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  1. As an attorney, I can comfortably say he didn’t commit witness tampering. DA told Shaw to try to convince his friend to testify. Shaw tried and told him that he’d be subpoenaed if he wouldn’t do it voluntarily. So the guy bounced. Like I said earlier, unless he helped him flee the country, Shaw did nothing wrong. He just didn’t go the extra mile by stopping his friend. They threaten witnesses every week. This is just the first time a witness figured out how to tell them to fuck off without breaking the law. Shaw can sleep fine at night and Nolan was just blowing hot air because he’s a snot who hates to lose. And Shaw knew Nolan was full of shit because he said “ok, go ahead and arrest me” and Nolan stood there impotently fully knowing he had no grounds for arrest.
  2. Right? When she and her husband mentioned going back to Iowa after the arraignment, Olivia is like “but we need you at the trial!” Girl, that trial would be 2 years from now in the real world! Let this woman go live her life. But in L&O world, you have 1 day after arraignment to prepare a case for trial. I’ve been watching old episodes and I really miss when Olivia was an actual cop and not some font of wisdom victim whisperer. Cragen was chief for years and he was never the victim’s bff during the cases. Maybe do your actual job, Olivia, and let the Victim Witness Coordinator that every prosecutor’s office employs handle the victims. It’s so tiresome and repetitive.
  3. I was perfectly fine with what Shaw did as far as warning his friend <shrug>. And that’s literally all he did— it’s not as though he personally flew him out of the country or concealed his whereabouts. Sure, the actor’s ex-wife was disappointed in the plea deal but her ex-husband laid down with dogs and got fleas. She should have been happy that Lady K was willing to enter a plea at all. And as for the “fight for justice”, the DA was willing to give complete immunity to the doctor who was distributing millions of dollars in drugs that were harming and/or killing people. So they can miss me with their staunch principles. God forbid a veteran who served our country and got PTSD as his thanks gets to keep his career and VA benefits. Shaw can call me to hang out any day.
  4. They also won’t bring Logan back because Chris Noth has sexual assault allegations against him.
  5. I would be happy seeing a woman as main ADA on this show (not Maroun— that actress is terrible). I can’t recall any season on Law & Order (original recipe) where the head ADA was a woman. Which is pretty bonkers for a show that’s lasted this long.
  6. So Price feels sad for the young white guy who jealously murders the guy his girlfriend loves because he's softspoken and part of a "sheltered religious society", but had zero conflict a few episodes ago about sending a Black man with zero criminal record to prison for life for murdering the man who was abusing and sex trafficking his daughter? Got it. I'm a big believer in restorative justice, but this wasn't the case. It was simply a bunch of people who were afraid to go against the pastor's family out of fear they'd be shunned. Really not that different than a gang case where fellow members won't testify against the leader/kingpin for fear of retribution.
  7. As an attorney who practiced criminal defense for 20 years, I’ve trained myself to overlook all of the legal nonsense in the L&O universe (arguing motions in chambers without a court reporter, trials happening a week after arraignment, lawyers and cops investigating cases DURING the trial, etc.), but lately they seem to be charging defendants with completely ridiculous “crimes” that just don’t make any sense. If you want to call it child endangerment, fine. But the murder charge against the mom is bananas. And no judge would rule that evidence of the mom’s state of mind is irrelevant. These charges require the state to prove intent— she has the right to challenge that. At that point I just shrugged and thought, “Well, she’ll win on appeal anyway so why bother with this.” The quality of the legal consultants for these shows has really declined.
  8. This episode was incredibly out of character for Carisi. And Finn. I guess that’s how they got Olivia to save the day and had a reason for the Olivia/Baxter showdown (which was barely a blip). They’ve had plenty of episodes about mental capacity to form intent or to consent to sex, but all of the sudden a pedo is a pedo is a pedo. This episode just wasn’t credible in the SVU universe.
  9. I was literally about to post that this whole show was Owen’s dream while he’s in a coma from 9/11. If 2 of us think this, we’re obviously correct. I mean, otherwise we have to believe in underground volcanoes in Texas and toxic clouds of death that simply… go away. Also, why are people looting if they’re all going to die anyway? #teamasteroid
  10. I must be an outlier because I find Hugh Dancy’s Nolan to be twerpy and unlikeable. The fact that the term “jury nullification” never came up in this kind of case is bonkers. And, sorry Shaw, but Olivia Benson would never. She would have made sure the defendant got straight probation and possibly a key to the city.
  11. They sell the Liferaft drumsticks in our local Whole Foods so I bought a couple for my husband and me to try. They were kinda pricey in my opinion, especially for the size— $5 for a single small drumstick. But they tasted really good and were a nice treat. Strangely, the wrapper said the bone inside was a “chocolate-covered” cookie but it was clearly a pretzel and the ingredients list called it a pretzel. So they may want to check their packaging more carefully.
  12. That primal scream from the poor woman who was assaulted was incredibly affecting. This show is usually more of a background noise show for me, but that moment got me emotional.
  13. This was incredibly stupid and just a way to highlight the Lt’s family issues that none of us care about. The defense could easily have just been that there wasn’t enough evidence to know whether mom or daughter killed the dean and so both of them walk free. I was a criminal defense attorney for 20 years and any defense attorney who passed the bar would not let the mom enter a plea when there was that much reasonable doubt as to both mom and daughter. Even if they each went to trial, the mom’s confession during daughter’s trial would cause doubt of the daughter’s guilt. And then when mom goes to trial, the defense can use the daughter’s confession to introduce doubt as to mom’s guilt (daughter’s confession wouldn’t be suppressed in mom’s case because neither the state or the mom have standing to suppress someone else’s confession). So, everyone gets acquitted So, all in all, this was just a ploy to make Maura Tierney feel bad about not loving her kid enough. So dumb.
  14. Chock full of nuts?
  15. I couldn’t take a guy named Chock seriously. My husband and I kept laughing that it was probably short for Chorles.
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