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  1. You forgot VK somewhere in there 😂😂😂
  2. I hope Christina retires
  3. VKs hair bothers me soo much. Like brush it. Or get better looking extensions.
  4. Has anyone figured out why there are 37 on the team yet? Who sits out of the dance if they still have the 37.
  5. Also I have a question. Are the producers rigging the show against the soloists? I feel like for the OG dancers they would always win and of course it was rigged but why not for the new ones?
  6. I feel bad for Sarah. All of this drama seems to be taking a toll on her. Like they used to show kids crying but I feel like Sarah should have no reason to cry and the other moms are doing it because the producers don’t give a shit about the kids
  7. I feel like every year there is a sacrificial vet who is cut. Not because the deserve it but is so Kelly can “prove” not all vets are safe. It has nothing to do with talent it is just to “scare” others or viewers who arnt educated on what happens on the team in real life.
  8. Sorry I meant Lilliana. I honestly get their names confused so much. yeah this episode was way to much. Like it’s not even like damn that’s crazy. It’s holy mf Abby and the producers are bat shit cray
  9. Ok so normally I can deal with the Abby bullshit but today to me was another level. Michelle didn’t deserve that and dangling the jackets for who did great in duos and not giving them out. Like not even to the winners (personally I don’t like ellianna) but still they did great and that was bullshit.
  10. Why did Maddie stop acknowledging Abby? Doesn’t she owe a lot of her fame to her?
  11. What was the holly/jenna fiasco?
  12. What do you mean my Ellianna being nuerotic? Other than the end of season 3 (I think) Kelly wasn’t to bad. I just think she was annoyed with Abby and the show. I’m also confused about the shift attitudes of the girls towards the end of their run. Can you elaborate? Thank you!!
  13. Any news yet on a potential cut?
  14. I always kinda thought that. The competitions had the same names over and over and i thought it was overkill that they would win. And once they started bringing in fans who cheered at the beginning, it seemed so fake to me. Since Maddie was the star, was she actually a good dancer? Is it known why Abby favored her more? does Abby still have normal classes like she had before she went to prison at her studio? Or does she only have that competition team now? Also any other interesting things about the show that made it fake or just behind the scenes stuff that would change someone’s perspective of the show? thank you for the answers!
  15. If you or anyone could explain how these dancers are better than the OGs. I’ve always wondered if the original girls were really good or if Abby picked competitions that would always rank them high. I have a lot of questions lol.
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