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Posts posted by Driad

  1. Are we sure that Rick is Alexis's father?  Alexis has so many talents, I sometimes wonder if her mother knew Professor Fighter Pilot Diplomat Spymaster Arm Candy from "Madam Secretary."  (Just kidding, Rick has talents too, even though we may not see them often.)


    The problem with the way JLM speaks is that he often goes down to the bottom of his register and simultaneously speaks very softly (and that's before you get into the fact that he sometimes mumbles). Mr. EB has terrible hearing so we have to crank up the volume for this show.

    Also difficult for viewers who have neighbors or kids, so we can't blast the audio.  I have to keep turning it up for JLM's lines and down for everything else.  Annoying, and makes it harder to concentrate on the plot etc.




  3. In the discussion of NPH's ancestor who was executed for witchcraft, NPH said twice that he likes magic.  "Magic" is tricks, sleight of hand, or now often special effects.  Many of the people (especially women) who were accused of witchcraft were healers, which probably made it easy for someone to say "She gave my child herbs that she said could help him, but he died, so she must have poisoned him."

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  4. "Pomp and Circumstance" -- when I was in high school in some previous century, someone had put words to it, starting with "My reindeer flies sideways, your reindeer does not." We sang that at rehearsal for graduation, but we were told not to at the actual graduation. Has anyone else heard these lyrics?

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  5. It has not always been standard for children to have their own rooms.  My mother grew up in a farmhouse with no electricity, no running water, and one bedroom, which belonged to the parents.  The kids slept on the couch, a cot, etc.  They may have had a screen for privacy when they changed clothes.  They couldn't change in the bathroom because there wasn't one, just an outhouse.


    More recently I have known families who started with kids sharing rooms but later did construction, e.g. to change three big bedrooms into four smaller ones.


    We don't know how many bedrooms the house has but it is a big house.  I like Ruby in small doses but not as much as we have seen her, so if she has put down roots in the guest room, IMO it is time for some gardening.

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  6. For George's sake I hope Mary made it clear that she would not pay for Henry's racing cars etc. Also that George will not get into car racing and off himself the way Matthew did.

    If they had to locate yet another heir, and it turned out to be someone in the series, whom would you choose? Thomas?

  7. Alex never heard of the Society for Creative Anachronism? The SCA was founded in 1966, and Alex had graduated from college before then. But still ... None of the thousands of contestants ever mentioned it before? Or maybe he was faking so she would explain it.

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  8. Baffles me that either Thomas or Andy thought it was a good idea to do their tutoring in Thomas's room with the door closed.  They could have chosen a visible but not-in-the-way place.  If anyone asked, they could have said that Andy doesn't read as well as he would like to, and Thomas offered to help him.  Someone might ask why Andy didn't ask Molesley instead, but "Thomas was the one who offered" might have settled that.


    20% of the parents do 80% of the volunteering

    Experience in my own family:

    Mom of 2: The school needs another volunteer for the field trip besides me, could you do it?

    Mom of 4: I have four kids, I don't volunteer.

    Mom of 2: With four kids, maybe you should volunteer twice as much as I do.

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  10. We were pleased at the mentions of the Necronomicon and the Arkham game, although when we looked it up, apparently the Arkham game has nothing to do with H. P. Lovecraft.  Always good to see Twilight Zone clips.


    I'm glad Spike is gone because I'm not good with faces and he looked too much like Ike.

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  11. This would be better if Howard had some degree of maturity.  Probably they expect we will find the situation hilarious.


    Rabies: from what I can find out, the animal can be observed for 10 days, and if it shows no rabies symptoms, Howard will not need the preventive shots.  If that is standard practice, there was no need to drop everything and race to the hospital.

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  12. Has it been established previously that Holt is not interested in basketball?  I hope this was not just "gay guys don't know about sports."  (I'm a major Holt fan but may not have seen every episode.)

  13. My NBC station, at least, showed this an hour early so I caught only the last minute.  Might have been nice if they had told some of the online TV schedule sites about the change.  Anyone know if the NBC site has episodes online the next day?

  14. Carson is a middle manager. Too bad he does not realize that a middle manager's function (as one told me) is analogous to that of a manure spreader -- to take the lumps that fall from above and distribute them downward as a fine nourishing powder.

    Mrs. Hughes, before she married Carson, had no retirement savings because she was spending her money caring for her disabled sister. Now I hope she can narrow her options to either "wife of cooperative understanding husband" or "financially secure widow."

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