171 -
1.0k Excellent-
We were definitely rooting for her to succeed. That meal with a salad serving bowl full of pasta and a half a loaf of bread would put me in a coma. I’ve never seen that degree of overhanging belly mass. Must be very uncomfortable. Once she started the program, the salads were very large with a river of dressing. It is clear she depends on food to dull her emotional pain. At 26 she’s got a chance for a much happier life and working through her grief would be a big thing.
26 months, or in Dr. Now units that’s approximately 9,360,000* calories. i wish the show would add a running calorie eaten meter. ——— “I’m Kavona and I’m DeShaun’s caregiver. I work with him Monday through Friday. I’m here to give him that extra push and motivation.” ”I’m making you sausage, bacon, waffles, and eggs.”
Good question. In our house I misremembered her name as Roxy and it has become a running joke. “Where’s Roxy?” ”He needs to go see Roxy!”
Journey? I wish him well. I truly do. But he isn’t going anywhere eating 9,000 calories a day and walking a few steps. I’m reading about the plane crash victims tonight. There is no God. Gary sucks up resources from everyone in his orbit while he eats himself to death and pretends he’s changed, and those poor kids died in an instant while working their butts off for their dreams. I’m sorry it’s been a long day.
Laying odds this does not end well. At least not from the synopsis. But of course we will watch.
Well then. Thanks you for sharing the upcoming show announcement. We are back! Have been keeping up with the (no longer thousand pound) sisters and family - off topic so I’ll stop there). A new year for Dr Now and new pounds to lose. Or not. I wonder if semiglutides will enter the picture at any point this season? Happy New Year all.
I think possibly he was on BP meds (noticed at one point he downed some pills as part of his daily routine). Funny though, we had the same reaction.
Hello fellow Dr. Now watchers. I almost never get to live chat during the show since we typically watch it after it’s been recorded on Monday or Tuesday night following. My eating habit tonight was four slices of leftover pizza. Right now I can relate to the pound participants because I’ve been having a little trouble maintaining the progress I made last year. And it’s the same thing when he mentioned the sugar high and the endorphins from food and the stress interactions I could totally get that. But my BMI is one fourth of the 133 BMI. I’d have you reach 1200 lbs to hit that BMI. I was torn watching Charles on this episode because he had flashes of self awareness and humanity yet I suspected he was going to be one of those ones in denial, and the whole set up there with paid enablers and the drugs around the family history were both red flags. Frankly it was hard to watch due to some very recent history involving a family member who lived up there and the drug culture that ultimately took the life of at least one person close to that family member. I was up there several times trying to deal with the aftermath last year. And dealing with other sketchy drug people in the process. So yeah it was triggering and I could recognize subtle signs. It all looks suspect to me because I’ve seen it. Functional addiction looks a lot like what you saw with family. I suspect brother and even Charles may have been dabbling in stuff although it could just be he was habituated to the kind of Happy Talk that you heard from him. Its classic addict talk. On the one hand it feels like it’s supportive on the other hand, he’s simply enabling while helping. Hard to explain, but I see it for what it is and when the chips fell, it was, he (brother) who did not want to go to Houston. That was clear to me. Brother was Mr. Supportive on camera but when it came to having to actually move, and he thought he might not be able to manipulate Charles, he had to come out strong on not going to Houston. Watch how he looks during that last call to Dr Now. Brother is giddy because he got what he wanted. Once Charles clearly decided to stay here he then reversed back to cheerleader and helper (and bullshitter). Moving is not easy in any situation, but think about the incentives they had to stay including housing support. Paid caretaker role for the brother, and probably probably food assistance. Not trying to run afoul of the forum guidelines here just noting the realities that they had things pretty wired and a nice apartment, and moving to Houston would disrupt all that and they might never be able to get back to that set up. I’m sure that was the brother’s calculus. About the bed situation. Why did we keep seeing a different bed in every scene? It seemed like sometimes the bed was double height on a boxspring, sometimes it was a bigger mattress on the floor, sometimes it look like a kid’s mattress. So what was going on with that bed situation? Confusing. Huge red flag when he did not make the initial weigh in appointment because “van wouldn’t start”. Yet they rideshare to get food at the grocery store, go fishing, and they later rideshare to the park to grill hot dogs they could have grilled in a frying pan at home? Then there was the paid tourism in Houston by rideshare. At some point I just felt like there was much more going on here than meets the eye. The brother felt very scripted and angelic on camera. Which reminded me very much of having dealt with addicts who give you a great story. Great story and let me tell you it’s amazing how they can lie. The Pacific Northwest is rife with meth addicts. The whole thing was very difficult to watch. The one highlight was when he actually did lose 73 pounds. But then that was squandered. I hope somehow he can sustain more weight loss and keep eating the healthy diet, but I’m not optimistic. Andv he needs to become independent of any paid enablers.
My eating habit tonight is two home made chicken tacos and a pint of Cherry Garcia for dessert. Well she’s a character. And I’m watching realizing my Dad was born in this here state in the Great Depression and somehow escaped to the army and a life in California. We like to try to guess the initial weight and the big factors are height, distribution on the body, mobility, and whether/where they can fit in the car. [PS - is the minivan the official vehicle of My 600 Lb Life?] I guessed 570 and won tonight. (564.6 actual). So we hear lots of happy talk in the first “test period” and doing the diet, exercising, etc but as we know “the scale doesn’t lie”. Well how about that! She stuck to the diet! HIGHLIGHT MOMENT - That joyful laugh right after she talks to Dr Now over the video call. Close your eyes. It sounds just like a turkey gobble! Well we aren’t quite live here on the west coast after dinner so I’ll stop here. So far a nice hopeful episode. Go Rose!
Also wrong thread - deleted. Sorry.
Posted to wrong thread-deleted.
This actually happened to my mom (her estranged mother took her) when she was a little girl. The “new” husband was a bad one. Not sure how but when she was eventually returned home to her father's family, she said it was like when Dorothy goes from black and white to color in the wizard of oz. PS I’m watching this on replay since I missed it on 3/20. My eating habit is leftover ham and home made potato salad. And king’s hawaiian rolls. Nom nom nom.
I hope she’s ok. Moderating and staying on top of the show schedule with all the repeats and supersized this and where are they thats and even incorrectly labeled guide entries (sling viewer here) must have been a big chore.
We kept saying “he’s not losing any weight”. I think the exercise might have been helping in maintaining the delusion. But just sad. Sad. If his weight doesn’t do him in, he really could benefit from the therapy with Dr. Paradise and he absolutely needs to leave the exo-womb of his mother. Finally. We wondered if his failing was a silent protest and push back against her in some odd way. “You Want me to lose weight? Ha! I’ll not do that then.” Then the whole bizzare atory about the wife surprise dropping him at the airport. Seriously? She must have been completely and totally done. This guy is so disconnected from reality. Again, long before Dr. Paradise entered the episode we were calling for therapy. Bonus thought - next time I’m at a drive through I’ll TRY not to think about whether the person working there has a staph infection and fungal funk on their body. And hope they wash their hands.
We looked at each other and said “sodees!” at the same time. Then later he made that excuse about “oh I guess maybe I DO need to not drink the soda”