstances out of the original reports. She hindered the prosecution while still living under his thumb out in the middle of nowhere. The FBI would offer no protection. She still plead guilty and served her penance and shouldn’t be subject to a life in exile. Tonya won the competition fair and square, though I don’t doubt that Ann had a girl crush on her.
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