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Everything posted by HookEmHorns

  1. Unfortunately I think this applies to a lot of college sports. The sport always takes precedence and school is sidelined (no pun intended) so that the athlete can keep up with the demands of the sport. As great as sports are, it’s unbelievable the sacrifices and concessions we expect of college athletes in the name of winning.
  2. I know the Heather nude photo situation has been talked to death, but it was fascinating watching Cheer on Netflix and seeing how a different coach (still Texas, still conservative, with very high standards) handled the same exact situation. Monica Aldama immediately got the police involved and made sure her cheerleader got support and justice. Meanwhile, Kelli demotes one of their best ambassadors, who was probably terrified And needed to feel safe.
  3. This forum loves to talk about Gina’s “extra pops”, but I gotta say in both segments where they showed the veterans dancing, she stood out without any of those extra accents. She was CLEAN and sharp and precise and powerful and the camera went straight to her every time. Couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was beside Amy both times and there’s just no comparison. Clarity. That girl has got it.
  4. We talk a lot about seniority in terms of years on the team (which is obviously important) but I think we should also consider their actual ages when it comes to who they see as leaders of the team. I mean, Lacey was still one of the youngest on the team in her 5th year as a DCC. But JennK was one of the oldest on the team her rookie year. She was seasoned, with life experience, and a self confidence that only comes with age. She leapfrogged several girls more “senior” than her to become a GL her 3rd year. And Lacey still didn’t seem to I have the full reins of the team in her 5th year like Kash did, who had one year less experience. Perhaps years on the team don’t always necessarily define leadership.
  5. We’ll Gaebri Anderson tried our last year... so we consider her a legacy?
  6. After watching that kickline video with heather, I really think she is the best ambassador for the program on the team. She is so well spoken and poised. I would hazard a guess that if they were going to introduce any DCC to some important VIP it would be Heather. She’s the full package of you ask me.
  7. HANNAH HANNAH HANNAH!! That camera loved her. I feel like we don’t talk about this enough, but back flexibility like hers does wonders to these moves we’ve seen a million times. It’s feline-esque and so sexy. She is amazing!
  8. From Heather’s insta story it looks like they had Rachel W at point (at least at that point in the number) with Gina and Maddie flanking her. Could be wrong, it wasn’t exactly HD.
  9. Did they delete that video of the small group doing jump splits in Slomo that was so awful? I don’t see it anymore on either Instagram page.
  10. This is just not true. For example, Julia tried out 2 years ago right after graduating from UT. I personally know she was heavily recruited for months beforehand and was heartbroken when she didn’t make training camp. Then she tried out for DMD that summer because she wanted to keep dancing, and made the team. The idea that the DMD girls are spiteful or begrudgingly going for DCC is laughable. It’s many of these girls lifelong dreams and this year they had the chance to really go for it.
  11. Any way we could get a full show group list? Or perhaps which rookies/new vets made it? Thank you!!
  12. Amy, Maddie, Heather, Tess, Lexie, Gina, Alexis, Bridget, Hannah, Jalyn, Amber, Daphne, Ashlee, Caroline, Julia, Kat
  13. Idk I think the people they chose for Media days was clearly about looks. They picked a “bouquet” of looks as kelli loves to do. And they were all those that TPTB loves to show off in the calendar. Just the fact that Savannah was in the triangle convinced me that Media Days isn’t a big hint as to triangle positions moving forward. But regardless I am surprised Heather wasn’t in there for all the same reasons.
  14. On the topic of Gina, I honestly think a lot of us jumped to an extreme conclusion about her character based on one quick conversation. Maybe she was looking out for herself when she was first in TC, but it’s abundantly clear that isn’t the case anymore. She quickly corrected her behavior in TC and made friends. She seems to be invited to any social outing involving DCC girls, plus I don’t think there is a single teammate more supportive on social media. She is always commenting encouraging and uplifting things on not only her teammates’ posts but other women who’ve auditioned/are auditioning. I think it’s time to give her a break and recognize what the entire organization clearly sees in her. I can’t imagine what it’s like to make a bad first impression under incredibly stressful circumstances and then have it branded on you by a loyal fan base for your entire career, despite your accomplishments and personal improvement. I’m Team Gina and I hope her hard work and talent is recognized.
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